What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Yeah I love my little SSRs, not really my usual signature either, but it really surprised me with how good I found it especially with how cheap it is.

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J-Tech Spdif splitter and BlueRigger 15 footer came in today. Using in my bedroom setup to split from the D50s to my THX Dac/Amp for headphone movie/tv listening.


Only need 2 for the series but not for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggg time!!!


I picked up a pair of ROOMs Pro headphone stands.

They’re made very well, and I really like their aesthetic.


Those are really cool looking… Please post a update on them after a bit.

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They’re super sturdy (the Pro models are metal).

I have the ‘regular’ wood version as well, and I really like them. They’re very stable and they look good too, imo.

This is the other one I have:


And not inexpensive… Nice and supportive though.

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I’ve been looking at the FS pro because it is a little taller, but I also like the “wood” options. I think this might be better for the Hifiman headbands with leather suspension strap than the Woo Audio option.

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I should be receiving my HifiMan Hybrid headband today for my HE6se, I’ll post a picture later. :+1:t4:


That’d be great. I have a entry in the HE1000v2 thread regarding stands… FYI. I’m looking for something that can support the headband strap but also be tall enough to accommodate the the egg shaped cups, and allow me to be lazy and leave the cables connected to the cups but not be bent and kinked because the whole phone hangs so low. I know the HE6se has the rounds but - it would be nice to see.

Also, related to your post… I see that they actually ship pretty quickly to US…

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These finally arrived today.

First impressions? Take the 5XX, make them darker and more narrow as a start. I’m not a fan of the in ear feel, and they sound… Weird. Maybe more time will be needed.
Edit: Hate the cable. Will need to mod detach.


Pads make all the difference! And yes, +1 for detached cable mod.


Just snagged a Jot 2 and Focal Clear Pro…super stoked.

Need to sell some things…



Got my Schelfius also! Pretty cool, looks great.


The Loki and SDAC fit nicely on top of the Jotenheim 2. It’s like it was made for it.

Pretty cool, right? The Loki happens to be 5" wide, and the SDAC happens to be 4" wide, and both the Jot2 and BF2 are also exactly 9" wide. Worked out to be a pleasant coincidence haha


You like Tetris?


Give yourself some time to adjust to their sound. They sounded kind of bad to me at first but after a few hours I really liked them.

Also try either of these pads. They are both comfortable and sound better than stock imo.

These are pretty close to stock but with better bass and clearer highs

These have a bit more bass and less highs.

Streeeetch the headband a touch.

Also, some super old Grado tricks:

You can soak the earpads in laundry softener and water for a few minutes, scrunch and rub and work them to become softer. Then rinse super well and dry. I found this to make the pads far more soft.

There’s also the old quarter trick of cutting a hole in the pads with… a quarter. If you don’t care to order pads.

I miss my Grados. ;_; Got destroyed in a house leak.

I can second the Geekria pads, makes all the difference