What IEMs are in your current rotation?

Ooooh those DIY buds are looking gooood! You 3D printed them right? Did you customise the dimensions, and if you did, are they more comfortable than stock Qian39?

Man, I promise you are very high on my list of people I want to gift, but you are very frightening receiver as you have heard the best of the best of world transducers and I am past my meme making phase :smiley: But I aim for something before end of Q2 :smiley:

This is basic qian39 model, customised for 15,4mm standard DD transducers with stem moved away from the central plane by 4mm plus perforated heavily on the 3D CAD level so to achieve “semi open” state.


I just want to add that I think this is sick!


In my ears
Penon Fan2
64 Auduo U4s
Simgot EA500
7hz Legato

All wonderful IEM


Oh my, the are so many good sets worthy of listening time.

Current Rotation
Beyerdynamic Xelento 2 - Very technical proficient single driver. Bass focused but still surprisingly detailed upper range. An IEM that doesn’t sound like it graphs. Distinct (non-Harman) sound signature. Definitvely not worth 1000 bucks. But which TOTL IEM truly is?
JQ 4U - Excellent single bery driver that has a distinct sound signature unique in my collection
Thieaudio Oracle MK!! - Best Tribrid in my collection (EST112, Variations). Love the LCP DD and the spicy upper end.
Tri x HBB Kai - The best HBB collab IEM I listened to. Lush, balanced LCP goodness.
Yume 2 - My #1 hybrid, love the tuning, so much wow. A budget Elysian X judging by graph comparison.
KZ VSX - Best of the 20$ league if you ask me

Hall of Fame aka Keeper Sets
All the above, plus:
Penon Serial
QKZ x HBB Kahn
Tripowin Olina
XINHS x Akros Erasmus
Dunu Vulkan
Kiiboom Allure
Blon BL-Max
Tipsy Tromso
7Hz Timeless
Letshuoer S12


Can you give me a little rundown on this one? I’ve seen them mentioned a couple times and I’m intrigued by their under the radar status. :+1::sunglasses:

Edit: And do you know how the Pro and non-Pro versions differ? Wow, aside from the 4BA added in the Pro version. That’s just a different IEM, not a Pro revision.

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It got my attention too! The name sounds familiar like a set I think Chris and Tony have reviewed BUT I’m certain that was a hybrid so this must be something else!

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The 4U was the single DD predecessor of the 4U Pro. If I’m not mistaken it’s sold out for over a year.
JQ 4U – Linsoul Audio

I bought it out of curiosity during a 11.11 sale.
Ear gain is early at 1.5 kHz.

Vocals sound perfect with a little emphasis. Bass is quick, detailed and well dosed. Hit Hats have good zing and decay. They say it has a bery driver. I don’t know if it’s only coated or full bery. The driver sounds high quality though.


Sadly checks two “no” characteristics for how my ears hear things:

  • Gain earlier than 3k : almost guaranteed consonant sibilance

  • 5k peak: nasal/shouty vocals

I am a beryllium fan though, and at least it’s a novel tuning.


I don’t perceive them like that. I’d send them to for testing if you’d live on the other side of the big pond :grinning:


IIRC the JQ4U Pro is the same IEM as the Hisenior Mega5P just rebranded - or that was the allegation anyway.




If you send me your buds, you’re sending to Ricardo. I have a collection of DIY buds that friends have sent me over the time. Each one of them is stored as a priceless gift because they have a story or a meaning. Yours will follow, and I’ll pay for the parts and shipping if needed.

Unless you want a take, then you get nymz - but let’s face it, that guy sucks.


Current 5 IEMs used most the last weeks, as always changes up from week to week.

1 AüR Audio Aure - Penon Mix cable
2 ISN EST50 - Penon Vocal
3 AüR Audio Neon Pro - XINHS 4core 26 awg copper
4 Penon Serial - Whitecrane
5 VE SiE - Penon OS133


All strong lookers too!

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Absolute beautes! The orange EST50 looks way better than I expected
Decided to hold off money for an AüR Audio iem… Also that XINHS copper cable looks the business

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Haha, I tried the orange to get something special. Was scary. But turned out good. ISN50 has been a very fun and good IEM for me. I have finished my review for it, just waiting a few days.

I am impressed by AüR I must admit that, I am riding along getting their releases this year. Aurora next month and then Ascension in some months. Allusion depends on how big my summer bonus is :grinning:


Currently have the Soundrhyme SR5 in play, listening to the Martin Miller album recommended in the music thread.

My picks for this week, all on my nighstand ready for swapping, in no particular order:

  • IE600
  • EE Godin
  • Wu Zeitan
  • Aür Neon Pro
  • Fan 2
  • ISN H50
  • Dunu SA6 OG

Looking forward to the review!

The praise of AüR seems very justified - got my eyes peeled
