What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Nothing special here, but I can finally chuck the makeshift cover. Thanks for all the suggestions over in the official Elegia thread.


Really enjoying the 58x. Getting a taste of what I have forsaken for another. Wow the mids sound amazing. These sound even better on tubes.

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Yep, the Zeos Effect got me. I ordered these on Fri, Jul 23, the day of the non-patron ZReviews YouTube release:

Then, an email from the seller on Mon, Jul 26:



I figured I had closed and open back dynamics, and open back planars, but no closed back planars, at least not since I sold the Ether CXs that I hated. So I went ahead and pulled the trigger on these. Aesthetics were a big part of the purchase too - these things look really, really sharp. It’s going to be a long ~4 weeks!


She will ask to try them at some point and then we have the problem: she wants to have her own set. (Or you have to buy them for her, in order to get your own set in peace.)

But… this is an easy way to get the WAF, find a girlfriend who is in to IEMs :sunglasses: :+1:t3:


Just purchased a Soekris dac2541 and Violectric HPA V281. Super excited to get both of those as I’ve wanted both for a while now.


fourte noir


Whoo-hoo !
Something tells me that you are going to be a pretty happy camper with that setup.

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Wow! Nice… :+1:

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Ordered the Yanyin Aladdin.

Big Knob for the iLouds


Got my speaker amp to balanced headphone adapter cable. Furutech rhodium XLR and banana connectors with Moon Audio’s “Black” level of their dragon cables (OCC copper).

Point of issue with this config- the Left and Right tags are made of that thin adhesive backed home label maker plastic labels. They feel like they’ll fall off without much encouragement. I’ll have to do something more permanent like colored zip ties or something. For the label part I had certainly hoped for better, lol.

That said, other than this little foible, I think they make good cables. This is my 3rd cable from them.


Holy shit, Just ran Aeolus off 4.4 SONY NW WM1A and that is some of the cleanest sound I’ve heard. The DAP is the new piece.


HalbyCables headphone to nanner plugs


A lot of that going around! What do you to attach to each end?

he6se v2 (and sometimes gl2000) and parasound a21+. which end you decide to listen to is totally up to preference i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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ZMF Oval Suede ear pads for my Yamaha HPH MT-5


They are SO comfortable! Like little pillows on my Argons. :grin:


I agree, they are some of the most comfortable pads I own.

Just picked up some Korean Smut :wink: One of my favorite series so I’m glad to finally own some of it LOL.


Looking forward to the 3rd one!

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