Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

I don’t believe those two go together.

I PM with @nymz on a regular basis. I think he’s more than capable of making his own decisions. I think he knows I’m always here to give advise if I can. He’s had the opportunity to hear IEMs a lot of people haven’t so he has first hand knowledge of those endgame IEMs so I doubt he has any need for my advise. :slight_smile:


Do you think the 3DT will sound good for Techno (not EDM)?
Looking at the FR graph it looks like it would work nicely because Techno requires clean bass with sub bass, clear highs and good “instrument” separation.
The problem I run into is that a lot of the IEM recommended for EDM or bass head are too warm, muddy and lack clarity in the treble.

I’m the techno head, not Resolution. He knows about real music, I’m the one that hears computer generated one :rofl:

I could do a work paper on this, to be honest, but I’ll make it short. Bass and treble are 2 polar likings on this hobby. Some people love it, some people hate it. I’ll help you understand what I consider good for it in an IEM.

First you need a good texture on bass driver. Unlike progressive metal as @Resolution explains all the time, and I’ve been trying to learn about it by bothering him, all the time. Yesterday he gave me 20 links just to understand the needs. I head it with Variations and it felt, like he said to me before, “cutting beef with a spoon”. Why is is this important? I’m a guy that needs to know stuff. It’s how I process things, specially in a hobby where most of the time you have to blind buy. Also I love to talk or discover new music. So back to bass. You usually get some clean big hits on it with techno, unlike some genres like prog metal that 2 or 3 instruments are heavy hitting the frequency. So you need texture. You need a good punch so it gets a satisfying kick in the chest without the need to go into bass head territory to enjoy.

Second, you need treble for cymbals, claps, air, room, etc. This is a very important part to make the melody of the song feel right. But you can’t have too much, or else you’ll get pierced and alter the song rythm.

So, back to techno. Preferences matter, as always, on how you want your replay. Some people like a clean, monitor like, replay, with less enphasys on bass. Some people, like me, like a little enphasys on bass. Some people like it like a bass-head trying to enter the speak on a festival.

If you like monitor like replay, you’re looking into Neutral with sub-bass boost (Like Variations, EJ07m, Monarch, Ety XRs, B2:dusk, etc). 100% clinical, most will find it boring for the genre, but might be your alley. This usually makes the set more on the bright side, since there’s no bass shelve to balance the treble peaks and pinna gain. Big kicks won’t have much life or impact since they are tuned for sub-bass and not mid.

I like the second option the most, the balanced one. What do I mean about this? Pina gain is as high as bass top point goes. Bass curve comes down gently and slowly, leave some enphasys on mid-bass for drums, while not over bleeding into mids, why you still retain cymbals and claps from the treble as well as some air do make the room bigger. If not, the IEM will sound dark.

Third option, or bass head option, won’t care about as much as cymbals and claps, but more about the bass. This one is pretty explanatory I guess. You’ll get less detail and air, more festival like techno. (Like Xenns UP)

How do they they influence the rythm? Take the intro (first 30secs) of this song as a very simple example. It’s a very clean hard hitting bass with some hi-hats going in after a while.

  • On first example I gave you’l hear less bass kick, more detail over-all and more clap:
    It goes like boom TSS TSS TSS boom

  • On the second one, the balanced, you’ll hear: BOOM TSS TSS TSS BOOM

  • On the third, with a warm signature: BOOM tss tss tss BOOM

Take it with a grain of salt, ofc. If you get too much treble song alters and your hears will focus on the claps and cymbals. Also if you don’t have a slow downward curve on bass shelve you’ll not get good kicks in the chest, only rumble from sub-bass.
If you take too much bass it will fear dark and everything is bass bleeded into.

TL:DR - You need everything leveled, but with some mid bass for the impact. Texture and dynamics are king here. Timbre doesn’t matter for eletronic music (duh). Mids are less important than on other styles, but people tend to ignore them too much. Mids make the base of most genres, even if on the background. Some single DD are great for techno. I find EST treble to be the best since it can be elevated but don’t be as sharp, since ESTs kinda smooth things out.

Sorry I kinda rumbled. Let me know if you have more doubts. I can keep going and give you better examples :rofl:


Bro, thanks for the words. I’m a brainiac. I overthink everything I do 10 times, unless I have my mouse on the shopping cart.

There’s a difference between what I find is the the best IEM (put it like a Crin review) and what is the best IEM for me. I think U12T is the best IEM of the two, I think Mest is the best IEM for me, after some tought into it. I’ve been reflecting about this. I even conclude I’ll get Mk2 over OG, which my brain says it’s stupid, but my heart and ears agree. I’m on a journey at the moment. I’ll have EJ07m and Xenns UP incomming. Those will guide me on my decision. I’m the type of guy that needs to do the mistakes to learn by himself.

I think Mk2 will be future proof. And don’t get me wrong, we’re talking champions league here as we know. Saying X > Y is completly beeing picky. Both are S or S+ tier for me. But I don’t think I’ll be done with JUST any of them. I think both of them need a mullet for the “I’m tired of detail and my brain can’t take it anymore just wanna rave” periods.

Lol, @Resolution has been my google map. He nows knows what I like and I now know what he likes and why. I’m really happy that we can finally talk the same languange, specially about his TOTL gear. 3 months ago I was like “RESOLUTION HOW DOES ORACLE SOUND ILL NEVER HAVE IT”… yeah right, we all now how this is going.

He’s always been right, even when he’s wrong. If he was wrong on a rec it was my fault gave that gave him bad intel, not the other way around. Comon, we’re talking about a guy that has more than 6k usd of iems on his tierlist just to be able to give good recs on people or talk about it. That’s why sometimes his temper comes up with BS people.

May to September. What a journey. To the top bois.


Ha ha. Sounds like you have spent more than enough effort making this decision.

Enjoy them all bro. Eager to hear from your experiences.

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Christ… they are huge!!

The Mest MKII fits me like a glove, but maybe not 3DT. I am not listening to metal, so do you think the 3DT are worth a buy, as I also have the Mest MKII?

Good job!

I doubt u entered this hobby 6 or 7 months ago.

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I run 4.4 and have no issues with my Oracle cable. It is the only stock cable besides the Mest MKII I use.

I entered around may full steam, got my first headphones in april tho 🤷

Damn, I should have saved up more money for audio gears, I entered IEM world in October 2020 with the blons :pensive:

Man, don’t beat yourself up and enjoy the ride. You get what you can get, it’s a matter of time.

I was just trolling @vasix before. I work hard for what I have. I usually work 60+ as a financial and accounting consultant. I get addicted to anything, so I also got addicted to work. This line of work takes a big toll on your social life and stress levels. One of the reasons I joined this hobby was to enjoy something while I work. It’s one of the few that I can handle at the same time, so I can just get my impressions at the same time I get my money 🤷

Like I said before, I was joking. Im not rich, my parents are poor and I’d trade money and iems for more free time by now :joy:



I am impressed with all the knowledge you have, and you share them in a sample way😉

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True, though I will blame you and @Resolution for making me buy the Teas in the future :joy:


If you listen to a lot of this type of music? the Z1R eats tracks like that for breakfast…Some of best textured fast hitting bass in the business add to that the 5mm super tweeter absolutely brilliant :musical_score::ok_hand::heart_eyes:


How can we be sure that this is true and you don’t troll again :))) ?

No. MEST MKII = win. Endgame. If you want to explore complimentary sets to the MEST MKII and have some fun, that’s a discussion I’m very excited to have. :slight_smile: That’s actually my current focus.

The 3DT is probably too close to the MEST MKII to make sense as a good complimentary set.


I’ll be happy to take the blame for that.


I love my Mest MKII and more and more as I listen to it. I have the S8, Oracle and Dusk as my other main IEMs above $300 and they are different enough for all to have playing time. But I also wonder what else is out there to be worth getting, without going into the big boys league (UT12 etc).

I like great treble and my S8 is great in that area, but you can always need one more IEM… :wink:


Yes, it’s my main genre. Or used to be.

Bro, I wish I could get that Z1R, trully. But that fit is hella scary.

SA6, RSV. Mini U12T.

Xenns UP might be another good addition.

If you love treble, check TMSR Land :wink:

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