What IEMs are in your current rotation?

I didn’t get a chance to say this earlier, but happy you’re over on here a little more frequently, brother. I enjoy your takes and especially your photos, they’re always really well done :handshake:


@Leonarfd I was glad to see you here too, on the Penon thread it was always nice to read your honest takes as you enjoyed your music.


It looks like there’s still at least one Ali store selling the OG version. While I generally agree with what RBW says about early ear gain and 5k peaks, what you’re saying and the reasonable price have me intrigued enough that I might just have to give this one a run.

Edit: BTW, thanks for answering with the quickness! :+1::sunglasses:


That’s cool, a JQ for JA.
In the following demo you can get a pretaste of this little gem.
The theme is “Underdog IEMs”, well for the Xelento 2 it’s due the price but anyway…


These two IEMs getting 100% of my listening time these days:
7th Audio Supernova
Elysian x Effect Gaea


Singot Ew100p - FUN
FiR Audio Xe6 - On Loan I feel lucky to be able to hear this gem.
KZ PR2 for review

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Hopefully my Supernova should be arriving by end of month. Can’t wait to see where it’ll end up sitting in my collection.

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I’ll have to confirm this when I get all of my sets back from touring/graphing, but I’m 95% sure when they get back it’ll be these sets:

  • Penon Fan 2 - For my sitting down on my desktop. It’s the best set I own, but it’s not the best fit for on-the-move
    • Juzear 41T - This is the set that actually ruined (“saved me from”) the desire to buy more expensive sets. I’ve heard $1500 IEMs that are amazing, and I wouldn’t take them over this set. That might be a me-thing, but I stand by it. These two are the sets I’d be judicious about listening to so I never dilute the magic they bring to my ears
  • Simgot EN1000 - This is an underrated “Destined to be Forgotten to History” set, which is a shame because I like it more than EA500
    • SGOR Venus - This is the fun, budget set that just hits my HRTF in a way that I can’t explain it. It doesn’t have the technicalities of the former sets at all, but its tonality is on par with any of the above for me. This is my favorite beater set. These two would probably be my EDCs
  • KBear Rosefinch - The set I put in my ears just often enough, when accurate replay doesn’t matter and I just want to drown in




  • Simgot EA500 - I started the hype train on these so it would be weird if I never used them, but they’d only get regular use, these days, when other sets are out on tour or when I want to give EN1000 a break to let me reset on the special sauce it brings.

Nope your not alone. I’ve heard them too and would be right there with you. Even in my current rotation of IEMs the 41t is making me reevaluate which should go and all of the choices are well above its price.


I love Fan2 too. Differently ftom Serial it really needs good recordings to shine. These tho BAs are quite picky with old or bad recordings.

I’ve gotten my hands on the Radon6 IEMS from Fir Audio, and these things kick. I do love a thick bass response (maybe to a fault). It’s super clean and a really fun listen.


Nice! It’s a great one (and quite possibly my favorite)! Hope you enjoy it!

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You should try Tiandirenhe TD15. They pushed Rosefinch for me for almost the same price. :wink:

And my sets:
Celest Pandamon - for relax
EPZ Q1 - for fun v-shape
Tiandirenhe TD15 - for BAS-S-S

Update to my daily IEMs:

  1. Prisma Azul (neutral)
  2. Z300 (fun daily)
  3. HM Zero (edc neutral or with bass boost EQ, perfect for walking)
  4. P1+

Kiwi Cadenza, Quarks DSP, BL-05 and Sora Light are not being used much these days.


Currently the same a year later since there hasn’t been anything I’ve heard recently that’s made me want to change either iem or dap wise. Most used would be the Infinity and Thummim.

I did get a Audio Hekili recently that’s been pretty fun as just a nice option for passive listening when I’m not too concerned about accuracy or realism and want something inoffensive and fun in bass quantity.

Interested in trying a Brise Tsurangi, Lotoo Mjolnir, or the new L&P dongle and future fullsize but not in any rush when it comes to source. Would like to try a Helios SE and Mezzo LE iem wise


Oh man. Another day, another update to my daily driver list of IEMs/buds/HPs. Most of my listening is done out of the house but I do get the off chance some early mornings to listen on my couch, so I’ll do two lists!

