Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

Yeah, somehow it’s overshadowed by Oracle. Probably because Excalibur is more V shaped


I would agree with this; having both, they are equally lovely in their own ways.


I’ve been throwing everything at the 3DTs today and have to admit they are quickly becoming some of my favorite IEMs I’ve ever heard. They are actually allowing me to enjoy treble!

My only issue is the treble can be hot enough to make some tracks with female vocals a tad sibilant.

Other than that, brilliant set. Some of the best treble in any IEM.


Does it handle stuff like eletric guitars without being Hot?

I was listening to music deciding that same thing, and I kept going back and forth between wanting to tame the highs and not wanting to.

I was listening to the Blessing 2 right before I put the 3DT in and I was really enjoying them. After listening to the 3DT, the 3DT sounded more natural and dimensional. It really showcased how even though I feel the Blessing 2 sounds very good, it’s timbre just does not sound natural.

I’m going to experiment with taming the highs when my tape gets here, but right now, being a treble sensitive individual, I’m quite happy with the natural timbre and treble elevation the 3DT has in its stock form. If I can retain the detail and tame the elevation slightly, these could be anyone’s endgame (if they fit in your ears). lol! They are BIG BOYS! :slight_smile:


Great to see all the commentary on these. After getting Mele, went back to my T2’s and got curious about multiple DD sets, just makes so much sense, putting these on my short list.

DQ6 = mini 3DT


Oh nice, hey when is ur Timeless coming in, ur gonna sh*t when you here this bass

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Maybe late this week. :thinking:

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Prepare yourself, like this is nuts to me and I own a Legacy 3

Will be looking forward to it.

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With the 3DT, I think I’ve landed on the MEST MKII medium tips which actually opens the treble up even more, but for the sound quality and comfort, they feel like they are about the best fit I can manage.

I’m testing the treble with my go to treble and sibilance track… AURORA - THE RIVER - Fantastic female vocals with long reverb tails.

Depicting my very subtle EQ curve to tame the treble ever so slightly to bring everything in line with my preferences… Sonic bliss.


Looking forward to mine. I still have no shipment notification.

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Definitely curious on your thoughts as well, mine just got here, love the build, Kinera modular incoming. Really happy with the bass, deepest I’ve heard in an iem.


Welp ended up with a pair of these used for ~$170 lol


Nice deal… Shame that UM isn’t popular at my place so no chances of getting one used.

Honestly even at 320~ it is still a really good iem

True, but at the end its fit isn’t for my ears.

Oh thats a shame, Luckily they fit my ears perfectly😅

I think I’ll stay with Tea. High frequencies are not for me, I don’t like them. If 3DT have such high as FH7 and B2, we will not understand :)))

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