Enjoyable listen. I recall when it released last Summer liking it enough to ‘add to my library’. Revisiting today. It’s a solid album. Singer/songwriter/Country/Folk, sure.
Going to check this out - thanks!
Somehow never payed much attention to this Falco Album which was released after his death, even though i got it on CD…i was a kid when i bought it and am rediscovering it now, very nice
Wallners - four siblings that would never have agreed to be in a band together if they didn’t grow up in the same household.
It’s a reductive (in the best of ways) music day here:
Hiby R4 balanced Ziigaat Cincotres
Really nice tune matching the beautiful scenery and mellow atmosphere in the back of the van, classic stoner moment
This goes straight to my chillout playlist
Good one! Dig that picture. Like a mini-‘wall of sound’ and a Paramus NJ swap meet all at the same time
Van: My favorite things, not limited to but, include Starlink (3 years now before I knew what a dick Elon is), Qobuz and Radio Paradise. Close to 400 nights, not full time, more like 1/3 time. Highly recommended.
Man, it was like you were charting my impressionable years. I was 15 in '76, young dumb and full of - well, you know! All these records were a big part.
I am 5 years behind you
Later in life I’ve reconnected with a handful of people I used to know and many of them told me I strongly influenced their music choices through life
(answer to deleted post deleted by user )
Overlooked album from 1998. It’s one thing to call yourself Americana. Unfortunately, doing so almost guarantees that you are not.
Either your name is Geoff Ginsberg, or you read the same review of this album that I did: AllMusic is being updated. | Music Search, Recommendations, Videos and Reviews
Thanks for this record tip, though. I love this genre and never heard of this album. It’s good!
Haha, yeah I just lifted it
In house for proper listening is Dunu Da Vinci - so far fantastic for badly recorded 80s music and bright glare filled rock with deaf people at the mixing board. They are nicely warm, energetic down low bringing the balance way closer to enjoyable for me…may be worth a keep just for that ability though I think it’s a pretty good all-arounder too if you don’t mind a healthy dose of bass.
Only real downside for me so far is the inner chambers feel sealed causing everything to become microphonic, the cable, my jaw…tolerable/ignorable but probably not great for long sessions. There’s a vent but I read it was only for the outer side of the dynamic drivers.
Yeah, these aren’t going to stay. I can hear every little movement of my cervical spine! It’s like the drivers being vented to the outside only has caused them to act as transducers for bone conduction. I do like the sound, yes bass heavy on some tracks, but I can’t stand the hearing every single bodily movement.