What did you buy today? (Part 1)

pre-amp output on/off


Blon bl-30 came today
Kinda hate them tho


/r/avexhange is dangrous

Good news is I have something to plug into the BL when it arrives

Edit: good pairing with the BL for laid back listening @M0N? Know I kind dove right into the deep end here


For laid back for sure, very nice smooth thick and enjoyable sound


Awesome. I was a little worried about them not going well with the also laid back burr brown in the idsd, but I guess I don’t have any context to realize minorly off synergy anyways even if that was an issue

What’s wrong with them?

I have recieved mine two days ago.
Look at this threath :wink:

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To start mine don’t fit my head, I will have to bend the headband a lot. Second the adjustment mechanism on the right side came very lose. it all fells like I bough a product thats in development. The cable is nice though

This is an IEM. It’s not jewelry. I swear. lol


It can very well be both. :grin: :musical_note:
I once bought a 40$ cable for my 40$ IEMs…


Bought a Switch for the little one and gifted the SR80’s, success…Merry Christmas everyone


Got the BL put of the mail.today which means my portable setup is ready to go except the female USB A (seriously, who TF uses that port?) to USB C cable so I had to get creative to use my phone

EDIT: also, I have no way to charge it because the last time I knew were to find a USB A to USB A in my house was 2008


Oh, I just got this BEAUTY <3new!

Tonight is definitely a movie night!


Looks very nice,have fun with it :+1:.

Congratulations, what are the dimensions of the room you put this in, if you don’t mind me asking? Please and thank you. :christmas_tree:

Today I Merry Christmas to me Three items.

  1. Class A Rebel Amp
  2. The harmoicdyne Zeus
  3. Linsol Gold Plannar Gl2000
    Bite me 2020 with the above 2021 has to be BETTER!

Have a wonderful holiday everyone!


I believe I just saw you on Zeos’s livestream. :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to the forum!


After a month delay in production and about 5 weeks in transit from China (2.5 sitting in limbo in Nevada :man_shrugging:), my new Raspberry Pi case finally arrived yesterday. I have not tested it out yet, only put it together.

Safe shutdown button and no more wires coming out 2 sides or mini HDMI connections. You can mount a M.2 or 2.5" drive inside and the SD card will take precedence over the internal when inserted

Even though it cost as much as the Pi itself it was worth it to me considering I paid half that originally for a case the just housed the Pi and nothing more. It is much more solidly built than expected and it almost matches the color of the Liquid Platinum. I actually like the Digi+ Pro sticking out the top, but not sure about the wires coming out the top. I might need to upgrade to the PI2AES since the connections would come out the side or try my hand on a 3d printed enclosure as a project someday.


looks lightweight and comfortable!

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Merry Xmas everyone! I hope everyone 8s having a pleasant holiday season and us doing alright. My Xmas was simple, just dinner and my immediate family with simple gifts (most of which we bought for ourselves).

Pretty much all I got was some some LDAC capable bluetooth stuff. FiiO btr3k and xd-05bl plus.

I was quite happy to find out the btr3k fits PERFECTLY in the tin T4 case along side my T2. The perfect portable package.

The only other audio related thing I got for Xmas was my Lawton cups but I got those in mid November and already posted those, but hears a pic anyway.