What did you do today?

I can’t talk much about it but I’ve been in an unfortunate situation that’s glued me without work.

I’m 25 now and I still don’t know what to do, I envy the people who found something they’re really passionate about something since I never found it.

I try not to get me down and enjoy the time I live though, I won’t be no Warren Buffett but we all can find something that’ll make our days go by just a lil bit easier.

I’ll give you luck in that journey lol, soul searching is something I had plenty of time for. So much that I forgot I’m still physically alive and I need to traverse the real world too. I got an imbalance lol


I appreciate that, thanks man. I too wish you best of luck in your search and with figuring out what you want to do. I know that can sometimes be the toughest part but if you stick to doing what makes you happy, I have faith you’ll find something. Let me know how I can help, I have plenty of job boards saved that I can DM you, especially if you wanted to work remotely versus in person. :+1:


Appreciate it man, I may take you up on that someday but for now, I have a lot more growing to do. If I wanna find something, I gotta quiet the voice that everyone hears in their head telling em to give up lol.

slowly but I know for sure I’m close to getting him to leave lol, tranquility is underrated

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Day trips are so good for the soul! Some beautiful countryside there.

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Went to jump on the FA for a ride and something felt really wrong in the front end. So I turned right around and checked. The front valve stem had failed. You could say I dodged one there. So off to the shop she went. Here she is shortly after arrival

Let me just say that towing is getting expensive! I don’t think any damage was done to the tire, so it should be a straightforward fix. While she is there I might as well have an LOF done and a nice flush of the hydraulics. You can get into trouble easily on this beast if the brakes aren’t on point!


Nice Yoshi zorst too :+1:

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Indeed. That is a great can. Very reasonable as to the note as well. It really doesn’t get aggressive until you are nearly wide open. The larger bore of this engine produces a deeper, throaty growl that charges the soul. A very visceral experience as you accelerate through the gears to be sure. It never gets old!

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Truly amazing. Once we got inland about 7 miles the weather turned beautiful. The spot we had lunch in was so peaceful. We were deep in the forest among the redwoods. There was nobody there. Just us, the breeze and the birds. Fantastic!


I rode for years and might get back into it. Roadside assistance will cover bikes too at most places, nice if you don’t have a friend with a pickup. If you get the tires filled with nitrogen it’ll be a great upgrade. More control over bumpy roads and in general. It’s not a softer ride, just more predictable.

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Holy shit, i was desperately searching for my BTR15 for over an hour now, in the bed, sofa cracks, everywhere…guess where i found it…

What the fuck…so happy that I had a look in there before it would have been burried forever🫣
Do you know that situation when you got several things in your hand and you throw the wrong stuff in the trash?
I guess that must have happened…Well that’s the downsize of such a lightweight source…would Not have happened with XD05Pro lol :crazy_face:

PS: No, I was not stoned :grin:


Looks like it was hungry for those pretzels! :pretzel: :grin:


Who doesnt like a good Pretzel😁
I found that one pretzel under the couch on my search for BTR15 and threw it right next to out without noticing :see_no_evil:

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Lol, thankfully you spotted it before the trash went out.

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Finally after a lot of prep one of the gardens I look after was opened to the public, 100 people visited while we were there in the first hour…blessed I am and feeling proud :face_holding_back_tears:


Kath and I went for a drive /produce run yesterday. Had a great day and came home with some nice stuff!

There is nothing like fresh, locally grown product. Not pictured are the fresh garlic bulbs, strawberries and a great little watermelon that are currently being enjoyed.


Not quite as impressive as @Raptor168’s haul but we harvested some boat grown swag :smiley:


not today but 4 days ago went to my favorite place to feed and play with some wonderful animals.


I worked.


Today has been an extremely lazy monday. We had an amazing audio meetup during the last weekend. So I was mostly tired ended up sleeping the entire day and now at 11PM i am abit alive.

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Sunday started by getting stung three times by a wasp. I was a bit groggy, but managed to get stung again three hours later taking out trash. I then noticed where they had started the nest, and went to find my wasp spray.

Not related to that at all, I have had a headache or a migraine each day for 5 days in a row, which means either no music, or only super quiet, for me.

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