Unique Melody Mest

Learned lesson: iems that “need burn in to sound” good must be avoided.


How do you mean that? I was just about to buy burn-in device on Ali. Below 200h everything sounds shit and with stock cable, cables should cost at least x2 price of IEM since they’re the key part of iem sounding correct.



I may be in the minority, but I always burn gear in by listening to it. Waste not, want not.
I also feel that anything other than “brain burn-in” is close enough to placebo that I wouldn’t be able to tell a difference anyway.


Im not bashin burn in. Im just poking who justify shitty recs with “burn it in more”


You’re not alone. I used to worry about burn-in. Not anymore. I burned-in a specific headphone for over 200 hours (because the manufacture said it required it) didn’t sound any different than when I first listened to it.

I do believe in dynamic drivers needing to break in but seriously don’t worry about any of this crap. Just enjoy your earphones/headphones by using them. If the sound changes over time, then it is what it is. Life is too short to actually worry about burn-in. lol


Here’s my sum up after spending a day for tips rolling.

Tested tips: spinfit cp100, cp100+, cp145, cp155, cp360, cp500, cp1025. Radius Deeps Mount, EPro EP01, SednaEarfit regular, SednaEarFit XELASTEC, EBGVP W01, A07, BGVP Electric Blue “ArtMagic VG4” and Stock tips.

Selected 6 tips to recommend for mk2
From left to right

  1. Radius Deeps Mount (most expensive tip)
    Have a very unique sound signature, if you going for natural sound signature. This tip is not recommended.

  2. Sedna Earfit regular
    All rounded tips, good mid range with tight bass.

  3. BGVP Electric Blue “ArtMagic VG4”
    Bass and low-mids are detailed, punchy and dynamic. Midrange is clear with excellent separation. Vocal position is ‘just nice” Soundstage is realistically wide without sounding too spread-out.

  4. Spinfit 155
    With it long extended tips, it’s provide better insert and bass.

  5. Spinfit 360
    For those who wants less brightness for mk2.

  6. Spinfit 1025
    For bass head & soundstage lovers (most comfortable eartips, shortest stem).

Tested with Stock PW Audio cable and Shanling M3X.


How’s the graphene cable compare to the stock M2 copper on MK2 in terms of sound?

slightly better subbass extension, slightly better midbass impact, better highs extension and definition. (Xinhs Graphene 8).

keep in mind the above are only my impressions, and given how subtle the differencies are could very well be your experience can be different… also keep in mind the overall result will also heavily depends on source/tips. I’m using an iBasso DX300 (filter 4, gain low) and Azla Sednaearfit light (I have tried many tips, the Sedna light are for now my preferred, I will try also BGVP W01 and Sedna light short when they arrive)

I must say MEST MKII with the right tips/cable/source it’s really an endgame IEM. I have tried rolling with the other IEM I have, and jeez they seemed boring (I’m exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea), only one that can get close (but not reach) the MEST with certain music is the Oracle.


Just got my MEST MK2. With stock tips they are PAIN. They are too big for my ears. Never had that problem before… Do I need to try different tips?

The MEST MKII comes with many different tips. No?

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yes, 3 different sets of tips. But none of them fits me.

Another “tip” don’t play Russian Roulette :wink:

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Are there any other tips that have fit you well historically? When my MEST arrived, I defaulted to the Xelastec Small because I already had a pair on hand and they fit me well. I would note that I wear the Xelastec in small, while I normally wear Medium in every other silicone tip. If you haven’t tried going down a size, that may work for you [at least with the Xelastec tips].
Not sure of you have any available, but smaller Final Type-E tips or double/triple-flanged tips may help you get a tighter, albeit deeper, fit (which could improve comfort).


This man knows what he’s doing! MEST MKII has a deep insertion similar to the Mangird Tea.

I’ve been looking forward to your impressions. C’mon man! :slight_smile:

This is what works for me…

Lol give me some time! You already know how good it is, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the ‘why’ that is. Right off the bat, I can say two things:
First, it does something with staging that I have never heard in another IEM. ‘Immersive’ almost feels too simple of a label to apply.
Second, @Resolution was right about the bass on these; while it’s not QUITE at that Dunu Zen level, it is (at least from memory) right on its heels. It’s not overbearing in any way, but it has a tactility that’s unique. Not like a Bass Shaker, but you can FEEL the lows more than anything else I’ve tried aside from the Zen.

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Can try final E tips or spinfit cp155, so far this 2 fits quite good.


Yes, right?? Maybe its the bc :person_shrugging:

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You know I’m impatient as F…k especially when my bro is getting my favorite IEM! I’m excited!!!

I’ve given up. I don’t know why either. That special sauce is why it’s in a different tier above all other IEMs.

yes… Yes… YES… YES!!!

Exactly this! I’m explaining it like this now… The MEST MKII is probably the authentic audiophile replay most expect. For authority and slam, it is complete perfection. (to add, that’s not all the MEST MKII gets right either)

The Zen takes that slam slightly even beyond. It is the master of slam to the point where it might even go too far. That’s why it’s perfect for @luizgarcia lol!


same for me. neither the xelastec nor the “blue stem” stock tips worked well. after having rolled many tips, I have found the best fit for me with the Azla Sednaearfit light MS. I’m waiting for the BGVP W01 M and the Sedna light short, to try a “short stem” and see if they are any better. what seems working for me is a softer silicon rather than a smaller tip, if you have any very soft tip in your collection you may want to give’em a try.