What did you buy today? (Part 1)

It’s the gold DMP reprint

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Moondrop SSR arrived today


Today’s haul, Used Border Patrol SE DAC. I have been very curious about this unit for a while now. It’s not for everyone from what i have read but I really was very curious to hear what it is capable of. I hope to be able to give my opinion on it at a later time.


How do you like them? I bought a pair as soon as they were available a little while back, and since I’ve seen many reviewers who really don’t like them, but I think they are pretty great. They may not have a typical signature many are used to, but I think they sound very good, and better as time has gone on. Bass is typically the thing most people complain about not being there, but I find them to be neutral and I certainly hear bass very clearly and articulated in them.

not much of a sneaker head thoyugh but im starting to really enjoy the hobby. a local sneaker shop was holding out and never dropped them due to covid. so they dropped it I might go back and grab the 5 retro oregon’s that they still have cause Im not much of a 5 guy cause I just hink the sillhuete is a bit too chunky but I really like the green on it and would match my jacket

They seem to be pretty nice so far, I can tell that they have a nice sweetness to them from the brief time I’ve had with them so far. I think my seal is a bit off for me as I can tell that there is bass there, it just seems to be a bit off from what it seems like there should be.

Also @Pr3ssAltF4 told me that an ares II seems to improve them quite a bit, so I may need to invest in one of those and see what it’s like.


Been eyeing a BP myself. Would love to hear your opinion on it. Is it USB in or SPDIF?

Don’t split the output from that DAC into multiple amps.
It has no output buffer, there is just a coupling cap between the ADC and the RCA connectors, so it’s output impedance is going to be about 2000 Ohms.
That’s not a problem in and of itself, but you’ll want to pick amps with higher input impedances, and splitting the output of the RCA will probably have a very obvious effect on the sound.

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finally bought the schiit magni 3+

or my mom bought it for me after my turntables speakers/amplifier broke and now i needed a new amplifier so she bought it as early christmas


@db_Cooper, this is the USB SE model, no switch. I assume the SPDIF plug is dead and just used to fill the hole. Initial listening impressions are very positive, Seasick Steve, Eric Clapton, Lucky Peterson, Nina Simon, heck even Tom Waits have a “tubefied”, sound compared to my most recent listening session w/ the same chain and a Chord Qutest. All digital front end w/ Klipsch Heresy Speakers, SET amp and it’s an excellent match as far as I’m concerned. Good synergy, good coloration, fun listening session, very “musical”. I know the previous owner used it exclusively for About two years and its got a good NOS replacement tube with a few hundred hours that is well burned in but tested very strong still. I’m very pleased with the purchase so far, it is something different from what i have in hand and has its place. Looking forward to trying it out with other pieces and also seeing what it does when used in a HP based system.


Thank you very much for that tidbit of info @Polygonhell, i will heed the advice and always run it direct in the chain. :+1:

The other thing you should be aware of if your using it with speakers, is you’ll want to make sure your using an active preamp, most power amps have relatively low input impedance.

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Gotcha :+1:…this is so exciting, i like pieces that come with all sorts of warnings and dire consequnces when used incorrectly (adds some excitement to my life). :rofl: I genuinely VERY much appreciate the info, i will make a little warning list for this one and tape it next to the warnings I have for my SPL Phonitor X! :exploding_head:

You won’t damage it, but you’ll impact the sound.

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I found a cheap one for people who just want VU’s for fun but don’t care about dB precision.
(I haven’t bought it… yet?).


Nice they are actually good, I like the usual sneakers that have the color scheme of black as its base color.

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LCD24a (1)


In a word…NOICE!!!

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Yea, running ares II + ssr + qp2r is actually a really nice combo. qp1r should do similar (mine is being shipped back to me now so I can tell you definitively when that gets here). The ares II definitely gives it a little more body and oomph in the bass that you’d want. Pretty much just gives everything a bit more body. In the end it’s a $40 IEM so it’ll still be a bit metallicy sounding, but it gets much better with better pairings.

Glad you’re enjoying them!


Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grands arrived today :slight_smile:

Initial impressions are very good. Pretty much exactly what I was looking for right now. Getting to try out a Classe CA-150 on em later today.

And yes, I am getting stands, these just arrived unreasonably fast in comparison lol.