What IEMs are in your current rotation?

It’s ok, P1+ is very forgettable but it has a place in my daily rotation.

Have you tried the OG P1 or any of the other major planars that you could give me/us a quick comparison with?

For now i don’t rotate daily : i focus on the iems I recently acquired , one per week. The goal is to get used to each one before the shootout.
Then next week I’ll try to rotate each set throughout the week .

So for now I don’t listen to olina, nor trn ST5, nor salnotes zero, nor p1Max, nor ssr. This week is s12pro’s week.

As I’ve been ill and too tired, I didn’t practice any sport, lately, so tanchjim echo and kbear ks1+trn bt20 haven’t been used either.


I had wanted to answer this earlier, but a whole bunch of things are coming in that are going to make this list feel irrelevant by the end of the year. But still, right now my rotation is:


  • Penon Fan 2 - This is my bae. I can go and not listen to it for a week because I have other things to listen to, put these in, and remember why I’m loving these. I just have to remember to put them down often enough to keep that feeling alive.

  • KBear Rosefinch - My “I’m in the mood for bass, more bass, and enough treble to give me all the bass” IEM. Thanks to @domq422 getting me to listen to these on balanced, they’re not going ANYWHERE.

  • Kiwi Ears Cadenza - My default every day carry. Does enough of everything and is $35 so if something happens to them I’m only going to be kinda mad.


  • Fiio/Jade Audio JD7 or Sony XBA-N3 - They’re straight-up side grades. Clean, tonally awesome sets; JD7 is more of a lean neutral, N3 stronger in mid-bass and warmer. Both are really good sets but I dunno if one or both should be main rotation pieces

  • Tripowin x HBB Olina SE - These are great. When I do listen to them I really enjoy them. They’re great as a baseline for testing other sets. I do not gravitate to them, though.

  • Modded KZ ZAS - I have a lot of extra filters and wanted to try changing a pair on a no-risk IEM. These got a lot better when I took off the flimsy mesh stock filter and put on a Penon metal filter. Right now they’ve been a second every day carry, but they could easily fall out of use again.


No N3 love on the list yet?

Check the maybes…You had me thinking I made a mistake lol

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Ah, much relief! Almost shed a tear. Briefly skimmed as my kids are riding a train at their school festival.


havent tried the EX800ST yet?


I’ve tried it a little, but I’m saving really going into it till Sunday. I wanted to play with the Tape Mod with @domq422 so I wanted to save my impressions of it till we did that

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I listed Timeless for sale but I may well keep it because it feels a niche for electronic music that no other set as filled yet.

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I was using: Kinera Imperial Nana 2.0;
Mangird Tea2; Ikko. I used these the most. My DAP stopped working with Tidal and I haven’t figured out how to get Cobuz or another service loaded onto the DAP. So I’m forced to take off the “buds” until my home IEM setup is running.

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At home
Penon Serial - love this one
ISN EST50 - love this also, specially for electronica
Dunu SA6

At work
Penon Fan


I can’t to see what this list is like now!

My list is:
IE600 - For isolated listening at home
Serratus - For open listening at home
Penon PAC buds - For the gym
Rosefinch - When I want dat bass


Oh I told you that list would look irrelevant. And boy is it.

  • Penon Fan 2 - This is still Bae, amongst my IEMs. It’s still got my favorite mid-bass playback, and is not the “best” low-end reproduction, but it’s the set I go to.

  • KBear Rosefinch - This is still my Big Booty Bass set.

  • Simgot EA500 - Because we should all have one, this is my safely tuned, Harman-neutral style set. But this has technicalities that kill the budget sets that do this tuning too, for me. It was close between this and Fiio JD7, but the fact that I like both tuning nozzles, gives this a little more versatility.

  • Simgot EN1000 - This is kinda my “best of both worlds” set. It’s more of the safer tuning of the EA500, but better technicalities like the Fan 2. You could probably say one of the EA500 and EN1000 are redundant, but I like them both and I dunno who to choose. So I didn’t.

  • SGOR Venus - This is my current favorite budget set. A bunch of us are setting up an IEM/earbud tour and I’m putting this in the box as a surprise, just to get more ears on it. For me, it plays as a more refined OG CCA CRA. And it’s a much better build quality.


Dunu EST 112
Kbear Believe
Dunu Talos
Tin P1
Fiio FH3


I actually only have 2 IEMs left in my collection: XINHS x Akros Erasmus, Olina. But I’m selling the Olina, so it’ll just be the Erasmus.

What a journey it’s been so far - I’ve tried S12, Oxygen, Canon, Aladdin, ZEX, and several HPs and TWS.

So what have I been spending money on? Earbuuddsss. I now have 3 earbuds in active rotation - Serratus, Ripples, and Valbuds v2. I think I’m going to stick with single DD earbuds for a good long while!


They certainly are a better price-to-performance prospect. No arguments there

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You ever doing an XBA-N3 review btw?

In IEM years, Sept. is a long time ago, but I haven’t changed much. All of those have survived, but I have more sets that get some listening time.

These are my favorites when I get time to do serious listening.

  • Mangrid Xenns Tea ( OG )
  • Mangird Xenns Tea 2
  • Tripowin Olina SE
  • Shuoer S12
  • Tripowin Olina ( double stock filters )
  • TRI x HBB Kai

I have these in my desk at the office, along with a 7HZ SEVENHERTZ 71 dongle.

  • Tripowin Mele
  • QKZ x HBB
  • Truthear Hola

I am really looking forward to checking out @Timmy-Gizaudio 's new Galileo too.

I am sort enjoying all the amazing budget sets coming out now. I am saving up to get the Mangird Xenns UP, but it is tough to justify that much on an IEM right now.


Main set:

  • Tangzu x HBB Wu Zetian Heyday Edition
  • Seek Real Audio Airship
  • Moondrop Kato

Beater set:

  • Kiwi Ears Cadenza
  • 7Hz Salnotes Zero
  • Moondrop Chu
  • Tin Hifi T3 Plus

I wonder what I should get next for my main set, also I wouldn’t mind getting for my beater set as well.