What are you listening to right now?


Lo-fi picture for an OG lo-fi band. Love 'em.


I was introduced to The Human League when Dare released in '81 but Reproduction and Travelogue are still their best in my opinion.


It’s been awhile since I’ve spun this single mic recording. I wish more artists would simplify their production. I like the sound of the space…the voices are good but not stellar in my opinion. Good but not special.

I do like London Grammar but some of their studio recordings clip in just the wrong places (should never be allowed to happen but it does during Hannah’s key high notes) and their live recordings leave a lot to be desired but her voice, dang.

Another is Sylvaine. At just the right mood her voice puts me in a trance, in a good way.

Loreena McKennitt can do it sometimes too.

Any other female vocals you recommend?

The Dunu Da Vinci sounds like a solid choice for those old-school recordings, That microphonic issue is a bummer though, especially during long sessions! Have you tried any cable mods or tips that might help with that? Might be worth exploring if you’re planning on keeping them around for a while.

I’ve not used the stock cable as I have one I like and is rarely if ever microphonic with the other IEMs I’ve tried. I’ve swapped tips and it remains. Time will tell if it’s a bother or not.

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I can never go wrong with Annie Lennox. My favorite female vocalist.

I also love the harmonies of Plains.

I was thinking other ‘haunting’ female vocals, not like Applewood Road harmonies. Loreena has some good ones from 30 years ago, Hannah Reid is about 10 years on now, I’m looking for the next one to take the position. The unknown/little known and probably will never been ‘big’-type, popular, voice.

Sylvaine has a single EP that I enjoy. Just her with a few backing instruments. All her other work is death metal stuff I require very little of.

I like some Dido but find her range limited. It all sounds the same after a while.

Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance has some good female vocal through the years. Enigma as well. Goldfrapp is OK but too much rave/trance often. Enya is too, well, too Starbucks CD sounding anymore.

Amy Lee from Evanescence is truly haunting but I struggle to enjoy the band. Bring me to life is a standout though. She started this band at 13!

Elizabeth Fraser from Cocteau Twins is good but not much output for since the late 80s. She did Teardrop with Massive Attack. Lots of collabs…

Oh, I almost forgot Agnes Obel. Unforgettable.

I’m not a fan of Annie. She’s right in my sensitive, bitchy, female hearing damage range :dizzy_face: Same for Kate Bush.


Me neither but I did see her in the Tourists while at collage :+1:

Lizzy Plapinger

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Staying on theme

That bass groove is really good, first track

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Got it! Sounds like you’ve tried most of the usual fixes. Hopefully, it doesn’t bug you too much, keep us posted!

I’ve decided it does bug me too much. The Dunu Da Vinci are fun and the bass kicks nicely but the feeling of hearing my neck and jaw move or creak (I’m 58 so I creak) is too much. There are too many other great IEMs to tolerate this…for me anyway.

Next on my list are:

Softears Volume S - Excited for these, sometime next week.

Simgot EA1000 - Nah, way to upper mid/vocal forward for my taste. Crinkley treble.

Letshuoer S12 2024 Edition - hoping the rose gold isn’t TOO much. Not, they sent the S08. Direct from Letshuoer store on Amazon too. Lame.

Aful P7 - Really, really impressed with these out of the box and the next day. Just sounds all very right. Nothing out of place. Nice energy but also relaxing.

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This artist has potential. I’ve read much of her work is metal but this album leans more towards Scandinavian traditional folk. Definitely has a metal backdrop vibe that is cool.

Ah, got it. Then Zoe Johnston is your jam. She’s been around awhile but still is INCREDIBLE.


Thanks, I’ll check her out. At first glance I thought you meant Zoe Keating. She’s good too but with a cello.

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the only listenable track on the album and it’s last.