Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

And one more thing - is the soundstage of 3DT, is it similar to Tea or is it small, I don’t like small soundstage because they become overloaded!?

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How are the nozzles on them? I find I’m super sensitive to large nozzles and even the Tea’s right now are painful with the stock tips after some listening time.

The Tea’s sound great, I did EQ the highs up a bit which really brought them to life (5 db at 5.5k and -1 db at 8k) Imaging on them is excellent as well and really make listening to music a lot of fun as many songs you hear new things with them.

But, I would love to find a set that sounds great but is also very comfortable. So far, the Moondrop Aria is the most comfortable set I’ve tried due to it’s smaller nozzles.

How is the Comfort and nozzle size on the UM 3DT?

They are quite large, especially compared to my arias lol, also bigger than FH3s as well, but I do not find them too large. I wore them for about 3 hrs straight just now and had no issues.

Soundstage on the 3dt is nothing amazing but i also dont find it congested at all. I dont have the teas to compare to unfortunately :confused:


IF you’re afraid of large IEMs, I would advise anyone to stay away from the original Thieaudio tribrids and the 3DT. The nozzles are nothing compared to say the Blessing 2 or Variations. The 3DT has the exact same nozzles as the MEST MKII.

What I was referring to was nozzle diameter. What I believe you’re referring to is nozzle depth. The Tea and the 3DT are both on the deeper insertion length of IEMs.

Three things to help you…

1 Start doing some tip rolling. Look for very soft silicone (I prefer Spinfits CP100 or CP100+). Buy all the sizes they offer and try going with the smallest size and see if you can attain a seal. If you can not, go up until you can. Then you’ll know what size is appropriate for you. It’s all about getting a seal with the smallest size possible with the specific IEM.

2 Try going with a slightly larger tip but don’t insert it as deep into your ear. You won’t be able to be on the go but this should help with discomfort deeper in your ear canal.

3 Practice leaving the IEMs in your ear canals deeply. If your ears are not used to having IEMs stuffed deeply in your ears, it’s going to feel uncomfortable to begin with. There’s no way around it. I recommend taking your time putting the IEMs in your ear and doing it with care, lifting your ear/straightening your ear canal, deeply inserting the IEM and tip and slowly releasing your ear and feeling your ear canal seal around the tip. Take your time. Understand what’s going on in there to the best of your ability. Give your ear canals time to get used to having an IEM in there and it should become less and less uncomfortable. It takes time, but the sound quality will benefit from it.

That’s because the Aria has super short nozzles and you’re using large tips. There is very little insertion depth.


How is the nozzle size compared with the Aria or the Tea?

I’m referring to the diameter, depth is less of an issue. I find that wide diameter nozzles are very comfortable as there is no give and I’m just forcing them into my ear canal. The Blessing 2 was horrible.

Sorry, didn’t you just say you own them both? I hope you would know.

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I mean the 3DT vs the Aria or Tea, specifically because I own them both.

Trying to understand in comparison to either of those.

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Gotchya, the 3DT is a much more difficult fit than the Tea is. I won’t go into details or I’ll be here all day describing every little thing. Its nozzle is also wider than the Tea.

I wouldn’t recommend the 3DT for you on shell/nozzle size alone. It sucks because sound-wise, it quite the performer and might be what you’re interested in.

THIS is why I think I’m never going to suggest anyone to jump into the hobby with an endgame IEM to begin with. It just doesn’t make sense.


Any recs in the 200-300 price bracket that has great fit/comfort?

I’m hoping the spinfits make the mangird comfortable for me, but if not, would love to find something that’s comfortable. The only one I keep thinking about is the Sennheiser IE300, but reviews seem to be pretty mediocre on sound quality.

Yep. If you enjoy the short nozzle style with large tip style, get the Oxygen. The Fiio FH3 also has a similar, possibly better fit. It’s only 130 bucks and sounds great especially for bass. it’s timbre isn’t great though. Awesome imaging and stage.

The IEM everyone should have - Blon BL03had been Tripowin Mele

My favorite IEM around $100 - Fiio FH3

Best Starter IEM - LZ A7. Find your preferred tuning.

