Unique Melody Mest

I love MEST2, it’s the best IEM I have ever listened to (once you manage to find the right cable and the right tips).
that being said, anyone can suggest a similarly tuned full-BA IEM? in my radar there are U12t (but I find it a little bit too aggressive in the lower treble) and QDC V14 (never listened to, but it seems to be interesting from the reviews). anything else?

Did anybody compare MEST MKII vs IE900?

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I would check out the Symphonium Helios. It’s not exactly the same in terms of signature, but it does a lot of similar things right on with an all BA set-up.

I think it’s a nice compliment to the Helios rather than just a similarity. It’s not as aggressive as the u12t, and is cheaper than both of the options you mentioned.


Thanks Sebastien, didn’t know the Helios must investigate :smiley:

Let me know what you think when you check it out. Perhaps we should open a thread here!

What tips do folks use to roll with either the MEST or MEST MKII?

I’ve been tip rolling and so far by sequence:

  1. Final E
  2. Dekoni foam
  3. Azla SednaEarfit Regular
  4. New Bee foam small chopped in half

Surprisingly Spinfit doesn’t do it for me.
Problem is if I’m understanding right, bone conduction is supposed to work best with the MEST in contact with your concha. So far besides the chopped New Bee foam, the others create a distant between the IEM and my concha. Looking for recommendations

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My preference with the mkII is either Xelastecs or the stock wide bore tips. Don’t hate them with any tips I tried, but those two give me the best balance IMO.

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I find the stock tips balanced too, unfortunately the sizes or shape or prob material just makes it awkward for a seal. The stock tips for some reason made me realize that my left and right ear canals are of different sizes, and both fall somewhere between the M and L size stock tips. Needed to adjust so much for a good seal or else there’ll be channel imbalance.

No luck there :sweat_smile:

That’s unfortunate; Final Type E can definitely benefit finding “in-between” sizes for different ear canals. I hope you find the ones that work best for you!

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None of the stock tips fit me. I ordered Xelento and they are good.

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tried a lot of tips, best fit for me are the Azla Sednafit light. I’m very happy with the Sednafit light short, but also the light regular worked well.
Azla Crystal are also really very good, but a touch too bright for my taste. I didn’t like the Azla Xelastec, way too bright.
Spinfit didn’t work for me, tried cp100, cp145, cp500.

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Was using the chopped New Bees for some time now, but noticed that it dimmed the bass and some clarity yesterday. Now it’s the Final E that brought the full package with a good seal, plus I think the Final E sands off a bit of the treble sibilance.

I use xelastics but pushed up as far as possible so there is minimal space between the nozzle and the outlet of the tip.

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anyone within the EU want to sell me their MEST MkII? :slight_smile:

To be quite honest… NO!!! :rofl: :rofl:
It is just too good to sell, but I understand why you want one :slight_smile:

MKI for sale…don’t know the seller

UK is no longer EU unfortunately. It’s not the distance, it’s the customs, otherwise I’d order it directly *exasperated EU audiophile sigh *

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Grabbed a mint condition Mest Mk2 for $850 inside Europe. So stoked. What’s a good pairing?A proper DAP or will I get most of the way to with a really good dongle DAC?


They’re pretty damn efficient, so power isn’t much of an issue as long as you have a clean source IMO.


I use them with BTR5. Very lovely sound.

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