What products has Z reviewed that you bought

I agree that there are times Z is predictable. Even annoying. The items I have on my list are actually things I was looking at. So I go on line and view several reviewers vids to see if they feel its worth my hard earned greens. The list of things I didnt buy, like, or even really consider… is everything else he has reviewed. A substantially larger list. Besides, my house is tiny. Just enough room for one little old man and some toys. I still really appreciate the reviews Z and many others put up for us. They belly up to the audio buffet and we pick and choose like kids looking for the desert.

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KZ ZS 10 Pro
Moomdrop Starfield
Z 12 (Yet to arrive)
7Hz Timeless
Xduoo MT-604
Ifi HIP Dac
Shenzenaudio + Topping EX5
Harmonicdyne Zeus
Massdrop Sennhieser 58X Jubilee
Gold Planar GL 2000 (My favourite headphones)
FiiO M9
Meze 99 Noir (Yet to arrive)
BTR5 (Original)

Zeos is my go-to guy for sound templates. Other reviewers are good, but their preferences are not mine, for example, HBB, Josh Valour, Giz Audio etc.
Zeos, keep giving me reasons to ignore my bank balance and the cries of pain eminating from my wallet !!!

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After watching Z reviews I got the following:
Tin T2
Blon BL05s
KEF Q100

To have more comfort and potential endgame feeling, be sure to get the Yaxi pads for it or even the Grado pads mod just in case.

Is there anything you guys regret buying?

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I couldn’t help but notice your username. Parnelli Jones fan?

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From a Z review or overall?

I am from Sweeden

a Z reviewed purchase

Both Zeos and Valour were big on the T2, and it was just not for me. It was too neutral, and the fit wasn’t good for me either.

I think that was when I realized that what type of music I was listening to mattered more for IEMs, and that I needed to understand what reviewers were listening to when they liked or disliked an IEM. The T2 was solid for some soundtracks, but awful for classic rock, which is most of what I enjoy. I actually think that was what got me to look around, and discover HBB, who is probably the reviewer with the closest musical tastes.

The opposite of that was the KPH30i with the $10 G-pads, the first time I listened to Eric Clapton 24 Nights on them, I was completely floored. They were amazing and if I had discovered them a year earlier, I might have save a few hundred on some other over the ear headphones.

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My regret purchases were not influenced by Z review.

They are the 7Hurts Timeconsumers and the Lotoo Poor S1.

Oh, I’ve bought stuff I’ve regretted. But I also look on the bright side in that those disliked products have helped me define and refine the sound signature I prefer.

For example, I ended up not liking the Meze 99 Classics due to excessive, flabby bass and the Focal Elegia due to its funky, metallic tuning. But that helped me truly understand what I want from a headphone.

Z has influenced hardly any of my purchases, positive or negative, because I consider him more of an entertainer than a reviewer.

And all of my new purchases come from places with generous return policies so I can return gear that I dislike.

So, no regrets! :slight_smile:

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I own the the 7Hz Timeless, and while I prefer the S12 over it, I still listen to it occasionally, and owning both helped me to understand my own preferences better.

I think this is very true of Zeos. He tends to like everything, so his best reviews are when he compares stuff directly, since it forces him to rank order things. He recently did a 3 part dongle DAC comparison that had lots of good info in it.


Nickname from when i was young. Never drove the Vels car but drove my car like it was. :rofl:I think your the only person that got that connection in over 40 years.

My ex-products list is a LOT longer than my current products list. :laughing:

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Ha! I’ve worked for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and INDYCAR for 22 years. Picked up on your name right away! :slight_smile:


Fiio fa7
Tinhifi T2
Fiio Fh3
Fiio BTR5
Tinhifi P1

The IEMs (T2, BL-05s). I trust Zeos with speaker reviews but not IEMs

Yea I understand the trust issue. Thats why I started this thread. We obviously can’t tryout every piece of equipment. We wouldn’t have the time or money or the physical space. Manufactures aren’t sending me samples. This is why its important to have a reviewer(s) we can trust. If they praise something everyone hates, trust is lost. They take the time to try as many products as possible. We the “lunatic fringe” then follow and further validate their opinions. Or rant at them for steering us wrong. When Z or any other reviewers give the okay on a product, I can expect at least a certain level of quality. Then I wait for the rabble to further weigh in. So thank ya-all.

I should clarify that I believe most people and a lot of reviewers like V shape and/or warm bassy IEMs and I don’t.