Unique Melody Mest

But it’s 1255€

MusicTeck is 1088€ but used and probably + import fees

Hmmm, yeah I am not sure how much import fees cost for you. Up to you, if you’re not on a time crunch, email MusicTeck and see how much import fees would be

Oh I don’t even have enough money right now.

This is more thought to be a purchase in 1 or 2 years or so :joy:

Think I had to pay like €10 on mine - probably just a handling fee. Never got an invoice for tax.

That’s funny

Did You order from MusicTeck ?

And where do you live ?

Walt with MEST MkII.jpg


I know nothing about the seller but if you’re UK based this looks like a good deal :man_shrugging:


Phew! I’m safe. MusicTech were awesome!

Thanks for the warning.

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Got a pretty nice photo of my Mest MKII tonight and thought I’d share… Shooting on mirror can be challenging.


What is the best eartips for it?
I feel the stock blue stem silicone is nice,
better than spinfit,

What ever gives you a good seal, sound good and are most comfortable to you.

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Great photo of a great IEM.
Good job Sir :+1:t3:

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Thank you. Much appreciated. I do love taking beautiful photography of beautiful IEMs.

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Got my Mest MKII 1 hr ago and I am listning to my favourite tracks right now. Such a high quality IEM requires a high quality photo like yours, it looks very professional.

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Awesome! Welcome to the family. I consider the Mest MKII as “pro” sounding as “pro” can be. Detail galore! You can hear everything there is to hear, for better or worse.



Just wondering how the Mest MKII is compared to the Thieaudio Monarch, especially re bass as that is where they both stand out.
You are the only one I know of, who has both; can you comment on that?

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Yes, I can.

Both the Monarch and the Mest MKII I consider extremely good IEMs. Anyone’s endgame. The primary difference between them is tuning.

Both IEMs are extremely detailed. Because of the Mest MKII’s tuning, it has a slight leg up on the Monarch in detail.

The Mest MKII is tuned similarly to the Blessing 2. It is very neutral. It sounds extremely professional. Anyone wanting a pro/neutral IEM for music production that will allow the mixing or mastering engineers to hear everything, I think the Mest MKII would be a great choice.

The Monarch’s tuning in comparison has a huge sub bass emphasis with thinner mids and smoother treble. The Monarch is so amazing because it has so many drivers in it to actually pull off its sub bass shelf and retain slam dynamics and razor sharp details thought out it’s entire frequency response.

The Monarch’s treble is for my preferences complete perfection. It is perfectly extended and detailed while still being smooth, never harsh or sibilant. The Mest MKII on the other hand at times goes past this comfort threshold for me, but again, it’s giving you an extremely accurate representation of the music.

Are you a true audiophile and want to hear your music the way it was originally intended to sound, for better or worse? Mest MKII.

Do you want to be submerged into sub-bass madness with detail-rich super clear mids and perfectly extended/tuned treble with all the details you could ever want with no harshness or sibilance? Monarch.


I have the Oracle (as you also) and considered to get the Monarch also, but as I am not a big basshead, but just like a decent bass, I was a bit curious on the Monarch. The Mest MKII has more subbass than I thought, so I have to get used to that.

The Monarch thoughts are not gone, but I need time with the Mest, to see if I need another IEM with subbass at such a level.

My 4 overall most used IEMs are now:

Blessing 2, Dusk
Moondrop S8
ThieAudio Oracle
Mest MK II

After Crinicle’s last shootout in the $500 range, (where he totally kills the Dunu EST112) I may look more into the Variations, but I needed to hear how the Monarch is, so I can better make a decision, when I get to that.


The Variations and the Monarch are almost the same thing. The Blessing 2 Dusk is tuned extremely similarly to the Variations. The Monarch has less of a sub bass emphasis and the Variations has a little less detail than the Monarch. I think the Variations is the proper take on Crin’s tuning of the Blessing 2 with proper drivers to do it.

I did a long write up on both of them for a forum member in a DM. I’d be happy to forward along to you if you’re really interested in the differences or (Variations) between both sets. :wink:
