What did you buy today? (Part 1)

You, dangle a lot of carrots, just say’n … :rofl:


lol so you’re the reason I couldn’t buy them :frowning:
Enjoy them! I’m gunna wait for the next round :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can’t begin to tell you how stoked I am to get those…didn’t realize they were THE pair. As I understand ZMF usually reserve some jem’s that they don’t first add to the site…good hunting sir…you might check the Bstock section…it too was updated.

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Bought the Koss retro bundle today. Curious about how bad or surprisingly decent the Pro4AA will be, excited to have a KPH30i for keeps and a spare LE Porta Pro.


FiiO FH7 just came in, they were part of a trade, that counts as “buying”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sorry guys. Last time I promise. It like a proud poppa moment…


VERY unique colour! :+1:

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My buddy bought a Stabilized Verité Closed only to receive an email a few minutes later saying they over sold. :roll_eyes:

Only options are waiting for them to make you something similar, wait for the next round to be debuted, or a refund. What BS!

They have several they’re holding for release. Just let him pick from the same color available if they’re not honoring the sale.

So much for ZMF’s awesome customer service.

PS. It happened to another person that I’m aware of.


Received my Wurth Elektroniks Capacitors today and installed them on the Liquid Platinum. It sounds much better now. No more hiss or noise floor issues. Job was pretty easy. Only took 45 minutes. The red caps are the ones I installed…6 total.


I’d imagine they (ZMF) are trying to represent what they have to the best of their ability. These are hand built pieces many one of a kind, especially when you stabilize the Maple. It would suck harder both for ZMF and the potential customer if they ordered thinking they were getting one thing and got something totally different especially in the aspects they placed value / importance on.

I know I’m biased because I just got my dream pair, but I think balls in a vice I’d run a boutique biz the same way. There will always be mistakes as well, cause you know we human, and keeping the human in the biz (which is a major selling point for ZMF) will always have FUBARS …maybe even moreso than streamlined super biz -> producing at higher rates but with less human.

But again just speaks to where one places values. Sucks for both friends but I imagine it also sucked for whomever programmed the mistake as well. Zach’s presence here and other forum and activity within these communities has been amazing and the ease of access and the positive stories faaaar outpacing the negative with ZMF, my picture of reality I’ll chalk them up to growing pains and continue to support ZMF as a company and as individuals…cause you know… we are all really just human.


They still didn’t give them the best options that are actually available. And they’re holding their money.

I mean, they said "limited quantity with more coming throughout the next month”. I don’t think they’re to blame. They’ve been transparent from the beginning. Your friend ordered, someone else was quicker, and they gave him options. Sounds like pretty good customer service to me.


They have some made already. They’re making him and the few others wait.

That’s not good service.

Where does it say they have pre-mades?

In an email from Bevin.

They’ve also mentioned it in recent livestreams.

So I had a $30 credit, and pulled the trigger… Let’s see how this goes.


They should just honor the price and then have a build plan through February. People will wait 90 days for ZMF. Better that than a cancelled order.

They should let them choose from already built units of the same color. They have several made already.

Unless they’re reserving them for other, but that wouldn’t be first come, first served.

Yeah, every Stabilized set is 1-off, and what you see is exactly what you’re ordering.

I’m still beside myself for having gotten an early stabilized VC. I’ve been waiting a very long time to see these become generally available, and I’m excited for others to share in the experience of owning such unique sets. Congrats on snagging a stabilized set–the one you got is quite striking. :smiley:


That’s a bummer, but I’m not terribly surprised–the math makes perfect sense when you consider the number of people vying for a stabilized set, the number of sets available, and the size of the company. It’s too bad the site didn’t have a better way of handling the oversell, but those seem like pretty reasonable options, all things considered.

Every stabilized set is super unique, which is why they were selling them 1x1. There won’t be a “same color” available from the existing sets, though there may be something similar. Maybe. But if they start offering the pre-built ones to anyone who missed out due to overselling, then people who were unable to try for this first batch for whatever reason will be disappointed.

There’s no way to make everyone happy. However, offering a guaranteed future stabilized set is pretty generous, despite the wait. Hopefully anyone who tried to buy and got the rug pulled out from them can also try to buy any of the future listings when they come out without forfeiting the offer to have one made. That seems fair enough since it gives everyone a shot at getting one of the other reserved ones and still leaves a remedy for the sting of missing out on the first choice set.