What IEMs are in your current rotation?

Current Main Listening:
-Campfire Audio Andromeda Emerald Sea
-Campfire Audio Solaris Mercury
-Shuoer S12 (mostly for out and about listening mounted to FiiO UTWS5)
-Noble FoKuS Mystique
-Campfire Audio Orbit

Lower on the rotation:
-Campfire Audio Andromeda 2020 (got unseated from the top of the list by the Emerald Sea)
-Moondrop Starfield
-Campfire Audio Dorado and Vega
-Campfire Audio Saber
Campfire Audio Holocene…
I’m kind of a Campfire Fanboy now.


QKZ x HBB and Yanyin Canon

Canon tuning switches makes them incredibly versatile. My favourite setting is 020 (010). These are the most expensive iems I have owned or listened to - hopefully stays that way. 10/10

QZK for £20 are incredible for my library, and whilst not as “clear” as the Canon, they are FUN as hell. Bass bleed is acceptable and perceptible detail is also great from my subjective experience. These are my work, house work earphones. 9/10

We are spoilt for choice, good luck to y’all on your journey!


By my side until further notice: Subtonic Storm

Others on rotation on a weekly basis: Oriolus Isabellae, EJ07M, EJ07M KL
Earbuds of the moment: TGX Serratus, Rkubuds Berserker 1


Simgot EA500
KiwiEars Orchestra Lite


TLDR: Comparing current rotation to last post on Sept 22. Many have came and went. Current rotation is.

OG Tea
SA Meteor
P1 Max

I like to look back here every once in awhile at what we’re my last ones in rotation when posted. Others have come and gone I’m just looking at the previous posted. Here some thoughts on a few of them.

So what has left from my last post of the higher range IEMs. First I sold off the XBA-N3. I loved the tuning especially in the midbass however, SA Meteor kind of stole its thunder for midbass. Plus, XBA-N3 had one awkward fit that never wanted to stay in place when moving around.

EJ07 has also went. Despite it being a phenomenal holographic listen that left me in complete awe it was just to limited for my library. I need more midbass. Everything else about it was great; smooth fatigue free treble, airy and just blissful. I’m still glad I got an opportunity to give a listen and don’t regret the loss I took.

OG Dark Magician also pulled the curtains and disappeared. Mainly for fit issues. Another choice I’m super glad I got to hear. I’m so happy it found a good home with @domq422 who cherishes it and probably appreciates more for his preferences than I. Same can be said for the EX800ST finding it’s way to @GooberBM.

Kinda Lava found a new home too. I thing it was mostly just a bit to sterile sounding for me and had a bit to much aggressiveness and bite in guitars. Would get fatiguing for me to quickly.

Where does all this leave me know. The one that started me down the path of identifying my preferences is still with me. Some of you may know already it’s the UP. OG Tea is still around and I don’t see it ever going anywhere. It’s just got so much special sauce for its price. Despite not listing to it much I don’t mind keeping it for its uniqueness and price.

P1 Max is the one that blew me away the most and the only IEM planar I get jive with to date. Crazy given it’s price. Some of y’all are very familiar with the night the Panda made first contact in my ears. We definitely need another one of those nights together.

SA6U found its way to me. I positive it’ll be a very long term keeper. It’s so smooth and mellow on everything I listen too. Great choice for a long listen easy going mood session. Presents everything so evenly and just lets the song in as a whole. Still have the Mahina and I dig it however, it’s the one I contemplate releasing every so often.


That is impressive that the OG Tea is still on your list, let alone at number 2.

IT makes me feel better about not being ready to jump up to the $600+ bracket. I have been thinking about the UP for a while now.

I have been pondering that P1 Max based on your experience alone, given how similar my tastes are to yours. The odd part is that I like planars, but I own a few already, so I passed on that one.

EDIT: You win, I ordered the P1 Max. Linsoul had them at $99, and I had $20 in points. I am guessing I will have some top shakup with that and the Simgot EA500 both coming in the mail.


My apologies I didn’t really put them in any particular order. If anything they’re all at the same level. It’s just entirely depend on what type of listening experience I want to have. Only one that might fall slightly behind is the Mahina. It’s not offensive or anything there’s just something about the others that hit my preferences better so I gravitate to it the least.

