What did you buy today? (Part 2)

I ordered new door sign finally

Purchased, getting fitted Friday a whole new :ferry::sunny::zap:set upā€¦






I have never done DIY solar before, and have been thinking about it more and more.
I would be curious to hear your experiences either with this, or in the past.

It really depends on your solar requirements and how you intend using it ie off grid or as way to cut energy costs and sell energy back to the grid (energy companies) for us living on a continually cruising barge solar and our diesel engine are the only sources to produce electricity and have been for almost 10 years now :+1:

Bimble Solar are great Solar guys here in the UKā€¦

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I am leaning toward solar as a piece of our power use. Selling excess doesnā€™t make sense where we are due to the pricing. I was thinking if I could even smooth out the costs during the summer, it would be worth it.

I was guessing you had experience, because of the barge. We almost bought a boat a few years ago, and nearly all of them were trying for a base load from solar ( that was in SoCal, which is very sunny ).

TBH as long as youā€™re sensible with your power requirements then a boat stacked with panels there with a good battery bank (lithium/carbon agmā€™s) should be able to produce and store most of your electrical requirements (season dependent too) but it will cost up front and ultimately comes down to power in, power stored, power used.

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Power storage on a boat or barge likely adds quite a bit of weight. Is it enough weight to matter for your use?

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No not really the barge weighs about 28 tonneā€™s

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are you allowed to fish off your floating house

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Yes but only for inedible coarse fish :slightly_frowning_face:

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Sent my Silver Yggdrasil A2/Unison home to Schiit Audio for the Yggdrasil+ upgrade. Got it back today.


Overall, how do you like the unit? Been thinking about adding that to my system for a while. Just not too many YouTube reviews out there.

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Iā€™m really pretty happy with it. The OG is something unique and special and lends itself synergy wise to a wide selection of amplifiers and headphones. Itā€™s a real toe-tapper, for me. I would like to try it in a 2ch setup. I think it would do well due to its resolution and dynamics.


2ch is my main rig for listening and if I do decide on the yggy, thatā€™s where it would go.

I see in your photo that you also have a Holo in the background. Very interesting!

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Like many including yourself, I have a couple setups - the Yggdrasil system is not in the shot.
Itā€™s been a while, Iā€™ll try and update ā€œShow your Listening Spaceā€ when I get a chance.


Well Iā€™m on my way to buy a Dita Project M right now lol


I went and did it againā€¦I swear Iā€™m done now!


I got two deliveries today, and am pretty stoked.


:c my Hades just shipped today so Iā€™m getting it tomorrow maybe rip


Enjoy, brother :pinched_fingers:

The boats are gonna be a-rockinā€™ tonight with all that bass!