What IEMs are in your current rotation?

@captainhook I have a handful of the riku buds and they all run just fine of my Q5K.


Serratus yes, the others I can rec it.

Serratus will not be at its peak, but it’s good anyway, so better than not having it :slight_smile:

These are way easier to power. Not even close :slight_smile:


It’s enough power. It’ll be loud enough, especially with the IEMatch off. With IEMatch off though, there is a slight increase in distortion, that I think may be intentional to give that “analog” effect that the Gryphon does have. By turning on IEMatch, it becomes cleaner, sharper, however it seems that you need to get the same volume on Serratus, Alpha and Tantalus you need to get to somewhere between 95 - 98 (about 76 with IEMatch off). You can go above 100 with Gryphon’s Turbo anyways, so it shouldn’t be an issue.

I gotta say though, that for Alpha at least (I have yet to test the rest properly with the Gryphon), I actually would prefer not to use the Gryphon as it is not as clean (even with IEMatch on). To me, it sounds better with a more clean, clinical amp rather than the analog-like slight distortion that the Gryphon provides.

Gryphon works well with Tantalus though in my testing right now.


Thanks for the insight! I’ve decided to stay away from Gryphon due to the analog-like distortion.

Now considering Topping G5, in case I grow some love with Serratus I will definitely pull the trigger on Alpha, should have enough power to drive it I believe.


Here’s where I sit today IEM wise. Almost a year to date into the hobby. Interesting to see what’s come and gone. Some of the more popular being the U12T, Mest MKII, Monarch MKII and Oracle. Those shown in the photo are the what have become the keepers. Longest runner goes to the XENNS UP. With the EJ07 being the newcomer.

The XBA-N3 and EX800ST are my guilty pleasures. They don’t get as much playtime but, I enjoy them tremendously when my mood calls for their strengths. XBA-N3 being it’s midbass that goes great with reggea and the EX800ST for basshhead fulfillment EQ’d per @Rikudou_Goku recs. Kai sits as the king for my budget choice and won in favor of the Olina due to it’s warmer presentation. All others are great all arounders that each have characteristics that my listening preferences calls for. Would be my pleasure to engage with anyone if you have any questions.

Also pictured are the only two DACs I use. iFi seems to be getting the most use as I don’t EQ much. The Q5K comes out for EQ on the EX800ST as I’m not using the tape mod. Along, with EQing the Mahina to Moonlight occasionally.

Pictured from top left to right. Volt, OG Tea, UP, Sony XBA-N3, Kinda Lava (resin), OG Dark Magician, Kai, EX800ST, EJ07 and Mahina.



You are lucky you got the N3 when u did. Cuz its discontinued (along with the N1) now.

N3 is so damn good that I am still very tempted to try to get the N1 lol.

(if I do, I am only missing the XBA-A1 and XBA-H1-H3 before I got ALL the XBA hybrids.)


Wonder if they’ll be a premium for it on the used market? Not that I’m tempted to sell.

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Takes a long time I think.
Look at the Sony MDR-E888, msrp was around 80 usd.

Used go up to 700 usd. :rofl:

  1. Mangird Tea 2 (at home) - My favorite IEM right now and the best mids I’ve heard! Fits my library perfectly (rock, classic rock, some metal/progressive).
  2. Olina SE (at work) - value of these is insane! I love them with acoustics and jazz.
  3. Galaxy Buds Pro (outside/gym) - very good for what it offer: good sound, good anc and good battery life. Fit is not so good, but it works.

As I’m now back to the office, I don’t have too much time for my headphones so I sold them (Fidelio X2HR and HD6xx). Thinking to purchase a good earbud and I’m done.


Small update since my last post.

  1. ThieAudio Monarch MKII for at home - by far the best mids I’ve ever heard. Little light in the bass department and the Treble is something you have to adjust to, especially after listening to other non EST sets, but once you sink in, it’s an amazing set to really drink up like a warm cup of coffee.

  2. QKZ x HBB + KBear RoseFinch for on the go - the HBB is a more balanced set with better mid range resolution and nice bass impact that’s pretty much a great set all around. The Rosefinch is just my guilty pleasure bass set - warmth and strong strong bass presence. I really enjoy them with the Jazz and classic rock part of my library.

  3. IKKO OH10 Obsidian, newest edition that I’m currently getting used to - this set is the biggest surprise for me since getting in the hobby. I didn’t know what to expect. This set is both bassy, with good presence down low, distinct mid bass thump with subtle but present sub-bass rumble and texture. But then, the upper mids are forward, and kind of in my face. I feel like my interpretation of the sound from these comes down to my ear anatomy. It sounds V-shaped for sure, but Jesus Christ, does it sound bright with some of my library. I haven’t found the right tips - currently using some narrow bore tips I got with the MEE MX3 from 3 years ago.

All in all, a very nice little rotation. Small, modest, but it works for me :metal:

Happy listening!


ThieAudio Monarch MKII does not seem that modest :slight_smile: I am wondering - if you listen to such high end IEM’s at home, don’t you want to upgrade to something “better” (not necessarily comparable to Monarchs) than QKZ X HBB OTG?

:sweat_smile: sorry, the word modest doesn’t apply to the monarch’s, you’re absolutely correct.
I have other sets that are a little more expensive than the QKZ for sure, but I just feel like these are new, they’re $20 so if I lose them or beat them up a bit, it won’t hurt as bad and most importantly- they sound flat out great. I used to use the Timeless for OTG but since picking up the OH10, I’ve opted to try those out a little for OTG as they fit me far better and have similar sonic properties.

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You can mod it if u dont like that.


I was thinking about that this morning actually - I may put a tuning foam to bring down those upper mids. Also, my Alza Elas came off in my ears this morning - which was slightly alarming lol still looking for the right tips unfortunately.

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You need both the foam and the stock filter which has damping.

Or replace the stock filter with the 500/tanchjim mesh + foam.

That’s definitely good to know. May give this a shot and order them off Ali. I need some tips and maybe a cable anyways. Thanks man

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This is an absolute godsend for figuring out tips. I thought I was a Spinfit kid, and then I tried Elecom tips and I’m like in love.

Tri Clarion are growing on me as a specialty tip for taming bass and pushing emphasis into the upper-mids. But there is probably a tip for your needs somewhere in there.


Oh boy - down the rabbit hole I go :sweat_smile: thanks for this. I’ll be looking at this pretty much all day now.

Edit: holy crap, this is a ridiculously list. :sweat_smile:


You’re welcome! :face_with_peeking_eye: :wink:

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It’s a hot rotation:
