What did you watch today?

To me nothing in history can compare. Not entirely sure were evolved enough to understand how technology is leaving us behind. Harnessing of fire ?

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Basically generational theory runs in 80 year cycles. The current people in the work force (young adults and those who have been in it for a little while now) are the lazy generation, they had it too easy when they were growing up, their parents didnā€™t push them very hard to do anything, and didnā€™t instill them with a sense of purpose for what life is about.

So they are being stupid and whiny, and they expect everything to be handed to them. Their kids however (the ones who are young right now) are having it hard because things are getting tougher. And they will have to learn a work ethic or fall off the wagon entirely.

Of course there are always exceptions, these are only very broad generalizations of how generational theory works.

The people in here are mostly going to be older, or know how to work hard. Which is why they can afford fancy audio equipment. And there will be a few younger folks who are trying to find a good deal because they know money is finite and want to make their dollars stretch.

Im going far as to say jesus christ didnt have the internet. Maybe we should go with instead of BC to before wifi. outing myself born before internet.

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Thanks for the link. Tough times are dead ahead. There are lots of people that have no idea what is quickly heading our way. I just got back from my morning walk. I passed a young man walking towards me that never looked up from his phone in the 50ā€™ I watched him. Suitable metaphor for whatā€™s comingā€¦

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Yeah. iā€™ve got about 6 months of food stored up, along with other supplies, itā€™s easy enough to do for 1 person. takes up about half of a small closet. Of course the best place to be will be out in the country, if electricity gets shut off and trucks stop going to cities for even 1 week things will get really ugly. and with potential for world war 3 looming. canā€™t hurt to be prepared.

But donā€™t let your neighbors know you are preparing for rough times. Because if things ever get really bad, it makes you a target.

I figure, even if nothing happens, iā€™ll just not have to pay for food for about 6 months. So itā€™s not a waste. And the survival bucket food lasts for about 25 years in storage. 1 big bucket is enough for 1 person for 30 days. Also make sure you have a way to make fire so you can heat your food. And have some extra medical supplies around the house, and a way to filter water, those hiking water filters work well.

I also supplement the survival food with canned goods, soups and chili, basic food, mixes well with the survival stuff and provides extra nutrients, and itā€™s cheap enough.

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Maybe the coming calamity is due to the ease of manipulation coupled with loss of the narrative creating a perfect storm .
or relics of the coldwar should not be dictating policy due to advancement in life extention.

I need to hit the weed store to go with the fallout rations. Damn just lost my high.

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or just grow your own, if itā€™s legal where you are. My state legalized that 10 years or so ago. I never smoked myself, itā€™s just not my thing.

Regarding the conflict topic, itā€™s just the way nature works. everything living fights constantly for survival, and every so often, those conflicts become very widespread. Since humans are the dominant life-form on earth, when a lot of them fight at the same time, things can get ugly.

And itā€™s not the relics we really have to be worried about. This will be worse than anything that happened before if it really kicks off. Technology is far past cold-war era. But we should get back on topic :wink: things to watch!

Top Gun Maverick (the new one) is a pretty good ride. And I really liked the new series ā€œCyberpunk Edgerunnersā€ Itā€™s on Netflix, itā€™s only going for the 1 season, and is fully released now. So if you think you might enjoy it, jump in. The story is good, wraps itself up nicely. I wonā€™t spoil it though.

The dude theatening a launch the other dude responding inkind and the chinese dude that has no clue are for sure from the cold war era. Not for nothing but i dont think the americans will respond. They dont have too.

Im going with war games (1983) 4k coming out this Xmas 8/10 for lack of ATMOS.

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Iā€™ll see your War Games and raise you one better!

(Donā€™t watch the trailer before you watch the movie - this is from that era where they made trailers that spoiled the whole movie.) This is a great movie though.

  • Back when Men were allowed to be Men and Women could be Women and look sexy and there was no confusion about how that worked. Hollywood would never make a movie like that today. Or have the guts to make that sort of a poster.

Thats in 4k. Unforgettable line. ā€œGimme some sugar babyā€.

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Thatā€™s the original 2 page movie poster from the hollywood archives. I trimmed it a bit to get rid of the rough paper edges.

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I want a maximum overdrive (1996) in 4k.

Saw on the youtubes theyre going to screw up red sonja.

I looked around for Maximum Overdrive, I never actually saw that one, so I donā€™t know which picture was the original posterā€¦
this is the search I came up with for it .

In regards to Red Sonja - and pretty much everything coming out these days, I have a few reviewers I trust, I never watch anything without them giving the Thumbs Up first. I suggest you do the same for most things coming out.

  • I gave up on watching new media as itā€™s released a while ago. They shoveled too much bad stuff at us for so long, i now donā€™t even try to watch things on release. I wait for reviews from trustworthy sources.
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If she doesnā€™t look and dress like Red Sonja from the comics though, that will be a huge red flag that the movie or series, or whatever, is going to be new-age crap.

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Yes that exactly :point_up:

Im ok with a social message infused story long as the casting is that of a women of WWE mid-2000s and strictly adhere to the costume illustrations.

Better yet a selma hayek type.

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Iā€™ll bet they wonā€™t have the guts to do Red Sonja justice. It will just be another attempt to co-opt a previously popular series to push more of their political BS. Modern society has a war on against curvy/sexy women and manly men just telling an enjoyable story.

Thatā€™s why itā€™s spawning alternative media. As Razorfist has said, - this is the beginning iron age! meaning that the door is open for new media companies that will bump out the current hollywood idiots. Starting up their own media companies and making their own stuff. Itā€™s the Iron Age because it will take work to do it, the people behind that stuff are working their tails off, but they are putting out good stuff.

Eric July for example is competing directly with the comics industry, just pushing out good stories with no political garbage. He has raised nearly 4 million dollars in a month and it drove the new age idiots batty.

Thatā€™s why I posted the 1977 interview with Stallone earlier, he saw an opening when hollywood was being stupid and overly political, and worked like mad and became a huge success.

Shad from Shadiversity is doing the same thing with his comic heā€™s up to nearly 400,000 dollars raised and his campaign is still going.

Shad is also talking about making a replacement for Star Wars.

This is a 5+ hour stream he did going over everything recently. Itā€™s long, but it shows heā€™s serious and heā€™s a hard worker and an established writer with a successful book. So heā€™s got a shot.

He is also a successful media personality with a channel that has over 1.4 million subscribers called ā€œShadiversityā€ itā€™s all about medieval and fantasy type stuff.

There is a hunger for good stories that offer a place for people to escape from all the crazy political crap going on. But hollywood is being stupid and pushing just more crap at us, and they havenā€™t figured out yet why nobody likes it. So alternatives are coming.

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Come to think of it im going to lower my score if HOT-D omit the brothel scene in upcoming seasons.

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Finished Justified S6 today. It was the best season by far. Quality guest stars really gave this series the ending we, and it, deservedā€¦

We dug coal

I havenā€™t seen that one, iā€™ll take a look =)
I suggest taking a look at a recent series called ā€œThe Terminal Listā€, or if you want a nice long series that is sort of like a modern western, take a look at one called ā€œBansheeā€

On the topic of whatā€™s going wrong in Hollywood these days, hereā€™s a good video about that.

Critical Drinker is an accomplished Scottish author, this is the view of Hollywood from the people who live in the EU.