What did you buy today? (Part 2)

Great case for the price (just $5!), albeit a little bit small.


Trying out the Stargate




Pro-Ject DAC Box S2+

It is so tiny!


I actually ordered this a while back, and She’s probably the largest, if not one of the largest figure I own. I can definitely say I now have two best girls though.


Ordered an Asgard 3/Modius Black. 6-8 weeks. (Prefer buying directly, i’ve seen a few tempting used offers but getting them new is preferred)

Ordered a T60RP Argon, 10-14 weeks…hopefully.

Ordered a pair of Nighthawk Carbon’s from DDT that arrive tomorrow hopefully.

Possibly returning a pair of Sundara’s if i like the Carbons more. (Also tried 6xx, X2HR, didn’t care for either ultimately, see my other posts)

Before all of this I was using a Magni 2+Modi 3 with DT 770 Pro 80 Ohms.


Actually read a review of them in Hifi & Musik #7-8 2021. It was a comparison review against Audeze LCD-2 CB, Focal Celestee, Hifiman r10-p and I think Beyerdynamic t5p. I think they got the favour of the reviewer, closely followed by the LCD-2 CB and t5p. Celestee ended up with the lowest score aside from finish and build quality (where it scored top marks).

Going to be interesting to hear your impressions of them when you get them!

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(Featuring my unboxing knife)

First impressions:

Because of the spaciousness, I am required to turn up my volume knob from ~6:35 (before pad swapping) to ~6:45 (after pad swapping).

This is a good thing for me, because prior to the pad swap, I have a channel imbalance starting from ~6:30 to ~6:35; The right ear has less volume compared to the left until ~6:36 to ~6:40. At that range, the volume is too much for me at both ears, so I have to find that sweet spot.

I use a JDS Labs EL 2+, and it is stacked on top of my Schiit Modius. I only use high gain with my HD 6XX. I listen to music on Spotify Premium, but in order to share my songs easily, I used Youtube links.

Thanks to these ear pads and their spacial displacement, I can milk more out of my amplifier as a result. In general, that means I experience more detail out of my music.

To be precise, the Hades OST, has a motif that plays throughout many songs in the soundtrack, and for In the Blood, the motif is ever-present in this song from beginning to end:

From the Domina OST, there is a titular song called Domina, which utilizes a sensational combination of Drum & Bass, a Tesla Coil, and Violin that is full of impact and quite visceral. There there is clear instrument separation, but while the drum & bass are the strongest, they do not muddy the track:

Another example of instrument separation, Lost in Paradise by Ali, Aklo has an ever present guitar riff(?) that plays throughout this funky song. Male vocals are in no way recessed, and the bass doesn’t muddy everything. The cymbals sound pretty crispy too:

(Please watch Jujutsu Kaisen, I highly recommend)

Finally, female vocals sound a tad compressed. For me, this is a good thing, because I’m sensitive to treble, and women can sound grating for my ears. For music that was recorded with care, this doesn’t backfire on me, since the music with female singers are either soothing or have a certain timbre. This gives them a rolled off quality that helps reduce fatigued:


(Certain timbre)


It floats on my head, and thanks to the suede, I don’t feel sweaty and gross in the hot summer heat.



Too bad all of ALI’s albums have been taken off the face of the Earth! Good thing I like buying my music. lol


Surprisingly, Lost in Paradise is back on Spotify. Idk about other brands, but maybe you can check.

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It arrived today right on schedule…

I had one of those Mondays, but the minute I saw that box, I had a sudden second wind to go install it! And here she is, the new star of the system.

She’s been up and running for about 2 hours now, so it’s way too early to assess anything that wouldn’t smack of confirmation bias! But I can give a first impression, and that is… Holy Schiit. It’s like that first time you taste a perfectly cooked Buffalo Fillet. You kinda can’t believe it, but it’s right in front of you, so you close your eyes, take a breath and take another bite…

This is gonna be good. After a little time I will put more thoughts in the BF2 DAC thread. But Holy Schiit. This is in fact the next level I was hoping for. Briefly, It would appear the sound stage Universe just experienced a rapid and powerful expansion! I have not heard instrument separation like this before. Stay tuned…


Throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks does not work when you have staff to pay.


It does when ou don’t pay your staff :stuck_out_tongue:


If you would have to pay your workers decent wages then those Sendy whatevers would cost as much as Audeze.


Got some other limited shiz that’s getting hype too?..Audeze LCD-R ribbon headphone & Schiit Jotunheim A for near the same $ if you include the amp and will never go down in value :+1:


This should be a different topic.
My opinion is a lot different from yours here.

Details after it arrives but… but after help from people from this forum… I have acquired “unobtanium”. So as is tradition “I’m on that like a donkey eating a waffle”. Pictures and details early next week.


Buddy please do give us your thoughts :smiley::+1:


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Honestly looking forward to your impressions of this phone in the official thread once you’ve had time to run them in a while.

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A HE-6? Or maybe that recently sold Cavalli liquid gold? My money’s on the latter lol