Videogame Music Thread

Highly underrated nier automata prequel

Some quality Genesis tunes

Some of my favorite game soundtracks in recent years have been Axiom Verge, Ori and the Blind Forest, I Am Setsuna, Offworld Trading Company, and Frostpunk. Samples below:


its closed off…

Another Classic.

Though this never was part of the OST. They chose the best version.

Ave Maria as heard on Hitman: Blood Money (2006)

I was never that impressed by videogame soundtracks, just took them in as part of the whole experience and left them behind after finishing the game. Two things have stuck with me though:

The WarCraft II (base game) soundtrack is my Reference for what medieval war game music should sound like - still enjoy listening to it today.

Some of the '99 Unreal Tournament tracks are great music to do any fast-paced high-focus activities to, e.g.:

Gonna cross-link this post here because relevant: "Well recorded" music thread

darren korb is an absolutely great composer also has a great voice.

love the style of the bayonetta games especially in the music.

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I second the Xenoblade II and Ori and the Blind Forest OSTs. Those are really well composed and comprehensive albums, they don’t just have like one track that is good and the others meh. Forstpunk OST is also good, but only the “Main theme” and “The city must survive” felt really good.

Although I heard nice stuff in your videos with “I Am Setsuna” and “Offworld Trading Company”, I will take a look at the rest of their soundtrack.

A large part of my collection is made of Game OSTs, so I can offer a large number of recommendations as well. Some of them:

Starcraft 2 OST - you can really tell they used a big full orchestra for this album

Destiny 2 OST - many great compositions

Horizon Zero Dawn - great mix of percussion tracks (they used a percussion group) and emotional tracks

Alone in the Dark OST is really unique with the Bulgarian singing :smiley:

Tree of Saviour OST

And these are just a few, game music is one of the best mediums to listen to these days.

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I’m going to be that guy and say…Witcher 3

World of Warcraft - Taverns of Azeroth

World of Warcraft - “Seasons of War”

TPR - FA Melancholy Tribute To Final Fantasy X - A Fleeting Dream

TPR does amazing game arrangements – lots of Square Enix.

Two of my favorites:

Half Life 2

The Last of Us

Also going back awhile. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault composed by Michael Giacchino. He has gone on to compose numerous recognizable film scores since (Star Trek, several MCU movies, the Jurrassic Worlds, Planet of the Apes, just to name a few).

The Rocket League soundtrack as well as the Witcher 3 soundtrack are my go to video game soundtracks atm. Like discovering Hollywood Principle was great from RL.(Seeing Whats Next :heart_eyes:)

Here are two that I always play to test a new piece of gear out with.

I see Nier and Nier: Automata have been posted so why not try these.


Metal Gear Solid series soundtrack is awesome, but the PlayStation 1 MGS holds a special place in my life.
And Final Fantasy series.

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Quake 1 is great
You can get the CD rips hear
(I promise it’s safe, just don’t click anything suspicious on the download page)
Spaceplan is also very nice (great bass imo)
If you love metal, check out Andrew Hulshult
He also did some nice atmospheric music for Amid Evil
All of his stuff is on Bandcamp or free

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One of the most overlooked Gameboy songs

Was thinking of this song the other day. It was awesome to experience in-game, I need to do it again now with hifi-battle station.

Bioshock Infinite HD - Goodnight Irene