Unique Melody Mest



What sorcery is this? How can anything seem to sound perfect on this thing?

How can the already high quality Flacs that Iā€™ve heard hundreds if not thousands of times suddenly sound even higher Fi than they used to?

Also how did I miss details on these Flacs before? Magically Iā€™m hearing all these new sounds that I swear were never there before!

I kind of get it now why you talked about companion pairs.

How Iā€™d describe it is that listening to stuff via the Mest is like having a gourmet perfectly crafted meals prepared for you. You taste everything the skilled chef intended in perfect balance. Itā€™s not too salty, sweet, savoury etc or too little on the other hand. All the flavours are in perfect balance.

Sometimesā€¦ Well, sometimes instead of the gourmet creation, you just want a nasty greasy burger.

Thats what the companions are.


Ha ha! Take some time with your new toy and let your brain adjust to it andā€¦ Enjoy it! Let us know your impressions after youā€™ve had some time with it. Welcome to the MEST family.

Did you get an original or the MKII?

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I liked the higher quantity of bass on the graph. I get a little scared when there isnā€™t enough bass.

Also it seemed that many people I trust including yourself, @hawaiibadboy suggested that this was the superior model due to sound and importantly fit.




U areā€¦ #@*@$ I already spent a lot this month hehe


Whoops. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ha ha. Itā€™s OK. You can join us next month. :slight_smile:

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I am just joking with youā€¦

I am happy you like themā€¦ :blossom:

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Oh, yeah




Ha ha you are the queen of gifs



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This was my biggest shock when I heard it. I think you should have something else to immerse you or something more ā€œmusicalā€ if you own Mest.

Sometimes you just wanna chill out and jam, Mest is an overload of details and info. Great on every collection for sure, but you gonna need some breaks or start your day with ā€œlow-fiā€ :joy:


Iā€™m truly in love now with my MK 2 pairing with N6ii

Is N6ii warm or Clinical?

Towards warm. Warmer then R01. Whereas R01 is very natural signature

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Really a great combo in R01 with mest mk2. Very analog sounding

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Whatā€™s the recommended relaxing pair these days?

^^^ X2 Z1R = super fun, cathedral like sound stage, best bass texture ever oh and that super tweeter :heart_eyes:
Chill = OG Andro my go to for female centric/folk and laid back stuffā€¦5 BAā€™s nice, nice baby :sunglasses:
BOOM = Vega Single DD Hip-Hop EDM and D n B :ok_hand:

3 Dope sets is the way to goā€¦


Well, you need a lot of research for thatā€¦ Itā€™s not 1 trick poney. @Resolution can help you even better than me than I can since my sets are still on the way (Xenns UP and EJ07m, but I have heard 07m before).

For sub-700$:

  • If you want a analythical sub-bass monitor: Variations (or monarch but 200 more for closely the same)
  • Mid bass slammer with Bery for fun: Xenns UP (Havenā€™t heard, on itā€™s way)
  • All rounder relaxed and immersive balanced tuning: EJ07m, EJ07 (some people swear by the OG, I never heard it)
  • All rounder master of none, does everything good: Oracle (I wouldnt describe it as fun tho)
  • Treble-head with slam: TSMR Land
  • All BA: RSV, Dunu 6A6
  • Single DD: Tanchjim Oxygen, MD Illumination
  • Planar: 7hz Timeless
  • Budget fun: Mele 50$ no brainer.

Got more kilobucks to spend:

  • Z1R, U12T, Campfire stuff maybe (have no clue), qdc Anole VX

Got multiple kilobucks and want fun:

  • Elysian Acoustic Lab ā€œXā€
  • EE stuff
  • Oriolus Traillii (lol)

As personal opinion, Iā€™m working to have 1 DD (Oxygen - keeping Mele anyway as beater), 1 Planar (Timeless), 1 hibrid (Teas), 2 or more tribids (Mest Mk2 + EJ07m/Variations/UP). Later down the road might add a full BA to complete the full circle.