What are your other hobbies?

Lifting (dont know if this is a hobby… more something that has to be done), music, photography and some gaming every now and then.


Im really not that active with my hobbies (used to find more time for them before), but i do like photography (did a bit of motorsport photography earlier, very much amatur stuff though, but lately it mostly of my mums dog as i help her out by walking it and taking pictures for her to see :stuck_out_tongue: ), gaming (mostly racing sims, and the occasional Battlefield sessions). I do follow motorsport on the TV (F1, motogp, indycar and whatever i get coverage of). I also do watch a lot of tv shows and movies (but not sure i could categorise that as hobbies).

In my younger years i did do a bit of GoKarting with a few mates. We owned a 100cc 2stroke ICAjr kart (28hp or so, geard to top out at a bit over 120km/h) that we ran at a local gokart track for a few years. I later bought a 125cc Rotax Max to run on my own, and i had for less than half a year before it got stolen. Sad thing was that it was not covered by my insurance as it did not get covered under “sporting equipment” on my house insurance (as i stupidly assumed it would be). So that ended my gokarting days, as i didn’t want to spend the money on a new kart right away, and never got around to buying a new one later. Not too late though, and im probably hitting my midlife crisis soon, so there still is opportunity for that to materialize…

Had a road trip to the Nurburgring in 2007 combining the interest for photography and cars/motorsport, and managed to get a picture of the Lexus LF-A before its production started… was pretty stoked about that (though not its first outing on the Nurburgring, but at least i had not seen it before it appeared out on track when we were just waiting for the track to open for “tourist laps”…
IMG_9829 by Knut M. Helgeland, on Flickr


From my XBox Profile:
Caving, Canyoneering, Exercise, Gaming, Guns, Music, Photography, Programming, Scuba

Various hobbies tend to fall in and out of favor on very long time scales. Music (HiFi, etc.) and Gaming are currently in the spotlight. Exercise and outdoor adventure stuff is in the icebox. :upside_down_face:

Gaming for me = achievement hunting on XBox platforms (i.e., consoles + achievement-enabled Windows games). Kinda play everything, but I like variety, which has pushed me away from doing many longer games lately.

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My whole job is nonstop learning (I do verification of digital designs). I read thousands of page of technical documentation, which has taken the joy out of sitting down with a book for pleasure reading. I occasionally dig into various topics online, but mostly I prefer gaming for the interactivity. Can’t slow down. :slight_smile:

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I’m just now starting to dip my toes into this hobby lol
But others are painting, reading, American college football, rollerblading, music (of course), dungeons and dragons…


Chewing bubble gum and listening to music, and I’m all outta bubble gum.


Put these sunglasses on! :facepunch:

I’ll go listen to john carpenter ost’s now

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20 characters…


Converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.


That’s what I mostly do as well… :wink:

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Has anyone picked up any new hobbies since the lockdowns started? Not having commutes or get-togethers seems like a perfect time, especially with so many getting laid off.
My job’s not in any particular danger but I decided to finally learn how to use 3D modeling software and digital art with Blender and Krita. Luckily I’ve had a cheap graphics tablet lying around for a while. Just gotta remember, start small and fail upwards.

I got back into reading, I study philosophy at school but reading lots of stuff I haven’t been taught has really broadened my horizons and I can’t get enough of learning this new stuff. It’s so fascinating for me

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I’d recommend Bertrand Russell’s ‘The Will to Doubt’ or ‘The Problems of Philosophy’. He adds a lot of humor to his work while still managing to be one of the pre-eminent philosophers and logicians of the 20th century.
I would say Wittgenstein too but that’s like reading a brick wall of confusing sentences.

yes I have read a lot of Russell as well as Wittgenstein, I prefer to stick more to free will or ethical topics with people such as Nietzsche, Descartes, Locke or Bentham instead of the logical positivism of Russell, Ayer or Popper.

You dirty rationalist, you.

Metaphysics never ceases to amaze me with stupidity

I’m mostly into football (the European kind), a bit of gaming and I fancy 3D modelling in blender, though I still suck at it big time. In the summer when there are no electronics near me I fancy writing, which I also happen to suck at :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m trying to come up with little models to challenge areas I’m not so comfortable with like using loop cuts without creating lots of unnecessary topology that breaks things later. Clean topology is definitely something of an art in itself. Right now I’m trying to create the Utah Teapot (the Russell Teapot if you will).

Race simulator ( triple 32" curved screens, full race cockpit with T5v’s and a sub) Reading ( mostly WEB Griffin although I have and read all the complete Louis Lamour collection), working, Music (approx 350 cd’s burned onto a drive) Computers, Echo devices and if its tech I am interested. Camping when I can. That pretty much fills all 30hrs in a day!!


This isn’t going well. On the plus side I figured out how to make a door knob.Untitled