What headphone(s) do you really want?

honestly probably just like amny own all the 600 series senns I like these beyers a lot enought to seriosly consider getting them just to own in the future. ideally as in had the money to burn though. i aint a rich boy though

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They really do complement each other very well. I just ordered the XL leather pads and the cloth pads for the Cascade so I’m curious to see how it’ll change the sound.

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What if you could get the dream headphones if there would be one but are not wanting to get them?
I’m pretty happy with SHP9500 and HD6XX. Waiting for the Elex. Don’t really want… more.

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Abyss 1266 Phi
Abyss Diana Phi with DMS mod
Denon 9200
Fostex TH900 mk2
Stax L700
Stax 007
Stax 009
high end stax energizer
Focal Utopia
Focal Clear
Meze Emperean
Hifiman HE1000SE
DCA Ether 2
ZMF Verite
Audio Technica 5000x
GXS amp
Hifiman Susvara
Sennhieser HE1
Hifiman Shangri La

So i estimate im gonna need over 100000$ hope that rich uncle dies soon.


Oh? Well then, probably none. :slightly_frowning_face:
Although perhaps I could snag some 1More Tridents. But I would rather save up for a good amp/dac finally.


Probably the Shuoer Tape, I’m not into IEMs but listening to an electrostat on a plane just seems kinda badass. I don’t know how much they leak though.

Listening to a real estat on the plane is less than desirable from my experience lol. I took my 003mk2 and it wasn’t the best listening session lol

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I would just take my ksc75s if they weren’t open back. :smile:

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Just a word if warning about the Tapes, they are a VERY Harman target compliant sound signature. This means they have the full fat 3k mountain that can sound very shouty. Otherwise very good IEMs.

Hmmm probably the focal clear ore the Ath Awas!

as persont hat enjoys my harman target the tapes timbre sounded a bit dry or awkward the bass was pleasant but that 3k spike did not do the IEm a favor. I usually dont mind that peak on most harman compliant IEMS but this one was a no go for me at the time I much preferred the moondrop kanas pro and the kxxs


Most “Harman target” stuff has the crop top 3k hill like the BLON bl-03 from what I’ve seen. This makes that hill much less intrusive. I’m still not the biggest fan of the Harman target either way.

Next week I’m gonna be buying the Hifiman Sundara. I’m very excited, I demoed it and loved it


the harman target isnt really great for most genres unfortunately if you are into female vocalists, into classical, generic audiophile music, or anime music , kpop ,j pop that 3k spike does cool things otherwise for other types of music, like hip hop ( which I like with the harman target personallybut I can see issues for others) , metal , rock, pop or modern alternative music it could hurt more than help. the way the tapes implement it is kinda an odd choice IMO its reason wh its a love it or hate it kind of situation for most for this IEM.

I find it to almost always hurt or at the very least, not help. It is very bad with distorted electric guitar and usually just makes things shouty to me. I would agree about hip hop though, it does sound good there. I like the Tapes, they have great sound quality, especially for $130, but that Harman hill kills me sometimes.

I actually find the Harman target better for iems, but I don’t prefer it as much in headphones. I think width and soundstage effects the presentation and timbre of the Harman TRC…at least to my ears.

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I do think that although on paper they have similar FG, a lot of the Harman curve iems sound noticeably different. I heard the Tapes briefly but they did sound considerably different from the Starfields, which to me don’t sound shouty at all. Even between the Moondrop Harman lineup there’s subtle differences in the sound. I get the point though, it’s a generalization. Just saying that it’s not necessarily true that the most negative aspects of the Harman curve apply to all of them.

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I agree. There is no such thing as a sweeping declarative statement or an absolute when explaining sound. What I was saying is the the HRTC doesn’t sound as good to me on headphones as it does on iems. It probably has more to do with driver distance and perceived depth, which obviously can differ when you change tips, sources, etc.

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I was mostly referring to Coconut’s comment above regarding the HRTC, I think we’re on agreement for the most part. I’m curious as to which headphones follow the Harman curve. I’m not as familiar with HRTC headphones as much as iems.

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They all have their own distinct sound if you ask me :rofl: