What IEMs are in your current rotation?

I like how you said this, because this is where Ive been lately regarding the hobby…well, at least the consumerism part. Yet, in my case, it seemed to be a sprint followed by a swan dive off a cliff :rofl::rofl: While I initially purchased a lot of gear so that I could build my experience, I’ve now reached the point where I’m mostly enjoying what I have (and considering selling redundant sets) and expanding my love of music/audio using my gear. I think i jumped on the gear train and initially lost my connection to the music, if that makes sense.

That said, these have been my recent gotos:

Dita Project M - just love the sound signature for natural music. My 52 year old ears don’t mind the treble at all .

Oriolus szalayi - I love the overall warm presentation. Relaxing vs. being a detail monster.

Aür Ascension- what a perfect all- rounder to my ears.

Samsung Galaxy Pro 2/ Sony XM4 - my nightly listens for podcasts, audiobooks, and drifting off to sleep


My five in current rotation are as follows and I think Im done for quite a while as Im very satisfied with my collection…

  1. Alpha Omega RA just subime bass and mids
  2. Oriveti OH700VB
  3. Miroak-II Kalimantan
  4. Campfire audio Cascara
  5. Nicehck Himalaya

It feels good to have gotten to where I’m foregrounding the music and appreciating the gear I’ve got - sounds like you’re in a similar place, so good on ya!


Moondrop variations is currently my most-used IEM. It took that spot from my Tia Trios, which are super-engaging but I don’t like the fit and I’m very sensitive to channel matching, which is almost flawless on the Variations but not the best on the Trios. I also have Truthear Reds and Tangzu Waners that I use sometimes. Oh and Er4Xrs are the IEM of choice for trips. I abuse the EQ on the Qudelix 5k because I have a background in audio engineering so I can get all of these to sound very similar—essentially Harman with more sub, slightly less mid treble and pretty airy upper treble. I am one of those psychos that likes the pulled-back lower mids lol


Agree with you on Project M, I was joking with Kenneth and said they are the IEM for 50+ , put them on a warm sources and rock away.

Still trying to wrap my head around how they present as Project M does something differently in the stage and the time alignment between the BA and the DD.

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Welcome back, and nice to see some things never change.

That is such a great way of putting it.

I feel like I fell into a completely new hobby, flathead earbuds. They are the cheapest entry point into the hobby and almost give an open back sound experience. There are very good sounding earbuds under $10, which is absurd. I have been listening to the Faaeal Iris 2.0 and Iris Ancestor at home, and took the KBear Stellar to work.