What did you buy today? (Part 1)

Well we all have our peculiarities Marzi. For me its red. I’m good with blue and green. My little buddy RNHP shines so brightly i dont need a night light anymore! =D

No light for the win…I have ears and an ounce of common :+1:

well yes…however, it’s nice to have an indicator when something is on. it sucks when there are still idicators for something else when everything is off. my ENOG2 has a couple lights inside it…but they never go off cause there’s no power switch. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You have to get Yaxi Pads for full Porta Pro bliss. :+1:t4:


yeh…I still haven’t done that. want em for my PP’s, KSC75’s and KPH30i’s.

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Yeah, I’m familiar with them. They have a nice lineup of offerings. The Violectric stuff in particular as the V281 is probably my end game solid state amp.


Used ZMF Eikon Paduak on the way :slight_smile:. My current headphone endgame for the foreseeable future for relatively cheap. Should be here by Monday. Grabbed replacement pads/headstrap just in case.


Pretty damn sweet, curious to see what you think about it :+1:


So what made you decide on the Lake People amp?

What do the Lake People amps sound like?

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You would have to ask the Lake People for that question


I almost bought that pair :slightly_smiling_face:. Congrats, it has the mag chassis as well. Real good deal :ok_hand:

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Many reasons. Lake People and Violectric are used by many different recording studios and engineers. German developed…I’ve had a good track record with German made/developed products. I also like the specs, as well as the reviews I’ve read and feedback I’ve gathered. I also particularly love the understated black look and serious nature. It doesn’t look like a leprechauns lucky charms or something made by Fisher Price. I like my gear to look like it could launch a nuclear weapon, lol.


Very clear and precise as studio equipment usually sounds like, some would say cold and boring. In addition there is a lot of power and low output impedance.

The craftsmanship is simply incredibly high quality.


The cold and boring look appeals to me. It screams “I mean business”…just the way I prefer things to be, lol


The only odd design decision I found looking at them is the source-select switch of the G111 being in the back of the unit.


If you tryed to connect a nuclear device to your headphone amplifier you don’t want to run the risk of using the wrong input. - German engeneering in a nutshell



Niceee, curious to hear what you think, also I hope your pads go on in one go lol

Coincidentally the Eikon lambskin pads arrived today shortly after posting the above. Props to ZMF for the fastest shipping I’ve ever seen 0_0 . Decided to say fuck it and threw them on the DT 770s. Oh my fucking god they make these things much better (after a little bit of headband bending fuckery to make them seal). Now the 770s actually have a bass presence, the response feels much more balanced, the treble shenanigans feel more under control, and the comfort went from damn good (with the stock pads) to stellar.

Would highly reccommend getting these for the 770s. If they had just shipped these with the 770s I would be quite the happy boi.

Edit : Actually, these just completely changed my opinion of these cans. I’ll be listening to these for the rest of the day lol