What did you buy today? (Part 2)

I use Divinus Velvet wide bore with all the iems now, if it doesn’t suit then the Penon Liqueur tips

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TLDR: These saved my IEM hobby.

I will keep this story short and in hopes that this could help one of our current and future members some day, for those of you that get water into your ears easily, like I do. Admittedly, I purchased these a couple of months ago but wanted to follow up with my experience anyway.

Story time… I almost had to put using IEMs to rest last winter since I caused my inner ear drum such grief that it made me not want to try to find a solution and to just stick with headphones. Long story short, I forced water onto my ear drum and the flexing (via non-vented IEM’s) caused this effect (and discomfort) to increase and linger on. My partner suggested I get some ear plugs but I dismissed it for some reason, a case of a “in one ear, out the other” moment?? Anyway, I took her seriously a few months back since I missed listening to IEMs, so I bought them. They just work, problem solved. Like ear tips, and due to differences in the shape of your ear canal, some might work better than others so you’ll likely need to look into the product details for which would be suit you.

In closing, ears are happy due to no water and discomfort…but most of all, I am enjoying music with my IEMs again. :notes:


Picked up a new DAP - iBasso DX180


So how are you using these? Just in place when showering/swimming, or general use?

Damn those look interesting, maybe can be used to sleep with if its noisy?
(screw neighbours that blast their damn music…)

Looks like you can find that for like 10x cheaper on ali lol.

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Yep, I mainly use them in the shower but also when free-diving. They can also be used, in place of IEMs, to drown out someone you don’t want to hear that lives with or next door to you. :laughing:

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Yep! Depending on the model you get, and density of the silicone, they can mute stuff pretty well. The only thing that they can’t block are resonating sub bass drops. I used to have a younger neighbor that used to blast some EDM in the early morning, who thankfully eventually moved out. :+1:

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Yeah…that is indeed an issue for me sometimes. Dont understand how some people think when they they are murdering their eardrums like that…same for the people blasting their speakers in their cars with open window and all that…

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Damn interested in these. Hows the battery life for your usage ?

I just got this one in today so I haven’t had enough time on it to judge.

Thank you for removing the post.!!

Enyo 15th ended up being a good fit for my desk
Gustard R26 for the listening setup


These were shipped on the first of July and finally arrived today…

They are … not very good. I saw the signs but decided to buy them anyway because I like weird and controversial stuff.
Comfort is middling at best. I’m one of the lucky ones where these actually fit somewhat. But even then these have HD600 levels of clamp for me, but these are heavier and cause a small hotspot.
Build/finishing is just bad for this pricebracket. Sharp & unfinished edges on the metal parts. The headband sliders are not smooth at all. The headband material feels like it can rip if you even look at it wrong. The pads get pretty hot and feel like they come from a 0.99cent alieexpress dealer.

As for the sound. I’ve only had abt 2 hours with them so far, so I’m not going to give much more than a few initial impressions. These are cool for live recordings and big orchestras. In thats sense they sort of do what Axel wanted to achieve. Other than that I feel the midbass bleeds a bit too much in the mids with what feels like a roll off in the treble. It feels pretty dark overall. Spaciousness is highly dependent on the recording. Nevertheless, it doesn’t feel fatigueing at all. I don’t think I’ll return these, but rather use them for when I want to lay back in my chair, turn my brain off and just let the music wash over me. That’ll be my cope.

Also, for some reason I prefer the SE connection over the balanced one. I think there might be some fuckery in the wiring of the headphone by using that 1 x 2.5mm to 1 x 4.4mm. The 2 x 2.5mm to 1 x 6.35mm feels alot more coherent on my K9. I’ll need to double check this on other gear.

To me this feels like Massdrop told Grell: ‘You’re taking too long with this, just release it already’. This headphone is an unfinished product. There is no other way to explain it. It would surprise me if Massdrop releases another batch of these.


Yea, this sums up my experience with the OAE-1. I wasn’t digging the way the headphone sounded at all. Just listening to it would piss me off, hearing its dirty stank mids and darkish treble. HELL NO. Any enjoyment I was getting out of it was purely just cope and reminded me a lot of my Nighthawk. I basically just wrote it off as a ‘unqiue’ headphone like I do the Nighthawk. I was also getting really discouraged as I was source surfing trying to find something to banish the problem areas to no avail. It probably doesn’t help that most of my gear is somewhere on the warmish side of neutral.

I finally did find something that works and I am absolutely loving my OAE-1 at this point. To my surprise my Schiit Magni Heretic was a life saver along with a K11 R2R as DAC. No longer in cope territory.

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Insanely happy with the sound coming out of this thing. Cayin HA-3A. Picked up used from head fi classifieds.

Also came with some tubes for rolling. :slight_smile:


Funny that you mention the Nighthawks. I still have a pair of og Nighthawks that I like alot for moviewatching (speakers are a no go for me due to thin walls and me not wanting to be ‘that’ neighbour).
The Nighthawks are flat out better than the OAE-1 except for soundstage. Especially comfort, I have yet to find a pair of headphones that are as comfortable as the Nighthawks.

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Comfort on the Nighthawks is definitely outstanding. I can’t think of any other headphones that are that comfortable either, truly a great design. It’s so good that I had to own the Nighthawk twice, the OG and then the Carbon model.

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Nice! Got some good tubes there, enjoy the rolling experience…part of the fun with tube amps for sure. :+1:

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Bought me a Mele