đŸ”¶ Verum One MK2

Yeah he appears to be a professional troll in his spare time, lol.
Not good for business.

When in doubt, claim ignorance! tbh though, I don’t know how anyone can apologize for anti-semitism and for ppl to be all right with it. At least he admitted that he f’ed up soooo
 take my money?

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It is a tough call. I was emailing back and forth with him. He claims misunderstood humor. Pretty thin

However, if I chose to never deal with people I think of as repulsive, be it for political, religious or moral reasons it would leave a VERY small market indeed.

If I don’t find some killer/must have deal by Boxing Day, I will likely be ordering these.


Head-if banned him, SBAF banned him and ASR finally banned him, all for a repeated racist posts.


^ this, I don’t let ideologies and petty opinions/beliefs get in the way of good products when it comes to business and sales. Does it make them a shitty person and/or company? Well, based on just being a general human being yes, but as a company no
 not less the product was awful of which Verum is quite nice and I like mine. Just my two cents on that matter. Quite a lot of bad people out there especially with companies
 you’d never own anything in this hobby if you picked at all of them for the stupid things they do and say


Sad but true lol.

I support people I respect, I will never spend a dollar, to anyone who is outwardly racist.
How much restraint does it take to communicate professionally, when you represent a company.


And that’s your choice to do so, it apparently takes a lot, because he’s definitely not the only one for sure, unfortunately, won’t be the last. It’s a bigger ordeal because well, he’s a small one man band operation over there. Then again, a lot of countries have issues with other cultures, foreigners, skin pigment, etc. as well
 so the hate band wagon digs rather deep. I don’t think it takes much restraint but then again, people don’t typically care more often then not. It’s unfortunate. I don’t support him if he’s spreading racism, but I will support the product itself as it’s not bad by any means.

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He is the product by buying it you support him.
At least do yourself the service of finding the offending posts and the earlier ones he claimed were from an “employee using his account”.

I don’t really need to do such a thing, as it would be a waste of my time. I will take what has been said for granted and as some personal insight if I decide to happen across another product of theirs
 in the event I may or may not want to buy from them again, which in that regard highly unlikely

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I think that a big part of this is all the keyboard warriors saying shit online they wouldn’t dare in person.
And in the last couple of years, for obvious reasons, people have been much more openly racist. Some for real and some just for shock value.

While I would like to always take the moral high ground, or at least my version of it, it could be a pretty lonely place to be. :grin:


 I’m still calling these Nazi cans, or the V-1 MK2 Wunderwaffen. Nazi cans for short.

Sad to see something like this going on and to see people put up to this kind of thing. Lonely place or not, for my ancestors, this guy is never having my money.

It is something of a ‘separating art from the artist’ thing. I still listen to Michael Jackson songs, but I don’t watch Roman Polanski movies anymore. I don’t know if it’s a matter of severity or just a matter of whether they let their beliefs/actions interfere with their work.
The unfortunate truth is these last years have only revealed attitudes (I wouldn’t even call these beliefs) that were already there, as members of the Jewish community will tell you. It’s highly likely you’re already buying stuff from people you would find repugnant, you just don’t know it.


Pretty much, yes.
Podcast discussing that to an extent

Anyone here listen to Ride of the Valkyries? Richard Wagner was very racist.

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 I missed most of this when it happened. Not a lot of participation on other forums. I did see what I thought was the original dust up, where I thought the guy was badly misinterpreted — though also stupidly unaware of how he sounded. But I see there were some awful follow-ups
 many in emails to customers.

Very sorry to see all that. I thought the major criticisms were altogether different (like in the Max Settings review of the Verum-1, where he talked about pricing practices and little else).

I wouldn’t call the guy a “Nazi” though . That’s a pretty specific word that I’d keep for more specific sorts of political views (which include antisemitism/racism, yes, but more than that, besides).


False equivalence.
Wagner is dead he receives no benefit from you buying the album or streaming it.
The Verum guy receives direct compensation from you if you buy his headphones.


You can always buy used if you want to try but don’t want to give him money. :man_shrugging:

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But then you’re giving money to a Nazi sympathizer
 it all comes around!

Lol, not everyone knows everything about the creators of the products they buy. People died in the buildings your shirts, or even Apple products, were made, and your coffee is protected by militias who shoot on sight. But yeah, words on the internet. You can still buy, or rent, Mein Kampf, or Marquis de Sade books, etc., at your local library. Burn it down then? Because they’re sadistic “nazi sympathisers” ? Verums have been for sale for one or two years now and we just started to hear about Garuspik’s
 mistakes. A lot of known headphone reviewers have Verum Ones (MK1 or 2). So yeah, anachronism.

TL,DR: Not my fault if Steve Guttenberg looks like Adolf Hitler to you :laughing: