What did you buy today? (Part 1)

@SM_Music Hence the expression, “I’m all ears!” :smile:



The TYGR finally came in today! Big thanks to @tglodjo for getting these wrapped up and shipped out quickly. Excited to try these out. Also the cable mod looks great.


whats the deal with your Eikon…unique connectors and hinge mech… those special request or you mod?

good question @Bmn1251 you know?

That is the old zmf headband and yokes/rods that they use to use before Zach updated them to the new style. Likely means this eikon is atleast a few years old too.


Hey, what’s your address? I’d like to rob you if you don’t mind.

On a (more) serious note, that is a sweet haul. I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the foster biodynamic stuff

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Well, ZMF has finally come!
In typical fashion, it’s in a plain white box, marked only with the ZMF logo, and wrapped in red paper like what you’d get to shove in a gift bag, sealed with a “Thank You” sticker. Marginally partial to the hand written thank you from ModHouse, but that’s just me.

Well, not much to say beyond it’s really stiff in comparison to the deerskin. I also noticed it’s a bit longer, along with being a bit wider.

Initial impressions… It’s more of a pain to install then the Modhouse strap, as it didn’t want to tighten down nearly as well, and the adjustments are now much looser. On the other hand… The clamp force is even lighter, and I don’t feel it on the top of my head as much as the Modhouse strap, though even that was an improvement over no strap at all.

Went and bought a few Elvis songs… Don’t you judge me!
(exact tracks I bought in the 24bit 96kHz option)


come quick, ima sell most of this stuff in the next couple weeks probably

its gonna be cool to compare with the denon d7000 and the th900 (when it arrives)


You might want to hear from someone with more experience but my observation with buying music recorded in the mid 60s and earlier is that they are far from utilizing the capability of a 16/44 FLAC so it would seem to be throwing money away for higher resolution stuff unless they had original master source and did a specific job cleaning them up.

I always find it funny when all available in 24/192 and UP is from the 50s and 60s, lol.

At first I was like “yeah right, let’s take these old crackling master tapes recorded like shit, but sell em for twice the price by converting em to high resolution audio!:ok_hand:

But yeah, obviously, master tapes can be restored. I believe it’s exactly like that with black and white 50’s or 60’s videos available in Full HD today – high-quality “negatives” converted to digital can do wonders.


Is that Hi-Res Audio logo fuzzy for anyone else, or just me? And if it’s fuzzy for you, is that not just a little bit hilarious?

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That’s the joke, I took the hi-res audio logo and made it a blurry “lores.png” :stuck_out_tongue:

Visual representation of, like, recording your phone mic and clicking “save as 24/192” and selling it as “high-res”.

Ok good. I figured it was either that or my 56k modem being slow again.


I mean… At this point what’s done is done. I have the files, and know if anything is wrong with them, it’s either a bad recording, something wrong with my equipment, or the file has been corrupted in some way.

Some master tapes from that era can actually sound really good, but typically the good recordings tended to be in mono as in the 50s and 60s stereo recordings were iffy lol, so getting good stereo remasters can be pretty cool

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Final bit for today:

Tomorrow is just grocery shopping.
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TS80P USB-C PD Soldering iron to shunt mod my RTX 3090 when it arrives.


Been eyeing one of those for a while, seems so much more convenient than having to bring out a soldering station every time you wanna do something

It works well. I was pulling components off a dead motherboard just before. The new directly heated tip technology is very efficient. I run mine off a power bank which supplies 12v 2.5a (30w) to it.

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