Awesome to hear you caved and bought the P1 Max. I’m really eager to eventually hear your thoughts on it. For me it’s the undisputed king of the Planar IEMs.

Edited to say Planar


Planar IEMs or all IEMs?


Good catch. Meant to say planar.


I had to double check - given some strong preference overlaps, that would have made me track a pair down pronto. They’re on a list either way, but I’m not a great fan of planars.


Current rotation:

Simgot EA500
7th Acoustics Supernova
Andromeda 2020
Empire Ears Odin
Sony IER Z1R
FatFreq Maestro Mini
QDC Anole VX
64 Audio U12t

On deck waiting for more time:

Moondrop S8 and Variations
Symphonium Helios and Meteor
Mest Mkii
Olina SE
Sony IER M9
Raptgo Hook X
Thieaudio MMK2
…and a few others…


Damn dude, nice collection. How do you feel about the Simgot’s?

I love them. Just got them on Friday. I spent half the weekend with them. Best $70 I’ve spent.


I’m happy you find have that amazing rotation brother. You’ve gone through so many sets and have helped countless people so thank you for allowing me to be a part of that :pray: (I still wonder who put up the bread for the DMs but that will forever remain a mystery I think…). Can I just say something?

Not only do I cherish the Dark Magicians, but they’ve actually helped me really narrow down my preferences for IEMs. I’m able to confirm this with the EA500, the tuning is scarily close with some minor deviations in the FR, and of course the intangibles are definitely better on the DMs (not by much …), but I really do feel like the tuning is vocal and instrument focus with the treble and the bass region being just compliments. They’re both lovely. The Simgot looks and feels absolutely amazing, and since they’re literally a 10th of the price (OG MSRP) and they Simgots are infinitely easier to get a hold of in case something happens like I break them or lose them, I can comfortably take them out and about and not feel worried.

Thanks again, Mags :call_me_hand: you’re a real one.


I have 4 pairs of IEM’s now…the ER2SE, the ER3XR, the ER4SR and the NAD HP20’s. right now I’m on a bend with the NAD’s as I really like their sound profile…I’ve collected almost the whole set! HP20, HP30, HP50…just need to find a deal on the HP70 cause their damned expensive!!!

Yes it will. Gotta keep the their trust and my integrity in place. No soul shale ever know.

It’s an awesome place to be when an IEM helps you better define your preferences. Saves you money and helps cut through a lot of releases. It’s taken me far to long to arrive here. Pretty sure that I’ve found my personal target though it’s taken awhile. Looks like my larger concern is the FR range for uppermids through the presence region. Bass I prefer more elevated without a tuck but, can look past if there’s something special going on. Case in point being the OG Tea and P1 Max.


This is huge. Either in the sense of figuring out what you do want, or satisfying a different taste. That’s one thing about EA500 that appealed to me: it’s pretty much the same graph as many of the $20-100 budget sets that are safe, likable, and easy to listen to. But it does so much well it’s the last set I really need that does that sound signature.

Now I feel free to simply chase weirdos and “special” sets that do things different or have their own special sauce. That’s a nice feeling lol

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Figured it was time for an update (thought I’d done one since my OP :grin: ) - moved some things on, plus a couple of newish ones made the list, in no particular order:

At home:
Tangzu HBB Heyday
Resin EJ07M KL
Xenns UP
Rikubuds Grand Saber

On the go:
OG Olina
Kiwi Ears Cadenza


Current rotation in no particular order:

Campfire Audio Supermoons
ThieAudio Prestige
64Audio A12t and N8
SoftEars Twilight
TRI i3 (OG)

I haven’t been doing a ton of IEM listening these days, but when I do these are what I find myself reaching for. The Supermoons, Prestige, and Twilight make an incredibly versatile trio that can cover pretty much everything and cover it very well. I have been really happy with those three purchases. I have also been super happy with the A12ts, but becausr I use them for actual minitoring I find myself reaching for other sets for musical enjoyment.

Some of you are probably looking at the TRI i3s at the bottom of that list and wondering why they’re included. There’s just something addictive about the super fun and laid back way they present music. Nothing else sounds like them and sometimes they just fit the bill. So underrated! :sunglasses:

