What did you buy today? (Part 1)

Needed something with good sound isolation since pretty much all of my other headphones are wide open. So far no complaints other than the fact that I had ordered the 250 ohm version but instead recieved the 80 ohm and honestly I probably won’t return it since I suspect there isn’t much of a sound difference. Pretty fun sounding will definitely work well for movie-nights with people online and playing intensive games and not having to hear my computer in the background.


I don’t like to usually talk about stuff i have bought until said item is firmly in my hands behind locked doors and under my supervision because it usually invites bad luck, BUT i will make an exception this time. After many weeks of agonizing research, soul searching and asking All sorts of stupid questions i finally gave the go ahead to have one of these built for me.

It’s gonna be a few Months before I can actually post a picture of it in my room and since i wanted to share my joy i figured i would Babble on about it here a bit ahead of time.

1 Hopefully, really nice piece that minimizes the signal chain, has several worthwhile features and should work well in an all digital chain. I’m having a custom jumper installed to attenuate power enough to minimize noise floor for the higher sensitivity speakers i’ll be using it on for now, and there is a possibility he can add a headphone output for me, (maybe).

Yay team me :partying_face:!
Vinnie Rossi L2i SE integrated amplifier.


Sweet! Congratulations. Curious to hear how it jives with the Falcons :beers:

Minimizing the signal chain is always a good way to go. BTW, those look like the most adorable teeny tiny waste paper baskets.

Can’t wait to see what you think!


I’ll drop it on the Falcons at some point but i really bought it for my Ωmegas And Heresy’s. in the living room


Dammit Johnny, I’ll never be able to Think of those stupid little cages as anything but Tiny little trash cans ever again :rofl:


Ah nice :ok_hand: That is something I want to hear eventually… Klipsch + Tubes

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Looks alien… That box is beyond cool looking! You sir get a NOICE!!!

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So when you look at the pics the Holo Spring 2 KTE, Blue Hawaii SE, DCA VOCE, Stax SR-009S came this end of last month each was 2-3 week waiting period. The Hugo TT2 is still my favorite DAC as the Spring is smooth which stills sounds good just might need the style of sound of the Chord to match up to warmer sounding equipment where it makes it a little brighter not much just enough.


@donjklassen, if you ever visit the land of honey and freedom and decide to visit D.C. give me a buzz and we can spend hours criticizing my gear :rofl:


When my text message came I was like what did I order from China?! Then I researched KitsuneHiFi and seeing the founder of the company was Chinese I then realized I didn’t buy American, which I had thought it was. Luckily it sounds amazing and is the biggest and heaviest DAC I’ve owned.


HAHA I was in the same boat, I got a text for DHL and literally forgot that it was being shipped directly from China. I’m on almost week with my Cyan at the moment. Will review when I digest it some more.


Joined KTE crew 2x… should have all the gear by end of week… will post pictures and feedback once I’ve had a chance to do a deep dive.


this is now my third pair I’ve gone through cause I just keep giving them away image


@RiceGuru Same problem here! :grinning: Love watching their face the first time!


VERY cool looking addition! :+1:t2:

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Pretty much same when I saw the size of it.

placeholder pic until it arrives, HE1000v2

so I guess my arya and hex are soon to be on sale, hmu if interested :smile:


Nice, what Jordan are those? are they the Jordan 6? seems like the Infrared colorway right there. Yeah, I am a bit of a sneakerhead myself.

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My Bendix 6080WB and Matsushita 12AU7 just arrived. This Bendix 6080WB is the real deal. By far the best 6080 I’ve ever heard.

I found out something pretty neat. While listening to the Matsushita ECC82/12AU7 this morning, I couldn’t help but hear very close similarities to my Mullard ECC82. Turns out, Mullard did indeed set up the manufacturing assembly plant for Matsushita in the 1970s.
The only difference is that the Matsushita have a 45 degree angled O-getter, and the Mullards are not angled. This is pretty cool because Matsushita tubes are much cheaper than Mullards. I only spent $23.99 on mine.