What headphone(s) do you really want?

I’m curious about some higher end headphones like the ZMF line, TH900/909, LCDX, focal clear, etc. I can afford anything under $2000 easy, it’s just I really should save that money and I honestly don’t know if I actually feel the need for a “better” headphone. I love my TR-X00 PH and an currently very satisfied with it, but I would like to try some $1000+ options just to see.


Can’t get an Elex, I’m in Spain. Drop doesn’t sell the Elex outside the US. Maybe a clear in the future…

David…David…David. if you find yourself able to trust someone here that lives in the US, I’m sure it could be arranged! or perhaps you have friends in the US already?

I’m more than happy to help…but, I live in Canada. so while still easy to do, perhaps a bit more costly due to the lousy exchange rate on CAD against the USD.

I have a network of friends I use to forward stuff to me from the US when there’s a reseller that won’t ship to Canada or charges far to much to cross the 49th parallel. :stuck_out_tongue:


Aeolus… and a Tor Roger :eyes:

So, to have a credit card is way less common here than in the us. I had one in the past and used it too much, what had put me into trouble and since than I stay away from credit cards. I can do everything that I basicially need with PayPal or just my bankcard.
But you are right, probably I could get a type of credit card that I have to charge with cash before I can use it. Basicially really dont want to have a card linked to my bank account, even tho im much more in control of myself and my money now, compared to a few years back. But good idea, I have to look for that type of card maybe :slight_smile:

They look interesting.

Fidelio X3 more likely will get when available
Ora GQ I’d probably consider it if it was easily available
Oppo PM-3 if I really wanted it I would have it, but it’s not a priority
TH-X00 or similar semi monitoring the market atm, no real plans to acquire
ESS 422H interesting to me, but don’t need
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never heard of these before. too many headphones are beginning to look alike. I saw these and thought of the EMU Teak and the Blon B7’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

Very Curious about how the X3’s will perform. Their projected price is 385 usd so we’ll see how well it does in that price bracket

Mmmhhhh… Thank you man. I am waiting to sell some watches to get some cash. Let’s talk more about this in the future! :love_you_gesture:

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I had two in mind and got one. I am the proud owner of the Focal Elex’s.
My next big target is the CFA Cascades. Hard to get and not cheap, to me.


I had the new Samsung ANC headphones for a bit. I loved when music played from them, but if wind or anything hit the microphone it would play static. Not acceptable. But I’m open to try the X3.

ZMF aeolus. such a nice looking headphone

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I really want a pair of ZMF Auteur and Aeolus.

I’m also interested in hearing the Aeon 2 Closed, Focal Clear and Hifiman Edition XX.


the Clear were good…they weren’t as amazing as the Stellia, but good enough I know I wouldn’t have been unhappy with them instead.

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I really want…
Lots! XD


meze empyrean
fostex th909
Sennheiser hd800s

I have Audeze LCD-X & LCD-3F (both upgraded cables) + Schitt Lyr (holy grail tubes) + Schiit Bifrost + Fiio X7.

At some point I would be interested in one of the top 3 to acquire and potentially the rebel class Amp. That will be much later down the road after I get my speaker setup sorted out.

Right now there really are no headphones on my list. At least not until I get a tube amp (DV336 most likely but looking at Little Dot’s). Once I have tubes probably 6{something-something} or maybe 1990.

I’m so crazy I made a list with all the headphones I want to buy in order (sort of) through my hole life. That’s pretty crazy.

But for now, HD600, Nighthawks and AKG371

I have WH1000XM3 and DT1990 Pro.

headphones i can sleep with on… it never will happen because of anxiety with lyrics and sleep issues but i would beg for that for that sleep issues