What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Lol, nah. I got way more shit i should buy first tbh. You buy i assume? Let us know what you think. Everything I’ve heard so far seems to say its a fair departure from house sound which has me pretty interested

The Hart cable came today for the Sivga’s. Now I know what all the hub bub was about. This is a great cable. It’s nice and soft, it doesn’t snag, The work on the connectors is fantastic. This cable wears really nice, too. And this red is really cool. I love it. For my requirements 7 feet is the perfect length. It’s just the finishing touch these headphones needed. Probably gonna get one for the Sundaras now, too! I’ll try to do something other than Red. I do like the Red, though…

Thanks, HAC. Incredible product. :ok_hand:


Review please!!!

it is being sent to @WaveTheory currently. He will do a review once he has had enough time to listen to them :slight_smile:


Did you send these on like 48 hours after you got them?.. like good one you man, but holy hell am I not that strong unless shit is just broke sounding…

no i havent tried it yet. just like my focal stellia, lcd-r and lcd 4z, i have not yet tried them because they are on loan to other people :stuck_out_tongue:


So I just realized that the GPU from my build was sagging and these arrived in a flash like WTF. Simple anti-gpu sag but it works. Also I apologize for not having PSU extension cables for I know the stock PSU cables that I got are not exactly that appealing to the eyes.



Replaced my 9 year old MSI GT780DXR laptop today…

Lenovo Legion 5 17" laptop
Ryzen 7 5800H
8GB RAM (ordering an upgrade)
RTX 3050 (didn’t purchase for gaming)
1920x1080 144Hz IPS display


New arriving, a new try at tubes. It’s still a hybrid because some of my headphones won’t play nice with OTL. Also, sorry for the messy desk, double work/gaming/entertainment PC.


These just came in time for my holiday. Gonna enjoy them on the beach.


Got a bit of a mis-matched pair in the mail recently! First is the Kennerton Gjallarhorn (the regular one, not the JM, in their fancy red color):

However, I still haven’t listened to the Gjallarhorn yet because I didn’t want to mess around with hearing too many different things before swapping this next item into my chain and giving it a real first listen:

I picked up a used Allnic HPA-3000 GT! I’ve only listened to it for a couple hours, but let’s give some quick impressions on what I’m hearing vs. the Quicksilver.

The first thing I noticed was the staging: it’s a deeper stage than I was getting with the Quicksilver, but it’s not just distance away from me, it also feels like the close things are even closer. So there’s more contrast in where things seem to be staged. I’m also hearing more little details, or at least the details that I’m hearing are easier to pick out. Low-end definitely has more impact, though I didn’t notice it at first because the tracks I started off with were all like, acoustic covers and stuff, so it kind of hit me in the face when I got around to a track that had really strong sub-bass hits, lol. It seems like I’m also feeling the music a bit more in my chest, if that makes any sense, but no idea if that’s actually the music or just my state of being today.

Also, a nice usability improvement: this amp is significantly less susceptible to RF interference. Note that most of these impressions so far have been with the OG Clear listening to the single-ended out of the <=50 ohm output, so I’m excited to eventually try this with a higher-end headphone with a nice XLR cable. (Though I definitely over-spent with this last round of purchases, so I’m going to cool my heels for a bit when it comes to buying new gear.)


Got me some Mojo today! @MrAyrit, thanks for the good deal and quick shipping!

Hiby R5 connected to Mojo via USB C to 3.5mm coax connector, easy way to get some bit-perfect Mojo going! (without dealing with various odd USB behaviors)


I’ll be interested to hear what you think of the Mojo. I think it is a pretty phenomenal piece of kit–just didn’t fit my use case any more.

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So far I agree - it’s really holding its own against my Allo Revolution and Soekris dac1321. Need a few more hours listening to have more of an opinion, but right away I can hear an upgrade over just listening to the R5 by itself, and it may find it’s way over to the G111 pretty soon… (glad it’s Friday night!)


I built a keyboard for the first time. First time soldering and all that which made me nervous but I’m glad it’s working fine. Also, thanks to that soldering experience I’m probably going to add some mmcx connectors to my kph30i’s soonish so the cable is finally detachable. Anyways, here’s a sound test if anyone here cares for that sort of thing.


Second set of Gael Bolgs arrived …realized have nice collection of in-head hole music players…

Tin T2, Ikko OH10, Mangird Tea, MMR Gael Bolgs, Campfire Aras…now I need some wood…



I’m gonna use that, thanks for the laugh!

… and i’m super jealous of your collection here. I’ve let my IEM game atrophy over the last 6 months, sold off a bunch of bad purchases but never replaced them. Time to get back on it!

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Now known as 2setsGblogsm32 forever :grin:

Those are surprisingly good for the price, I have my own set of E1000s due to the fact that I bought mine only for the ear tips, I gave them a listen and they are actually pretty solid. Not technically impressive but listening with that one is good.