What IEMs are in your current rotation?

Let’s see, so far these are the ones that are still in my rotation of use.

  1. Simgot EM6L
  2. Simgot EA500
  3. Tangzu x HBB Heyday Edition
  4. Truthear Hola

And yes, two of those IEMs are Simgots because they are still good in my ears, especially with the EM6L with Dunu S&S tips on. I cannot explain it, for it seems like magic.


Why does this sound like such a backhanded compliment lol?

It’s okay to like them! They’re very good

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I never meant it as a backhanded compliment, I legit thought they are still good in my ears and as I said before, those IEMs especially the Simgots, still surprises me.


I know. I should’ve put the /s at the end of that. Whoops :man_facepalming:t5:


It is guilt over the far more expensive IEMs that don’t hold up against them. I think the EA500 is scary good for the money, and the only other new set this year I think of as fondly is the Kailua.

Hola is the IEM sitting on my desk.


Last month or so…

Xenns Top

Monarch Mk 3

Depending on genre but Mk 3 is the all-rounder

Oh yeah…forgot…got back to listening to the long in the tooth workhorse…Sony 800st…old school canon that never ceases to amaze


The Moondrop S8 is one I had held out on for a very long time, but is now indefinitely in my rotation. No matter what I have in my ears prior, the S8 always feels like a breath of fresh air. An absolute gem of an IEM, this one is.

I’ll also be revisiting the U12t after many years, as well as the Final A8000. Looking forward to pitting them against my current rotation and seeing if either/both find a permanent spot.

No local shop available for me to demo, so it’s back to buy, try, rinse and repeat…


I haven’t updated my list in so long… truthfully, I just pick up a different* set every day just to remember the sound. If I had to pick a top few to put together it would be

  • Juzear 41T
  • 7hZ Sonus
  • Modded OH10
  • and more recently the OG Wu. This one right here kind of took me by surprise. I haven’t listened to them in probably about a month and a half and just yesterday I threw some Clarion tips on those bad boys and woah… I was amazed at the sound coming out of them.

Starting with my new favorite iem
waiting for the Oriveti OH700VB to arrive along with the Tangsu Fudu, Rose Technics Quite Sea, simgot ew200 and a fancy pants new cable from CLAN Cables feels like Xmas!


Meze Advar …another that makes it into my rotation if I happen to grab it…same with the U12t


I’d say Tangzu Heyday, B2 Dusk, Mangird Tea 2 and DUNU EST 112 are the sets I use most often right now, I’m wearing the 112 right now.

Recently got me a Symphonium Meteor and IE600, don’t think I’ll daily drive either but both are good adds to my IEM pool.

Currently have a Moondrop S8 and 7th Acoustics Supernova pending, Supernova is probably the IEM I’ll be daily driving the most because I dig smoother FRs more than anything else I’ve tried and everyone claims it sounds like butter :butter:


I’ve heard the 41T is a pretty good IEM, the FR give me Mangird Tea 2 vibes which I dig 100%

I’d prob get one if I didn’t own a Tea 2


I have never heard the Tea 2, but I do own the Tea 1 and it’s probably one of the best IEMs I own.

The 41T is a stellar IEM in my humble opinion. For some reason, it didn’t click with me initially, but after feeding it some different souces, I’ve grown to love it’s warm sig.


I have both versions of the Tea, and they are my two favorite IEMs. I am happy to have both.

The mk2 is just a bit more bass and slightly more V shaped, but does it all in a subtle way. If I had to pick one, the Tea2 might win, but it would be a tough call.

I listen to Kailua a lot, and the Tanchjim One DSP get used regularly ( it is on my nightstand ). After that I would say the Simgot EA500 and Olina SE get regular use.

I tend to use the Hola at work, and when I travel.

I got my first tube amp ( MT-602 ) and rediscovering my collection has been fun. The Z300 with tubes is really nice pairing.


I can totally understand that, a more fun signature I think has that immediate gratification to it. Big bass and big details, it’s just more engaging. I have found that with sets like the Pandas for example, they don’t immediately move me, but over time they suck me in like a vortex. I start listening more, I start noticing the nuances. Once those vocal details start hitting my ears a certain way… oof - there’s nothing like it. The OG Teas are very similar in that regard imo


Excluding earbuds im using now and staying to IEMs for the current rotation.

Hisenior T4 - 4BA warm smooth sound, one of my favorites coming out this year.

Letshuoer S15 - Their new planar been a pleasant surprise, not been a fan of planar IEMs until now.

634ears Miroak-II Cocobolo - Still my favorite single DD and get used alot.

Simgot EA1000 Fermat - best Simgot so far, remain highly technical as its little brother ea500 but sound more natural and musical.

Venture Electronics Grand Duke - Expensive single DD, overload of bass that with correct mood and music makes me smile.


Ever since I discovered the Final Audio FI-BA-SS, Final earned themselves a lifelong listener/customer.

The A8000 arrived today, and absolutely exceeded all of my expectations. Insofar as I feel like I’m discovering Final all over again. To achieve this type of sound with a single pure beryllium diaphragm is simply bonkers. Reminds me of what Dita is equally capable of. Alas, the A8000… What an absolute beauty, inside and out.

It is WAY past midnight; I have to report to work in less than 6 hours; and I have zero intentions on pushing pause. Tis’ but a night far too blissful for that!


You never fail at taking some incredible photos and also highlighting some off-the-cuff IEMs for your posts. Thank you, sir. You have the T4s at the top of your list makes me even more excited to get my pair in.


Thanks Dom :pray:

Had a break from my more expensive favorites to focus on review and new stuff. And it always makes you wonder why we always keep chasing for better and more expensive. As there as so much good stuff not making you go bankrupt.

I guess the tour group @ToneDeafMonk is in, are also praising the T4 highly. Excellent tuning, build and also price at stock design only 200usd.


I just changed some cabling in my system (DAC > Head AMP) so I am rediscovering how it might have affected the sound on my IEMs, though I don’t hear anything dramatic yet and if anything “things” seemed to have improved in note weight (in a good way). Since I started in this hobby earlier this year, here are all that I currently own and have in my rotation so far…

  • Letshuoer S12 - For when I want an engaging listening experience…
  • Letshuoer x GIZAUDIO Galileo - For when I just want to listen to the music and chill out…
  • Kotori Audio Dauntless - Currently still testing…though sound “good” so far with ~100 hours on them…
  • AFUL MagicOne - Currently still testing…had some odd situations where they went into one-note mode when lots was happening at once (some busy alt rock tracks), though overall sound “good” so far with ~100 hours on them…close to Galileo level, albeit a bit less bass slam.

Since the market is crazy with IEMs being released left and right atm, I am going to try capping myself to selectively buy 2 per year at most going forward. It’s going to be hard, ngl…but I think I can do it… :smiley: