What did you watch today?

Hadn’t seen this in a while, classic (US) John Woo…


Great choice. One of Travolta’s best rolls. This one, Swordfish and Taking of Phelam 123. My personal faves.

Actually, he does a great job in “Phenomenon” also. A completely different kind of movie, but strong, strong performance in that one.


All solid movies, though it’s been a while since I saw Swordfish. I also like him in Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Urban Cowboy, and Broken Arrow. :+1:

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Not sure why it took me so long to watch this, was in my watchlist for quite a while. Solid Sci-Fi movie with some awesome cinematography as well as credible acting. :popcorn:

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Hopefully they will do a 2nd season. I’m on my 2nd time watching season 1 so that my girlfriend can see it.

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Rewatched one of my favourite movies. Works on so many levels. Brilliant.

Goes well with…

Culture was building toward and culminating in some great art at this time.

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Fun if you’re an old skater…the sound track is :gem: thought :+1:

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The prequel to Battlestar Galactica, shame they only made season 1. Still worth watching.


It’s been a while since I have seen this. Still one of my fav’s in the period-piece adventure/action genre.


I keep meaning to get to that. thanks for the reminder.

I often come back to the main theme ‘Promentory’ too.

Just listening to a version the original composer made, ‘The Gael Northwest’. So good.

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I watched this again. Been a long time. I love the message, man. Great soundtrack, too. People who ride get it. But for those who don’t, when people ask me “why do you do that?” I just point them to this movie.



I have seen this movie many times already but I finally got around to watching the 4k version last night. Easily the best version of the movie for image quality and audio. The audio portion is what actually surprised me the most and although I know this movie through and through, I felt like I was watching it for the first time…wowed me that much. :tornado: :popcorn:


Can’t believe it’s that old 1979 :open_mouth:

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I was on a 70’s movie binge a few weeks ago and finally saw this for the first time. It’s a good one for sure…gritty, dark, and suspenseful with some action!

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I watch a lot of stuff every day. Often its the same stuff over & over, like sitcoms from the 60s like Green Acres & Beverly Hillbillies up to Young Sheldon & Resident Alien. I recently purchased all of Brooklyn 99. I watch Poirot a lot. I’ve been on an Agatha Christie based movies or tv series thing, plus 3 or 4 Cary Grant movies, the first 2 Transformers movies, Death in Paradise series, Ergo Proxy series, & The Beekeeper movie twice, plus all of Halo S1 & S2, all of Fallout.

I was watching it today after I got up. Actually I turn my screen off & sleep to that show’s audio. That is one of a few shows that just work for me to sleep to.

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A gem of a movie and worthy of a top spot in my collection. When some think of Jennifer Grey they usually think of Dirty Dancing, maybe Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, even Red Dawn. While her role in these movies is good in its own right, and iconic in Dirty Dancing, this movie is my favorite of hers. Matthew Modine was cast as the perfect co-star making for great character development and an overall relevant and inspiring story. If you haven’t seen this yet, I whole-heartedly recommend you do. :popcorn:


Mid summer, i noticed that House M.D. (House (TV Series 2004–2012) - IMDb) was available on Netflix (at least in my region), and while i had seen most episodes when it originally aired, i had a few holes and i felt enough time had passed that it could be worth a re-visit.

Not really binged it, but i am now halfway through the last season. While The first 5-6 seasons where great, i did feel season 7 was a bit more varied i quality. Season 8 brings some changes, and while still good, it feels different than the first seasons, and perhaps the series weakest.

Hugh Laurie does a great job throughout the series in portraying Gregory House. And even though the episodes have a pretty set formula of mis-diagnosing the patient 3-4 times before finding the solution in the “last act” of the episode, it is the personal relations and interaction between House and his team that makes the series.

Pleasantly surprised when rewatching this show, and it has held up nicely, imho. It feels like more thought have been put into the main characters in this show, than many of the current shows i watch. Its also less political correct/woke than what you expect sometimes compared to current shows, and that is also a bit refreshing :slight_smile:

Not yet tonight but I’m planning on episode 2 at least before I collapse - just found out yesterday the last season of Snowpiercer has been out since July and started watching. It was ready in early '23 but didn’t air due to some financial nonsense, so I knew it was still worth keeping in my tracker app.