What IEMs are in your current rotation?

So just to confirm, I’m seeing CFA Solaris Stellar Horizons, Senn IE900 (?), CFA Supermoons, 7hz Timeless, and CFA Andros in limited edition black finish. Is that correct? Damn fine lineup if it is! And even if I’m off on a couple the ones I’m sure of make it a damn fine lineup anayways. :metal::sunglasses:


Personally, I’m a big fan of the tonal tuning of the Campfire Audio and Sennheiser brands.

Knowing that 98% of youtube reviewers disagree, it’s still my own preference.

If you are interested, I can tell you that my taste in sound comes closest to John from the Darko Audio channel.

“Z” also has an astonishingly high hit rate, which he actually evaluates more instinctively and/or for marketing reasons.
But I can go along with about 70% of his positive ratings.

When it comes to ChiFi products, my experience is a complete mixed bag. As good as these sometimes are, I often have quality problems, with defective drivers, cables, connections… wrong deliveries, return problems…

You may see why I’m rather reserved at ChiFi when it comes to theirs qualities.

However, their marketing by various reviewers is brilliant, since these guys have almost cult status and their judgments are hardly questioned.

Based on my own experience, I’m rather skeptical.



This week in my ears
64 Audio U4S
7hz Legato
Penon Fan2
Simgot EA500


I’ve mostly been listening to the 7th acoustic supernova this week and comparing it to the Aür Neon Pro. It’s a close call for my preferences.

I’ve also spent time with:

  • Empire Ears Odin
  • ISN H50
  • Andromeda 2020 (I now wish it had 30-50% more bass presence, but love the technicalities)

Hell of a line-up. Looking forward to your thoughts :handshake:


I’ve been obsessed with ISN EST50 through this weekend. Maybe one day I’ll get a chance to hear the H50. Would be curious to hear how they compare and if the EST50 is a worthy upgrade.

As for the Legato I like seeing that in the list. Now that my honeymoon phase is over I tend to reach for it as just a pure fun set to crank and jam on for shorter sessions. Not that it’s fatiguing more so for protecting my hearing. Overall though for its price I’m fine keeping it around as something that only gets occasionally used.


I’ve been using the Truthear Zero for music mainly, but did a test this week. I got the Final VR3000 and paired it with a Soundblaster X1 for gaming. Using wasapi push it was surprisingly good for music, just not as good as the Zero. For gaming it was excellent, soundstage using just the 7.1 or 5.1 mode was the best I’ve heard in a long time. The best I’ve heard is the HD800s on a Soundblaster AE-9 using the 5.1 mode, below that is the Audio Technica ADH1000X with a Soundblaster G6, but the VR3000/X1 combo is really, really close to that.
I have the Final E500 also, and it’s a good value, but in games the VR3000 sound stage is worth the difference in price alone. For music on the Truthear Zero, a Topping E50 via optical and L30 II amp are kingpin for a silent noise floor on IEM’s. Can’t do better than that combo.

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Got a set of those from Amazon UK for £18/$23 at the end of 2021 mostly for the E tips… I’m not a gamer just use them for Youtube etc they’re good at that price point don’t think I’d pay a whole lot more considering all the newer ChiFi offerings especially when it comes to music, but yeah maybe gaming is their trump card :+1:

Yes for music they’re ok but not the best at that price at all. Try Destiny 2 using a Sound blaster X1 in just 7.1 mode without the tacky SBX effects and they’re amazing compared to many headphones. At least as good as the Beyerdynamic DT770 or DT880 250ohm for gaming…

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Ok, so I am actually “rotating” a little these days so here goes:

  1. Penon Serial (for all the reasons I’ve waxed lyrical on before)
  2. Simgot EA500 (not a “budget pick to do a particular flavor well”, I love this tuning through and through and it’s the perfect complement to the Serial. Bass detail is fantastic, warmth with brightness, energetic but within my comfort levels)
  3. Penon Fan 2 (I still struggle to describe this one or its particular niche, but it really does sound fantastic and laid back, it can hardly do wrong. A black background and musical elements appear as they show up, the great isolating fit helps with that, smooth. I’m not doing it justice. You think it’s low on bass until a set of drums or bassy region emerges in the track, and get served great impact and timbre)
  4. GS Audio GT12X (for variety, something different to all the above, putting my finger on this one is hard too. It has clearer drawbacks in timbre and lower subbass compared to the rest, but it’s got its own charms and being all BA makes it a change from the rest of the stable)

The only niche that could potentially still be covered is an “extra bassy” set, but
a) I feel like the Serial covers that closely enough, especially in rotation with less bassy sets, that refreshes its “oomph” factor before hearing adjusts. Not predictably from how it graphs, the Serial always hits me as having more bass grunt than sets trying to push the bass.
b) In a day or so I’ll own a QKZxHBB again, and that’s a fantastic bassy set, my favorite in its price range so far, even with minor drawbacks.

I’m so blessed that out of the above two were straight up gifts, and one was an excellent deal from a friend. I shouldn’t be able to have a “choice” or variety, but here I am with several sets one of which serves just to add some whimsy when it’s needed.


Current lineup after getting the EJ07M:

  1. EJ07M: It took a lot of tip rolling but once I found the right pair (AET08 for me) these are just amazing. Once I get my IE600s back I’ll be A/Bing to determine which is takes the top spot
  2. IE600: Even with them being away at the moment the IE600 are still up here. While not perfect, they do things that no other set I have heard can mimic
  3. Legato: My defacto hip hop set. While objectively not in the same league as the other two sets. They replay old school hip hop superbly and for that they lock in a spot on the list
  4. Serratus: mine are currently getting repaired so it has been a while but they are my go to listening option when I have some quite around the house. They are natural with a hint of excitement and I haven’t found any IEM that are as immersive as these.
  5. Rikubuds Beserker Proto: My go to gaming/TV/movie buds. They are inoffensive and imaging is very good. I can wear these for hours and honestly I forget they are in my ears all the time

One of the biggest draws for owning at least one good pair of buds. It doesn’t matter how comfy your IEMs or headphones are, they can’t touch a pair of buds that fits you right, IMO/IME. :+1:


The best is when I hear something in a show and think it’s coming from down the hall cause I forgot I had buds in


My Toneking Dendroaspis Viridis do this to me all the time. They have a very holographic/3D presentation and sounds often seem to be coming from other rooms, behind me, etc and I get caught checking over my shoulder a couple times a session, at least. :man_facepalming::joy:


Had a moment like that watching an Amazon review video with the GT12X in, heard something way off in my kitchen, had to skip back 15 seconds to check it was part of the video, and it was, but even hearing the same sound at the same time it almost tricked me again.


The FAN2 does that for me too.

Crazy wicked good on the F2


Just noticed it’s been a little over a year since my last one:

  1. BF2/64 w/ RNHP / QP2R → GL-AMT16
  2. UTWS5 → QDC 8SL
  3. QP2R → Z12

That’s it, I’ve sold everything else other than the LZ IEMs (might sell the A6+A7 as a package)… I did pre-order the PR2 to compare to the Z12. The AMT16 is sublime on the basshead desktop stack and the 8SL is my gym buddy.


Is this the same as the qdc Live 8 Standard (universal fit) or is this a different IEM?

Isn’t that the best? It doesn’t happen often for me, but if my mood is just right, I can catch my self being so immersed in the music it becomes a blanket of sound around me. I had that experience the other day with the OG Wu on my way home. Something clicked and I completely forgot where I was. There’s nothing quite like it.


Yep, that’s the one.

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