Urbanfun ybf-isso014

Not in my case. Both earpieces sound the same. I guess that if it was a QC case should be one failing, not both at the same time. Using silicones, foam is even worse. Don’t know what to think.

what music do you use? Most people I seen that dislike it use accoustic, orchestral or “old” music.

Pretty much what you said, I listen mostly to progressive rock, jazz. EDM is ok but voices and mids sound thin to me… EQ helps but I don’t know, I’ll give them some more time and try different EQ’s. It’s like I’m listening to a little bit bassier tin t3.

In that case I guess I can understand why you take the blon 03 instead. But just a bassier Tin T3? really not what I am hearing lol.

Found a pair of silicon tips that work better. From the 1more Triple Driver. These have like a silicone cross covering partially the iem mesh.

Problem solved. Found the proper tips and everything changed. Also using the xDuoo XD-05 + with them improved the sound.


all sold out

They are not sold out here : https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000926439962.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.3d807201vAkID8&algo_pvid=ae1b60fa-bdd8-4de6-aaa9-32a747c10bec&algo_expid=ae1b60fa-bdd8-4de6-aaa9-32a747c10bec-0&btsid=0ab50f4415884128256542876efa98&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

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Although they charge 10 more usd than normal.

Its a good update for blon bl03 for films and dance music?


Anyone that has blon03 and urbanfun…
Pls pros&cons.


Check my review on it. (although it was with the mesh modded blon 03)

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Received these today. How do I know if they are the good set?

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It appears you have the good set. The black box is the one you want to stay away from. Congrats! I love my Urbanfun.

All of the white box sets have beryllium drivers. It’s the older black boxes that have varied sets, including ones with a noble metal driver.


You dont,it’s all a crapshoot,people are going to tell you the packaging will determine whether they’re the good ones ,but you dont know if the DD is beryllium or another suck I know ,thanks China

Does anyone know if QC issues are still a thing?

Still a thing. As well as driver lottery.

Beryllium version is great though. Special IEM as far as I am concerned!

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