What IEMs are in your current rotation?

How long have you been running the 8SLs and how do you like them? I don’t see them mentioned often, but they’ve always seemed like an intriguing product to me from a well liked company.

Had them a bit over year now and they’ve had daily use since I got them in the door. They’re tuned more on the fun side with a thicker low-end response, but nice details up top. When I did some side-by-side comparisons with the Thieaudio Prestige, I found the Prestige to have more clarity and “thoccky” slam while the 8SL was more resolving with better separation, but had that rubbery BA bass. I ended up preferring the latter since DD slam (depending on the tuning/implementation) can get a bit fatiguing for me.

From what I’ve seen graph-wise, they’re like the V14 “0004” setting with less of a lift in the treble. I’d like to get a chance to demo some of their other IEMs since the 8SL fits damn-near perfect in my ears.

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You just threw in that comparison because you know I dig the Prestige and you’re just looking to cause trouble by piquing my curiosity. :angry::wink:

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Well, I felt it was a good reference for you, but yes, the latter could also be true :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: . Honestly, the 8SL is not that common on the used market iirc (I got mine on eBay of all places for the price of a new MMK2), so if you’re interested I’d probably go with the V14. They’re probably more technical, too (albeit pricier.)

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I was just playin’! I appreciate the comparison to something I know. I’m definitely curious, but at the same time, I’m totally satisfied with my lineup and have spent too much lately to go chasing down another realitvely expensive IEM at this point. I will definitely file it away for another time, though. :+1::sunglasses:

If we ignore stuff that gets uptime for a review, my current rotation looks the following:

  • U12T
  • Gaea
  • Mest Mk2
  • Meteor
  • SA6 Mk2
  • Monarch Mk2

From time to time, I do like to pull out FDX1 or Sony N3 for that nostalgia.

My goal for 2023 is to find different tunings/iems, quality over quantity. In fact, this list already includes changes and it’s about to change even more.


Wow, what a list of legends (apart from Gaea, those graphs like it is going to drill a hole in ear drum with this treble energy).
BTW are you the owner of those MESTs now?

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They can also put a huge hole in your wallet :grinning:

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It is indeed a hit list. But will get shorter. In fact I already have something arriving in June that will most likely wipe two or three of that list. One close friend (cough igor cough) has been breathing on my neck for me to sell him two of them. Like im already winking at @Xavilaw’s Mojo2 so I can helo him justify the lastest purchases.

Oh and yes, Mest is mine thanks to the legend @Sonofholhorse. That one is staying (in fact just ordered a matching cable during this no sleep session).

Gaea is an agressive listen, but you would be surprised :stuck_out_tongue:


Been a while, so thought I’d share an update!
Current IEMs:

  • Simgot EA500 (red filter). I sold my Olina OG (modded) because the treble sounded a bit crunchy from time to time - perhaps one of the treble peaks didn’t gel with me. Happy to say that I dont have that issue with the EA500, although fitis still not as ideal as resin shells like Yanyin Canon or XINS x Akros Erasmus
  • XINS x Akros Erasmus. This has better passive isolation than my ANC headphones lol. Fits me like a glove, and thanks to its smooth sound profile, I can use it for hours at work
    Current earbuds:
  • No change here, so TGXear Serratus & Ripples. I mainly listen to the Ripples (been pretty addicted to jazz these days), but I do switch over to the Serratus for immersive orchestral pieces. I might consider selling both for the Totem, but that is a very tough decision and one that I’ve successfully avoided for now lol

Next time you come to Portugal, I can send Totem (I should have received it by then).


No. I just got Red Serratus to match my Ripples. I don’t need you messing everything up now that I’ve finished my TGXears Triumvirate. Away, foul earbud demon


It’s good to have you back around the Forum, my friend :handshake:


I don’t know if your triumvirate is complete without the Totem :stuck_out_tongue:

Then your gf needs Tantalus? I gotta take care of that

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Well you said get Ripples over Tantalus so I did. But if you wanna help her out with the discontinued buds, then that’d be great :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I guess technically I have Ripples and Alpha and Red Serratus are hers. So neither of have a completed trio lol

My rotation got shortened very much and is fully scenario dependant:

  1. UM Mest OG - the one to be beaten if I have long evening for music or suprising daughter’s nap. Nothing came too close as of now and after some short honeymoon periods with some tastes of the month I come back to it with full pleasure. Honestly because I have 1-1,5h max of listening per day choosing anything else is a decision I take with pain in my heart.
  2. Xinhs Erasmus - set for on the go, same story as @ttorbic - it feels like it was designed just for my ear
  3. Quarks DSP - for meetings and stuff at work. Sometimes music - it costing 1/100 of TOTLs is a fucking joke of this hobby.
  4. My own private semi-open, 15,4 assymetric Qian39 with bio driver - it is really, really good for organic music (not only for the cost of BOM, but in general including details and everything apart from the lowest of the low end). I listen to it at work when I know someone would interrupt me in a minute or as a sleepbud when I decide to sleep with music on (likely when my wife felt asleep too early). The soundstage is open-back like in stuff like Chemtrails of Lana Del Rey.
    Would be updated with 80Ohm Blue Diamond PET with similar tuning materials in open shell soon.


Make it 2 pls


This is a result of a no sleep night. I always spend money if Im awake way more than I should, but at least this time wasnt in audio…

… Only some :joy: