What did you buy today? (Part 1)

Have you looked at kennertons offerings? They have some nice planars.


Did do you try any of the Audeze official presets?

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These just came in about an hour ago. I used to have a pair of these but I sold them to my Dad recently and have been missing them ever since. Was able to find a good deal on a used set on eBay and jumped on the opportunity. They’re definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but I love how natural they sound. Probably the most natural sounding IEM that I have heard (to my ears anyway). They’re warm, relaxed sound is great for long listening sessions and for listening in bed when you just want to drift slowly to sleep. You could wear these all day without any fatigue and they’re also very comfortable with the Final E tips.


Nice, I’m still missing my E3000 that unfortunately broke after a year of use. I really want to try the E5000 one day, but I can’t help but feel paying four times more than E3000 is too much. Maybe I should look for a used deal as well.

The comfort really is great with these little things.

That is unfortunate! I’ve always wanted to try the E5000 as well, although they are a little on the expensive side. I’ve only ever heard good things and the darker, warmer sound signature certainly intrigues me. I’m not sure I would enjoy it as I already find the E4000 to be pretty warm, but it would definitely be interesting to give them a try. I’ve heard the E3000 are a warmer/darker version of the E4000 so that may be a cheaper way to try out the sound sig and figure out whether I like them or not, but they seem pretty similar to the E4000 from Crinacle’s FR plots:

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I haven’t heard the Aeolus, but I have heard the Auteur as my friend owns one. I also own an Atticus that I enjoy a lot.

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I actually haven’t…that is something I need to look into for sure.

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Nice Looking TUBA!! Its an excellent amp!


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Out of curiosity what made you go for the Atticus over the Eikon? I’ve decided that one of those two will be in my future, since I’m looking for closed cans with a signature in the realm of the Audeze LCD 2. Actually spoke to Zach about it and he said both would fill that and mentioned some of the subtleties.

Would be great to hear your opinion on it.

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At the time, I owned a TH-610 which had a biodyna driver. The eikon have a biodyna driver as well. Figured the Atticus made more sense.

The main difference between them is the Atticus is more mid-bass focused, whereas the Eikon has better bass extension and a more linear sound. The Atticus are a fun sound with a minor U shaped signature, whereas the Eikon are a more linear neutralish signature in comparison to the Atticus. Both sound fantastic and it wasn’t an easy choice.

If you are looking for an LCD-2 type signature, the Eikon is what you should look into, imo.

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It really is. The RCA 7189 tubes I am using on it take it to another level, imo.

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Thanks man, a lot of the same things that Zach said when we talked. Glad that I have a great choice either way.

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Took delivery of an xDuoo TA-20 hybrid tube amp and some Genelac Gold Lion upgrade tubes yesterday. This is my first desktop headphone amplifier.

Connected to my Mojo/Poly combo for now so I can access content over WiFi from Roon.

I have an SMSL M300 MKII DAC coming next week though, so I can go balanced. Will use my old iPhone 6s as a dedicated streamer/Roon endpoint. I decided to go with the M300 because I wanted a black colored DAC that would match/pair well with the xDuoo.

Using Sendy Aiva’s and my Nighthawk’s (my only cans for now :wink:) with this set up. After only a few hours of use, I have to say the TA-20 sounds great!


Is that a Hart Audio cable I see?

Yes it is. Ordered the XLR end too so I can connect balanced to the TA-20 :+1:


IMO it’s one of the most underrated amps there’s been. I love mine and the there are fantastic tube choices out there for it. Enjoy it. Going balanced in is the right thing for it. I have a Geshelli Enog 2 going into mine.


My nighthawks arrived today, really enjoying them so far, although this cable is really annoying me already.


What you are left with is a neutral headphone that has no character.

Isn’t that what the LCD-X aimed for? Unless I’m mistaken, I thought they were aimed for studio/pro-audio use presaging the LCD-1. If that is the case, then it would make sense that they have a flat-ish response. Still, for Audeze cans, particularly the LCD-2 and up, we almost expect a flat FR from the mids/lower-mids all the way down to 10kHz.

More than anything else, the supposed unit variability with the LCD-X put me off from auditioning/buying them.

This arrived one day earlier than expected. Can’t quite use it yet but gives me some time to recable my desk


Curious to hear what you think of it :+1: