What IEMs are in your current rotation?

LOL :joy::rofl:

Thanks Dom, I appreciate your kind words and the support/advice you’ve given me. I’m sure I’ll be asking for more in the future and it’s nice knowing I can turn to you. :metal::sunglasses:


I have a master list of all of our addresses from the tour. Whomever is getting it first, I can set you up when it’s time


Perfect! We’ll work it out then. I don’t care who I send it too first, BTW. I just suggested sending it to the closest destination because it made sense, but we can sort that out when the time comes.


It’s nothing, man. Please don’t even mention it - I’m happy to do it absolutely any time, honestly. I wish I had someone to give me certain pieces of advice when I became a father so the least I can do is relay anything that I’ve learned!

You’re the man, J :handshake:


Damn, you got the “Need to ask a Dad Dad Questions” scoop on us?

Okay, I see how it is with you all. Well I don’t wanna be in your club anyway!



Hey, I was PMing with Dom literally right after I found out and you know I had to tell someone. I was keeping it quiet because my girl wanted to make sure everything was happy and healthy before we started telling people. Now that we know it is, that post was the first mention I made of it publicly so you guys are stilk very much part of the breaking news cycle.

Plus, you know by how he acts with us that Dom must be a great father so when we got to talking about it, I laid some questions on him. I never really planned on having kids so Dom has been helpful getting me up to speed. :+1::sunglasses:

As for becoming a member of the club, you totally can, but the “membership dues” are pretty life changing. :wink:


I’ve met Dom with his kid and had nary a thought of calling the authorities to save the kid from his evil clutches…

He doesn’t even leave the kid alone in the car, for the amount of time it takes to hand me a IEM box.

He’s one of the best of us, honestly


Tsk* Shucks, guys, I try my best :smiling_face_with_tear:

Brandon, whenever you’re ready to join this very exclusive club, man, let me know. It’s very easy to get in. You just have to sign your life away to a life form you’ve never met before and will not truly get to know until 3 or 4 solid years from the day you first meet them so, ya know, easy.


I love you, buddy. I really do. I mean it.

But when I’m ready to join the club, I’ll be doing my initiation with @Lcg842.

Not that we wouldn’t make for a great “My 2 Dads” sitcom or anything…

That’s my plan B :kissing_smiling_eyes:



Yeah, the initiation won’t be with me, good sir, I can promise you that :joy:


That made me spit water all over my phone! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

You guys would be so cute together…:wink:


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Whatever is easiest for you two. I’m in no rush

There are quite a few dads here and we are more than open to chat!

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Well unless I missed another comment that was an extremely subtle way to drop this awesome news. Congratulations to you and her! Looks like you need to go grab some lottery tickets with those odds.


That’s a difficult question to answer as picking one over the other depends on mood and library. I’ve been listening to the FA7 more with foam tips - took several sessions to appreciate an all BA sound experience. Been a dynamic headphones and earbuds user most of my life and only recently moved into IEMs a few months ago. Figuring what I like and don’t like has been fun. With foam tips, the FA7 really comes alive - the music I listen to just hits different. This was actually an accidental pair sent than what I ordered - wasn’t expecting to like them at all initially.

Thank you for the welcome message. I’m learning a lot here and headfi.

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Good stuff! Gotta love it when the pair you get sent by mistake ends up being a score, right? :+1::sunglasses: Figuring out what you like and don’t like, what the differences between the different tech and the associated sounds and presentations are, etc is what makes this hobby fun for me. The journey is the whole point (the endgame).

Sounds to me like you’ll fit in just fine around here. :sunglasses:


Update on my part:

1 - olina is still the most reference-y set I have. One of the sets I enjoy the most, too
2- the dunu Talos is a mid-beast with a beautiful body
3- I listen to mangird tea sparsely because I don’t want to get used to this magic I get each time I listen to it

The other sets (P1Max , trn ta2, moondrop SSR, Mele) are here to add a little variety from time to time.

The salnotes zero I keep forgetting about.

S12pro should be put on the market as it leaves me unimpacted each time I try it.

The modded tanchjim echo are a perfect set for travel and workout

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My currently most used ones in no particular preference,

in my case I find it difficult to only mention the in-ears or headphones, because they each sound very different, depending on which amplifier I (you) pair them with.

For this reason, I always read, watch or listen to reviews of the respective devices with a pinch of salt.

That’s why I included the respective amp in the picture.

  1. Senn IE600
  2. Senn IE80S ( dry, powerfull, textured, shameless, captivating sub-bass and good synergy with M7)
  3. КL MK2 :slight_smile:
  4. Nothing else for now…