Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

There is something special about these tips. If anyone can suggest tips just like these, I’d be all ears. They are special because the silicone used is extremely thin and very flexible totally unlike the silicone used in something like Final E tips which are very, very thick silicone. My ear canals won’t allow a seal unless the silicone is extremely thin and conformative.

Other than Spinfits, these are some of the only tips that seal properly for me…

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your description makes it sound like a wide-bore version (judging by the pic) of the Sony EP-EX11 tips.


Have you ever tried Audiosense S400 ?
QC is not great so you need to grab a few pairs, but their silicone is thin and soft.


Also the stock tips you will get with your DQ6. Everybody despise them but they are very soft and to me they seal very well. Worth a try IMO.

E-pro horns ep01?

I think you’ll love epro silicone materials. I own ep00

I’m going to be a bitch about this. If these are what you suggested, you can see from the picture, the silicone sheath is considerably thicker. Like double to 3 times the thickness of the UM tips.

Thats one of the stock tips from the DT300 I believe.

Is that from the LZ A7? Those include fake EP-EX11 tips lol. They look identical but feel completely different.

I have not. The silicone still appears quite thick in comparison. But thanks for the rec.

lol, you just reminded me I have this order.


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Waiting on opinions on ep01 :slight_smile:

I’ll take a look at those tips. If I recall, the tips in the LZ A7 did appear very thin.

The pic I just posted was found online. I was going to order them. I just don’t want to waste money on tips (as I have so many times) when they won’t seal for me. I know what I need, I just need to find them if they exist.

The UM tips still aren’t perfect. The nozzle material is very hard plastic, it would be better if it were soft like Spinfits are and I’d like the sheath material to be slightly longer.

Wait for goku to get ep01, you might like it.


They are as soft as CP145.

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EP-EX11 are one of the softest tips I have…beaten in softness by the JVC Spiral dots++ (but those are so soft they dont grip the nozzle too well and falls off often).

Take a look at the A7 tips, they look the same to me.

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I own that. You gonna love the material. But ep01 seem shorter. Bore is the same i think.

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Do you have an amazon link?

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Keep in mind that the EP00 and the EP01 differs in their bore size. EP00 is the wide bore and the EP01 is the narrow bore version I believe.


Ordered. Thank you @TkSilver