What did you do today?

Hope you feel better soon buddy :pray:


Thanks, I think the headaches are a sinus thing. The temp has been ramping up pretty badly over the last week, and that usually brings some pressure changes. We topped 103 ( about 40C ) in Omaha today.

Also I have no idea how the folks in Northern India are coping with the 50C temps they have been having.


Another hedge done :gem:


@Ohmboy , I have to imagine that is very satisfying when you get done with a space like that.

Also as I am about to go in a facility with no windows for most of the day, I am reminded how much nicer your office is compared the box I currently work in.

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Spent the entire sunday in an headache. Then got myself to work edited a video, posted it on my channel, shared it with friends. Got AKM DAC card from a friend for my XD05 Pro, put it into the device and now listening to some pop music with Project M to close my day. Yeah a sunday well spent :rofl: :rofl:


Got a Wiim Pro hooked up. Spent about 5 hours straight listening to Amazon Music in 24bit/96khz & 24bit/192khz.

This & other selections. I must say this level of resolution is very impressive. I’ve not heard it until today.


Well the Wiim Pro lasted a few hours. This morning it is not working. I rebooted the internet device. I rebooted the Wiim Pro. No sound.

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It was the Topping E50. I unplugged it & back in. Now ive got sounds.


Glad to hear it was an easy fix!

Freaking Chi-Fi. I bricked 2 SMSL DL200s so I’m super weary of them now


Nope . E50 is out. It worked fine all day yesterday switching from optical to coax. Today no. I put my Geshelli J2/AKM in & now have a Singxer SA 1 as my remote, with 2 pairs of XLR cables on the floor. I have to get up to switch to optical or coax but I may move the J2 & use a short pair of XLR I have. On another note the Xduoo MT603 is out & I miss it. That 12AU7 adds some magic to the sound in my opinion.

I can hear the room Chris Robinson is singing in.


I spent all day setting advertising for my website. I checked all info about automatic media-muying for advertisers smartyads.com/demand-side-platform to optimize the media budget, and obtain full information about traffic and campaigns’ performance from custom-generated reports. It helps advertisers to run AI-powered programmatic ad campaigns across channels, formats, geos, and business verticals. Quite convy.


That sucks, sorry to hear. I’ve seen reports on other forums of Topping stuff just going out like that. They seem to have some degree of reliability issues. Where did you by it from? Maybe you can reach out to them and see if you have any options…

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Nah. I’ve had the E50 a few years. It was the 1st or 2nd DAC I ever bought. I’ll just set it aside. It’ll still work as long as I don’t change the input. I’m running optical from my TV & coax from the Wiim Pro. I can change the input on the J2 easy enough without it failing to work. Actually that would have really been about the same as just unplugging & replugging the E50 but I didn’t consider that at the time.


Moved…home for the next two weeks…that’ll do Donkey that’ll do :smiley:


A Shrek reference? I like your style, brother


Popped out early this morning to pedal back along the Towpath to collect my van…oh my, what a beautiful morning here on the K&A canal…


Visited the biggest and one of the coolest malls ever


Spent the entire weekend like a lazy person lol. Sleeping here and there, my wife and mom scolded me for being such a lazy guy lol,

“Hey let me enjoy some good music on my weekend”, Flying slipper landed on my face after this(This last slipper one was a joke).


Made a family dinner for 6 yesterday. The oldest and 2 of the 3 grandkids were over for dinner. They moved out in February, so we don’t have the whole group together very often. Due to diet issues, I always end up making two dinners.