What IEMs are in your current rotation?

Can you see the twilight fitting smaller ears okay?

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Actually yes. The inner part that houses the driver that actually fits in the conchae of your ears is not very big at all and at least with the fit that I prefer the twisted rectangle part is entirely outside my ear and doesn’t touch anything. When I bought the Twilights I was concerned about how they would fit because of the unique shape, but the unique part doesn’t really play into how they fit and I have found them to be pretty comfortable. I’m known for long listening sessions into the double digit hours and I have had no problem with the Twilights over longer sessions. In fact, I recently wore them on a long distance flight from LA to Stockholm, Sweden and had no problem listening to them for basically the entire 12 hour flight.


Damn sounds like a good deal! What’s the general tuning like to your ears?

Balanced, just a touch more bass and treble than absolutely neutral would be which gives it a neutral leaning very slightly warm sound. It is a spectacularly well done version of balanced/neutral with amazing timbral accuracy, a large soundstage, articulate low end, even detailed mids, and very nice treble extension that gives you good nuance and microdetail while never being peaky, offensive, or sibilant. I have only become more impressed with the Twilights the longer I have owned them. I know when most people talk about the best/elite IEMs around that $1k mark they think of ThieAudio tribrids, Mest, Andromeda, IER-M9, etc, but for my money the Twilights are right up there with them. No joke. No exaggeration.

Edit: I can’t recommend them highly enough if you’re looking for the best in timbre, naturalness/organicness, and cohesiveness under $1k and probably for a bit beyond that.

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Got me thinking about a sale I’ve seen on them more and more man lol. For me my top current set are my EJ07M Kinda Lava after I EQed them to pretty much what they were supposed to be tuned like and yout description sounds somewhat mostly similar though I know I’m comparing a hybrid to a single DD so that’s not too fair for me to do lol. With single DD my top favorite that I own are the Kai so I’m wondering if those and the Twilight are somewhat comparable on any way to you? How does the Twilight take to EQ if I want to add a little more oomph in the bass region(s)?

I haven’t heard the KL or the Kai so I can’t help you there, but when we make our next stop (on the road right now) I’ll grab the Twilights out of my boxes and I’ll try some EQ and get back to you. Sound good? :+1:

Edit: Update on the EQ question: SoftEars have obviously used a quality DD here. I used bass shelves of various amounts starting at different frequencies from 200hz down and the Twilights handled shelves up to +10db with no problem. I didn’t try higher because I personally think you’d be a bit silly to buy IEMs this expensive just to throw a bigger shelf than that on them because there have to be better picks out there for that. Anyways, I hope this helps. If you have anymore questions just let me know.


You went to Sweden without stopping by? :sob:


Lol :joy: Sorry bro, if it helps, I was in Sweden for about 18 hours total. Maybe next time, huh? :sunglasses:

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Yeah this list is not that relevant lately, for I have been using only 2 IEMs most of the time.

  • Tangzu X HBB Wu Zetian Heyday Edition
  • Simgot EA500

I blame the Simgot for taking the spot of every IEM I have in my collection, because I haven’t been using my Kato and Airship lately.


Sorry, not sorry



  1. Senn IE600
  2. EJ 07 KL2
  3. Senn IE600
  4. EJ 07 KL2
  5. Senn IE600, EJ 07 KL2 , Senn IE600 … :wink:

PS: And yet let me say: IE600 > KL2, always and forever :cupid:


Bright, warm, bright, warm, bright, warm…


To have a balance. :grinning: Actually Senn are not bright for me. Maybe because I’m used to FiiO FH7 and B2 OG, which is very bright. It might be strange, but the KL2s are brighter for me. When I want to rest from them, I put IE600 in my ears!

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TGXear Serratus, since I got it around half a year ago.


Fiio FH7 and FA7


Mind if I ask which you prefer and why?

Also, welcome to HFG! I hope you stick around awhile and have some fun. Great group of folks on this forum. In a relatively short time it has become my internet home away from home. They adopted me like the loveable stray I am…:joy:


It’s been a while since I did an update I feel like, and I’ve gotten a few more sets since then.

All I can say is this: The EA500 is a revelation for me personally. It’s taken my top spot pretty demandingly. It has this special energy to it that makes listening to music addicting. I’m not sure exactly what it is but I feel like it’s something to do with that mid/late treble spike. It just gives certain instruments that extra energy. With that being said:

  1. Simgot EA500 (Red nozzle, unmodded)
  2. Rikubuds Lancer/FAAEAL Iris 2.0 (At Home - Nothing else grabs my attention more at home than these two)
  3. Hifiman Sundara (I know it’s not an IEM but I can’t help it)
  4. FatFreq Maestro Mini (When I’m ready to deal with the pressure build-up)
  5. Tie between Monarch MKII and OG Dark Magician

That’s a pretty sick list. I have to redo mine, once I get all my gear back in-house.

Things have definitely changed!

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Please do a list once you get all of your sets back in the house, I’d be interested in seeing how you rank all of your beauties!

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That’s crazy how it tops the MM, monarch MKII and DM! I wasn’t the biggest fan but I can understand why so many are

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