if you can order them from amazon that would probably be the easiest return/replace policy
Ya the Chu completely changed the game for budget IEMs, but the market just moves too fast! Which is good for us consumers I guess haha.
@Roberto_Enther Woah. Tea for me had one of the best vocals I’ve heard on any IEM, so that’s high praise - I’ll definitely keep an eye out for a used OH10!
@John7592jdys Ya I also had the same issue with the B2 Dusk - the open back design on the hook really interests me. Here’s to another competitive IEM year in 2023!
Good choice on the OH10 ,copper cable and wide bore tips smoking!
Okay so I’m doing the 85db test right now. I have been listening to musix so far for about 15 minutes with my i3s plugged into the TRI TK-2 and my db meter says that I’m running at 85.6 db average and I’m not having any fatigue at all so far even though this is significantly louder than I normally listen. I’m going to keep going for a bit longer just to have a better idea if it may build fatigue over time, but, thus far, this has been a pleasant rock out experience!
Rock on brotha Welcome to my world
and thanks so much for doing this!
I almost forgot to come back and tell you that I ended up stopping my test at about 30 min because I was interrupted (stupid life and responsibilities lol), but even at that point I had no indication that I was having any fatigue from the bass, volume, or any other area. I was still groovin’ right along and enjoying every minute!
Awesome to hear I might get the Pro version since that’s more to my tuning. Thanks man
I’ll probably get a pair of the Pros to try at some point, but right now I’m just really enjoying the OG i3s. If you do get the Pros you have to let me know what you think of them.
Yeah it is generally favorable to us, and it paved way for other brands to do much better in the budget range. Also I think there are some IEMs that are a bit overshadowed as well, the Airships from SeekReal I think are overshadowed, for I rarely seen it being talked about, also the Olina exists and now the Olina SE exists and those 2 now are much better in pricing, for I admit the Airships are a bit pricey.
Earlier in 2022, the Chu had me amazingly surprised at this new price bracket in which before nothing had the right tuning beyond typical V shape.
Later last year, I got Dioko and was impressed by the tuning and technicalities for the price. However, they quickly got overshadowed by Kiwi Ears Cadenza.
Cadenza is my absolute favourite budget set ever. It’s pleasing and fun, technical enough. Fit is right and the cable is ok. It has become my EDC in my work backpack and on work trips to Mexico.
I did not A/B them at all but due to its tuning WU feels a lot more like having huge speakers inside your head or being at a live concert, everything is filled out with sound and makes you forget about technicalities, you will just enjoy the music. The whole sound is enveloped by it´s lush Bass but not to a point where it is too distracting…at least for me, because i like bass
Olina to me felt more sophisticated and because of having less bass they seem to me more technical, also a little brighter but not overly bright or fatiguing to my ears.
In the end it comes down to personal preferences and library…if i´d plan on listening to vocals and stuff i would probably reach for Olina, if i plan on just shuffling through my playlist and forget about everything and just want to enjoy music I´d grab WU
i3pro was perfect at its time, yeah. But recent iem technicalities shamed it. Below is a section from my Kato review.
Its a shame nobody even wondered about Moondrop Quarks DSP you featured. Where is the curiosity?
Future is at your doorstep, tucked in a tiny box. This is just beginning.
It’s definitely not a technical monster, but I think it still has above average detail retrieval for IEMs in its original price range. As far as comparisons with other planars go, the OG i3s aren’t as detailed/technical as the leaders near its price range, but it has superior timbre and it has a massively larger soundtage. I think it competes in imaging, layering and the like. Overall, for a three year old IEM, the OG i3s are actually quite impressive, IMO. If I had paid $169 (their original price I believe) for them today, I would be totally satisfied. There just aren’t many three y/o IEMs that you can say you’d be happy with buying at their original MSRP today.
I think you’re comparison with the Katos is actually a good one. The OG i3s are very much like a bassier, more detailed Kato, with a larger soundstage and some other technical differences/improvements as well. That’s oversimplifying on my part, but they take a Kato-esque approach to theit smooth presentation and timbral accuracy with the increase in technicalities you would expect from the addition of the planar and BA drivers. All of that for less money than the Katos at their orignal price and less than half if you snag a pair used.
I had done a triple VS of sub $200 priced planar iems back in May 30, 2022. And without flooding this topic up, I can safely say that Letshuoer s12 outperformed all (Timeless and P1 MAX). However, i3 pro wasn’t included in the list to keep the project easy. This topic gave me the inspiration of a VS beyond time. TRI i3 pro VS Letshuoer S12 and the winner will face RaptGO Hook-X…
Watch the bloodbath in my corner. I will surely tag you there
I can’t wait! I own both and the S12 is my favorite of the new planars (haven’t tried HeyDay yet, but I have owned or tried almost all the major contenders) and the OG i3 is quickly becoming a favorite all-rounder for just jammin’. It should be a fun comparison for you to do!
100% agree with you there. Quarks are an amazing set.
As for comparisons, I don’t notice a difference if I just plug them in and casually listen while working or doing something, but the difference is there for sure when I lie down in bed and compare the Quarks to other sets like the SA6 Ultra. Is it worth $500+ more vs Variations? To me, no, since I like the Quarks tuning better than the Variations, but you can’t ignore the improvement in technicalities either.
This would be a very cool comparison! Very curious to see how the i3Pro stacks up against the current leaders (heyday, hook).
@VIVIDICI_111 You wanted it, you will get it (pirate laughter)
My corner will feature a comparison of three generations…
Thank you! Excited to know the results