Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

Going trailli by this rate…

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Like I said, I don’t want to start something because when it comes to Campfire Audio, I REALLY do not like them what so ever. I hate that so many people think they make good products for a fair price.

I WANT MY EJ07M NOW :rage:

If it doesnt come, I’ll be forced to buy Mest Mk2. FML

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Yeah lol. Feel the same.

Destiny wants you to have MK2, accept these signs from universe


It is for the best… Get the MEST MKII


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Sorry the Res is old jokes are too good… (I am also not sure if I am really any younger anyways)

Side note:
Doesn’t the Mest also use sonion EST? Are they going to have stock issues as well?


I think you are. I’m now 48. :sob: :cry:

No no no :joy::joy::joy:

He is a lovely gentleman.

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8 years younger. So not a lot. Sorry for the side tracking the convo.

I was about to bully him, but I’m feeling nice.

Not sure about Mests ESTs, but pretty sure they wont have a problem. It’s specific brands I think.

Also Mests don’t seem to sell a awful lot (due to its price)

Didn’t know how much stock they kept in of their higher end items.

Ha ha, not a lot? That’s quite a bit! I could almost be your father! :crazy_face:

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Fusang? :rofl: Mest for them is kinda… Cheap? :rofl:

Only in an anime made by Moondrop.

Still is a kilo-buck IEM, I am guessing they don’t keep thousands in stock.

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Surpringly… Every store that I spoke has them in stock lol.

Speaking on Fusang… Let’s hope Resolution doesn’t buy it. We’ll be doomed.

Corrected the typo.

I have no pockets for that run, but I’ll droll a bit, ngl.

@nymz in my humble opinion good sir. I think if you tried the U12T and loved it so much, you really should save up and aim for it instead of the thing you like less.

The Mest MkII is not that far off from the price of a U12T. Get the one you love the most man! No one will shit on you for following your own tastes.

Do you have thoughts on this @Resolution?

I hear from my UM/Linsoul distributer that the Xenns UP is also affected by the Sonion EST shortage. It is short because the factories that make it are affected by the Covid situation in Vietnam apparently.

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