What did you watch today?

Watched TL when it came out. I’m from San Diego and recognized several locations used. That was very cool considering it often doesn’t happen. I enjoyed it, but thought the first few episodes were strongest.
Thanks for the link. Think I’ll do HotD next followed by the Cyberpunk thing. I’ve seen that one favorably mentioned several times on blogs. Even on one about Padre baseball.

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I’m working my way through House of the Dragon, I was waiting for season 1 to be entirely finished and the reviewers I trust to give it positive recommendations. They did, so i’m checking it out finally.

Cyberpunk is quite good. It’s anime though, so you have to be at least a bit comfortable with some anime conventions. I enjoyed it a lot.

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I didn’t notice you mentioned Banshee. Old eyes🤣That is one of my all time favorites! At the time I was in a Facebook group about that show. Several of the crew were members and shared behind the scenes stuff with the group. Fun times.

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I finally watched all the Banshee seasons this last summer, it was a fun ride. A bit predictable over the last few seasons, but still a good fun show.

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Never watched anything anime. I’m willing to give it a shot.

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Oh wow, never watched any anime ever? o_O ok ummmmm… be prepared for some nudity. it’s a cyberpunk world in a dystopian future where everything is run by giant corporations that fight battles against each other in the shadows. Government’s mostly don’t exist or are just puppets for giant corporations. This is not spoilers, it’s essential background for how the cyberpunk world works.

The show doesn’t really tell you any of that.

I didn’t like the last season, but everything else rocked! Justified is worth a watch. Far better than Ozark in my view.

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I never saw Ozark either. But from reading the synopsis marketing blurbs about Justified it looks like fun.

First anime is always tricky, it’s an entirely different world from almost any other modern form of cinema.

This one is quite good, and might be a better first anime to watch.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners delves more into things that people unfamiliar with anime could get turned off by.


Now I’m intrigued…Might do that one first🤔

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Arcane is more family friendly than Cyberpunk. Both are great, but it’s better to start with something like Arcane (to get your toes wet) instead of diving into things more fully with Cyberpunk and possibly being shocked out of the pool.

Much of Anime is very strongly influenced by Japanese culture, and it commonly has themes that foreign audiences could be uncomfortable with due to cultural differences.

These are a lot different from the idea of ‘cartoons’ that western audiences are used to. These are adult shows with adult themes made for adults.

  • It’s because, after WW2, the USA went in and rebuilt Japan, and Japan heard about our early cartoons, and they tried to imitate them over in Japan, but they didn’t know it was just supposed to be ‘for kids’ - so they made them as shows for adults. That’s where modern anime spawned from.
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There are a very few ‘live action’ anime - but I strongly suggest avoiding them, because almost all of it is terrible.

With 1 exception. A recent movie called Alita Battle Angel.
This is the last movie that was made by 20th Century Fox before it got merged into Disney.

This movie was originally released in theaters and did fairly well. Though the property is now owned by Disney from the 20th Century Fox merger a few years back. Disney hasn’t done anything with it (thankfully, because everything coming out of Disney these days is garbage and they would most likely ruin it)

Steven Spielberg basically created this movie, but he didn’t have time to work on it directly because he’s still working on Avatar 2. So he handed it off to a director he trusted named Robert Rodriguez, and it actually turned out pretty good.

It had the best I-Max 3D effects i’ve ever seen in any movie yet. That movie was amazing in 3D. Sadly I don’t have a way to play 3D movies at home, but I did buy the I-Max 3D blu-ray of it, so maybe someday…

Sadly every other example of ‘live action’ anime is pretty terrible. So avoid them.

Hehe - you are going to have to make a short list to remember all these :slight_smile:


I own that in 4k. Obviously I enjoyed it👀

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Oooo… I know this isn’t the place for it. But I strongly suggest you read the manga sometime, if you are into reading at all.

I can’t speak highly enough about this series, It is literally the best manga anime I’ve ever read, and i’ve read a lot of them. And the story is different enough from the movie that you will get a totally different story from the Manga.

It was this manga that spawned the Cyberpunk Genre for the world. This is where it all started, and it’s still great today. The most exceptional piece of Japanese manga literature imo.

Steven Spielberg was so impressed with that series that he bought the movie rights from the creator many many years ago. So technically Steven Spielberg owns the rights to the movies, not Disney, but right now Spielberg is working on his movies for Disney… so how that will really be handled is still up in the air for Alita movie 2. If it ever happens.

You can also get the series as digital E books I think.

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I’ve always said, if my house was burning down and I could only grab 1 book, I would grab my monsterous copy of the Lord of the Rings trilogy all in one book. BUT the Battle Angel Alita hardcovers would be the very next thing I would grab. They are that good.

The movie only really scratched the surface of that series.

I need escapes. I’ve been caring for my Mom a little over a year now. I get involved in a movie, a series or an album to get away just for a bit. I’m really thankful the pause button was invented! Like in Cool Hand Luke… I gotta get my mind right.

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Hopefully these suggestions help! I’m off for few days, I have to pack for a trip to visit family. one of those family get-together things, and I have to start driving in about 8 hours. Have a great nite!


Safe travels. Thanks for all the tips!

Picked up Jaws for my snowed in movie day, not sure what’s next


Man when “Something in the Way” starts, such a mood


Watching some older movies this Christmas Eve. This soundtrack was legit, still have the cd.