Unique Melody Mest

which is better, 3dt or mini-mest?

What set are you refering to?


Oh damn, never heard of it :rofl:

No such thing as going too far when it comes to clean bass slam :slight_smile:


I won’t argue YOU on that statement. :wink:

I love my slam too as you know.


Any good news for finding the perfect fit for you?
Cuz I am about to go Crazy, and order the MKII?



I’ve never had any issues with other IEMs. Only MEST Mk2. Xelastec tips were fine, but my set came with 1 small pair and 2 large, no medium for some reason. I need m size.

what tips are they?

I should receive Xelanto tips from Beyer today. I’ve heard that they are really good. I will reply here with my impressions.

You mean thses?

I hope they will work for you!

Yes, please. I will be waiting for your feedback on them


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Like to hear some of your opinion

I’m hesitating to upgrade my M3X to either shanling M8 or cayin N6ii E02 or R01. As they have better synergy for mk2.

Can anyone point me the right one

Most of my genre are pop, edm, and retro.

The stock blue nozzle medium, Spinfit CP145 medium and Spinfit CP100 medium.


yes, those tips. testing them now. much, MUCH better than the stock tips. for me. but I need more time to see if they hurt.

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Soooo, my Mest MkII has been cleared by customs here. DHL says that the ETA is 20th but it looks like it possibly could arrive tomorrow. It’s in the country after all.

Now, I also have the Mele and Timeless ETA 20th.

If my Mest arrives first but not the other 2… Should I wait to listen to the other 2 first? Or what the heck, just go yolo the Mest?

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Xelento tips are the way to go. But I think I should better get custom instead of universal. MEST Mk2 are being inserted very deep compared to regular IEMs and if you have small ears it’s not gonna be comfortable.

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Oh don’t say it :woozy_face:

I am planning to purchase mine the next month… But well maybe won’t happen if they are in the big side, and the deep insertion will make me think twice, before I make the decision.

Have you tried these eartips?

Maybe they will work for you.

Thanks for the feedback. I do appreciate that!

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@Resolution wtf. Everything you said about the Mest was true!

Feels like I’m at the sound mastering desk listening to the final product with the engineer.

See you guys forever. Kthxbye