What did you buy today? (Part 1)

That’s a gorgeous pairing. :+1:t4:


It was JT of OIDIO Sound (as they don’t do may iem cables) that rec’ed Forza for iem cables shame about no silver though, might be worth emailing Matt to see if he’s up for making a silver one?


$600 wowee M0N

It had come with the headphones when I bought it from a friend, he said he would include it for an extra 100 so I decided to take him up on it lol. Anything to avoid the stock straight cable (although dual 3 pin xlr is kinda a pain)


Yeah, I feel ya. I heard about the cables before I bought my elex and ordered a periapt cable before the drop even ended lol.

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Meanwhile, getting back to “What did I Buy Today?”

These should arrive tomorrow. Had to see what all the fuss is about. :wink:


You bought a sticker ??? Lol!! The gang grows… which is better than a gangrene!!.. Love the Hawks!!


Got a smoking deal on a new set of Tekton mini lore. Can’t wait.


I need work to end quickly today! Lol


Nice lol, pretty sweet, should be great :+1:

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I’m hoping so! Wrestled with USPS all day! They didn’t intercept it at the post office like I paid for and I ended up waiting and discussing my mail lady on her route of why I needed them at the mailbox instead of my house. Now…Running back to work for a meeting and hoping I can relax and enjoy some music afterwards

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That’s the biggest IEM box I’ve ever seen. :stuck_out_tongue:


This thing is obnoxiously big! Lol and it’s as heavy as it looks!

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Nice, full of good stuff then :+1:


So after a week with my LCD-X…

Things didn’t end up as I had hoped. Sadly, these are the biggest letdown purchase I’ve had in headphones so far. I actually quite like the LCD-X…but after extended listening for the last week, here is why these headphones aren’t for me:

  • They have significant bass roll off around 35/40 Hz. To some, this is not that big of a deal. To me, a drummer and bassist, that is a deal breaker. If I wanted rolled off bass, I could just go listen to my HD650.
  • The treble is extended too far…what I mean by that is because the bass rolls off, but the treble extends and even elevates in the air frequency range ( > than 10 KHz), the bass roll off sounds even worse. What you are left with is a bright-ish neutral-ish headphone that has no character.
  • I already own the Focal Clears, so there is literally no need for me to own the LCD-X when the Clears do everything better (yes, even the bass) than the LCD-X.

Again, the LCD-X is a good headphone. But for my preferences, the LCD-X fails to give me a legit reason to keep these. If I didn’t own the Focal Clears, then I’d be extremely happy with the LCD-X. 1st world problems, I know.

If anybody is interested in the LCD-X, I will be selling these so DM me if interested.


good for you to know what you like and with the Clears, you really are in no rush for something else

is there another option besides the Clear you could think of replacing the LCD-X? - maybe the GX or a used Arya? … the Ananda extends in the bass very nice … the Eikons also, from what I read


recieved the Apple camera connection kit today

my wife gets the yesterday came in new iPad Air, I keep my old Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet and we start using her old iPad as streaming device for at home and on the go, to connect it to the xDSD or the RME ADI 2 DAC fs > THX AAA 789 stack

So i don´t need to have to get out our notebook or one of my Android mobile phones with otg cables in the living room

apropos cables…

question to all the Apple experts: is there a reliable working plan B, besides the camera connection kit? would get a second one for mobile use, not that the 45 Euros for the kit did not been enough.

I can´t stand the shiny white, thin and icluded predetermined breaking points on the original Apple cables.

So maybe in grey, any colour to be honest or darkish, if it needs to be black, with a stronger build?
find all the original apple cables are super fast worn off, so we have everywhere in the house, the offices, the cars and with the power banks for mobile use… the third party apple firewire + usb-c/-micro cables with better build and look.

Most important is the reliable working thing - there is so much trash out and I know me - I get it, try it and won´t send it back, if it does not work. So please do the environment and me a favor and recommend just something you have in use or know to be working. Especally with apple having a history/bad reputation of not working with interconnections of all sorts - not important if original apple or a third party pieces.


Noice :heart_eyes: what you using to run them?

I’m still figuring out where I go from here. Hifiman aren’t a good option for me because they all tend to be bright in the treble.

I have some more research to do to figure out my next move. I want an open back planar as that is what I’m lacking in my collection. But, if I can’t find one that will fit what I’m looking for, maybe an Aeolus or Auteur is what I was thinking.


Yep the Aoelus seems to kick fatigue in another galaxy, while the Auteur is wider and more extended?

Have you tried both, yet?