TIER1 Best IEMs around $300 - Mangird Tea, Moondrop Blessing 2, TANCHJIM Oxygen

TIER2 Best IEMs around $500 - $700 - Safe tuned - Thieaudio Clairvoyance/Oracle, Xenns Up - Subbass tuned - Thieaudio Monarch, Moondrop Variations

TIER3 Endgame - Unique Melody MEST MKII - Authentic audiophile replay at it’s finest.

It’s my favorite tip because the silicone is so soft and comfortable and they give me a seal without any fuss. They should help for sure. Spinfit CP100+ are newer and possibly even softer and are supposed to have less irritation with skin. I think I still prefer the normal CP100 but everyone is different. If you can afford to, collect as many as you can to find out what works best for you. Remember, every IEM is different so not just one size tip will always fit your ears.

Start building that tip collection. It’s extremely important.

If all else fails, I guess you could try foams, but that’s a complete last resort.


Cool, thanks.

I have the Mele. I think I’m going to wait for the Moondrop Kato to get some reviews and see how the technicalities are on that as the Aria is the best fit/comfort so far for me. If the Kato is a more technically proficient Aria with similar ergos, it will be perfect for what I’m looking for.

Thanks for the list! I’m excited to see what UM is launching this xmas. Chris (Hawaii bad boy) hinted at something cool coming from t hem.

I didn’t realize there was a new CP100 Plus. Just ordered those instead of the CP100 since they claim comfort is improved. Also, expected delivery date is sooner so that’s a plus.

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There ya go! Mele is one of, if not the most comfortable IEMs I’ve ever had in my ears. It’s also TOTL tuning for most libraries. Most people would never want more than what it offers.

Congrats! Fantastic IEM.

Nice! Excited for you. I’m not completely sold on them. I’m beginning to believe that there is such a thing as too much of a seal. I have been dealing with issues with my right ear drum and inner-ear issues for about a year now off and on. I think I damaged my eardrum and it took a year to fully heal. I was also suffering from tinnitus because of it.

I believe it all stemmed from my IEM usage of putting IEMs into my ears and taking them out, constant tip rolling and swapping in and out different IEMs a lot. I advise anyone/everyone to be careful with your ears and to take a lot of caution with IEMs because of this.

The CP100+ are slightly more sticky and seal very well. This is what you want as an IEM enthusiast but if that suction is too much and you’re tugging that suction on your ear drum and inner ear too often, you might hurt yourself as I did in my case.

Anyway, I’m an idiot, don’t do what I do and enjoy the music!

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The absolute last resort would be custom tips lol. But they are damn expensive.

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Nah bro. Chop some comply in half, leaving nozle naked. Doesnt change sound.

The redrol method isnt it?

Foams are still a completely other material, so there will be changes compared to silicone.


You’re not a real IEM enthusiast if you’re using foams. TRAITOR! Get him boyz! :wink:


Yeah. I spent some bucks to try it. It works. Sounds quite good since you’re only using it for isolation. Only works on big boi stuff like var, ej, monarch, etc. Normal nozzle doesnt.

I still use silicone. The good ones. The non spinfit :wink:

Ouch. That hurt. You really are a troll.

If I could, I think I’d be using the stock blue tips that came on the MEST on everything I have. They sound the most neutral and they hardly impede the nozzle what so ever.

But you can’t purchase them individually that I have found yet. I’m thinking of contacting Musicteck to inquire on getting more.


Thanks, I like you too.

I think I never told you this, but it’s kinda sad that you need SF for everything. Not that I think SF are bad, don’t grt me wrong, they have almost perfect seal and confort. But it’s sad just because there’s a world like there that people that have canals like yours can’t try.

Guess im lucky, never really tought into it. My first struggle was Variations, and I got pissed very fast. Can only imagine people that struggle everytime.

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I tired to stay away form IEMs for a while since I didn’t want to blow money on something I wouldn’t use. I wear headphones all day, but I always get the headphone band hair line haha. So I wanted something I could use when I didn’t want to have a massive divot in the top of my head. That lead me down the IEM rabbit hole and I jumped in too deep.

The mele is meh for me for comfort. The aria was actually the most comfortable IEM I had used but returned it since I had the Mele. Looking back, I wish I kept the Aria and got rid of the Mele instead. I find the Aria to be a step up in everything except sub-bass over the Mele.

We’ll see what happens next…