For at Home

  1. Monarch MKII - I’ve recently found a way to fall in love with this set yet again. I’ve had them for over a year now, and I’m still tip rolling. The newest tips I’ve found that work really well are the Spinfit W1. Really nicely balanced tips, and very comfortable. These are my at night choice.

  2. FAAEAL Iris 2.0 - just an all around, fun bud to listen to.

  3. Sundara 2020 - so very neutral and easy to listen to. When I’m kicking back in the morning, this is my #1 choice.

  4. Riku bud Lancer 1 - not much to say besides these are fantastic buds. Well balanced and amazing for female vocals.

  5. NCP 80 Ω buds (LCP) with donut foams - another awesome bud in my small collection. These can also be perceived as balanced, with a slight treble de-emphasis for a more laid back approach. The donut foams open them up nicely. Not to mention they’re very comfortable!

Out of the house

  1. Tin P1 Max - all hail the Planar king. To me, these are my go to IEMs for when I’m out of the house - there’s nothing I can fault about the sound sig. I love them. So easy to listen to. So fun when it needs to be, and vocals sound absolutely lovely.

  2. OG Wu - when i’m looking for a little more fun in my listening, these have been my #1 choice. That bass is slamming and the shimmers and twinkles are very nice.

  3. FatFreq Maestro Mini - again, another fun IEM for a noisier outside environment. Every time I put these in my ears, they just sound very correct. The bass doesn’t seem overemphasized, but actually, just right.

  4. EA500 - ever since I got my greasy hands on the P1 Max, I haven’t used the EA500 much, but they’re still amazing IEMs. Warmth and resolution is the name of the game with these guys - I was having a discussion with @GooberBM yesterday about them and I truly believe these are a master class of balance under $100.

  5. IKKO OH10 (modded) - I’m sending these off to @MMag05 on the next tour we have and I can’t wait to see the graph these produce. My pair have faulty DDs, I’m sure of it, but after I put a 400 grade density filter on the nozzle, they turned into absolute beasts. Very comfortable - Dunu S&S tips work wonders with these.


Mangird Tea2 - stole the #1 spot. Was craving for good and forward vocals for weeks. Keeps me away from the checkout button that has the discounted RSV on my Taobao cart.

Symphonium Meteor - really dig the impactful bass and treble extension the same time.

EJ07M KL + UTWS5 - my grab and go set. Keeps me away from buying entry level or cheaper sets. Reminds me how good technicalities should be.

P1 Max - simply addicting, I enjoy the warmth and treble. I kept grabbing this set when I’m bored with the others.

XBA-N3 - I was looking at my drawer last weekend and saw my N3 set and got curious. Reminded me how much I love midbass.

Sorry Fan2, it got kicked out on my top 5 this time.


Maybe influenced slightly by writing some reviews lately, so much of my time has gone to my top 2 at home. So even my Serial has not been used for many weeks.

At home

1 AüR Audio Aure
3 AüR Audio Neon Pro

At work

2 Penon FAN





  1. GL-AMT16 (6.0/3.8) w/ Legato Filter and 6x5 High Density Foams
  2. Simgot EA500 (Red Nozzle) and 6x5 High Density Foams
  3. 7hz Legato
  4. QDC 8SL
  5. KZ PR2 w/ Legato Filter and Double-Stacked High Density Foams

Finally tamed the treble and brought up the bass on the AMT16 to S12 Pro (Stock) levels even on foam tips, so the Z12 (w/ “proto-Glamdring” mod) is now out of the running. The EA500 modded just has a really pleasant tuning and the main set I use with my phone as it’s not power-hungry. The Legato was a big shock for me, which I picked up on a whim. Absolute phenom with early Techno/Trance and now I’m kind of eyeing FATfreq’s stuff which I hadn’t considered before. The 8SL is still in use as the outdoor set and the PR2 is like the EA500 but less-versatile for source-pairings.

I got tempted by the budget FOTM/Y stuff again, but I keep it exclusively to sub-$100 deals.